"Journal of Psycholinguistic Research" Plenum Press
- ・Vol.6 No.1 Jan. 1977 600円
- 1:" On the Surfice Structure of Infinitive-Complement Sentences"(Susan Kemper, Jack Catlin and John S. Bowers)
2:"Antonymy and Ten Modern English Color-Names"(Barbara Hunt Lazerson)
3:"Recognition Memory for Active and Passive Sentences"(Carlton T. James and Adele A. Abrahamson)
4:"Parent and Sibling Comprehension of Children's Speach"(Richard M. Weist and Betty Kruppe)
5:"Effect of Verbal Imitation and Comprehension Training on Verbal Production"(Kenneth F. Ruder, Patricia Hermann, and Richard L. Schiefelbusch)
- ・Vol.6 No.3 July 1977 蔵印有 500円
- 1:" Processes and Products of Imitation: Additional Evidence That Imitation Is Progressive"(Ernst L. Moerk)
2:"The Varying Presuppositional Nature of Comparatives"(E. Tory Higgins)
3:"The Development of Attitudes Toward Dialect in Italian Children"(Cristiana Cremona and Elizabeth Bates)
4:"On the Nature of Children's Judgments of Linguistic Features: Semantic Relations and Grammatical Morphemes"
(Laurece B. Leonard, Jacqueline G. Bolders, and Rebecca A. Curtis)
5:"The Anomaly of Anomaly"(Howard R. Polio and Barbara C. Burns)
- ・Vol.6 No.4 Oct. 1977 蔵印有 500円
- 1:" The Conceptual Structure of Aphasic and Schizophrenic Patients in a Nonverbal Sorting Task"
(Stephanie Kelter, Rudolf Cohen, Dorothea Engel, Gudula List, and Hans Strohner)
2:"On Strategies for Processing Relative Clauses: A Comparison of Children and Adults"(Amy Sheldon)
3:"Lexical Derivation"(John T. E. Richardson)
4:"Nonberbal Measurement of Affect: The Graphic Differential"(Patrice L. French)
- ・Vol.7 No.2 Mar. 1978 600円
- 1:" The Psychological Reality of Underlying Forms and Rules for Stress"(Robert L. Trammel)
2:"Psycholinguistic Analyses of Coercive Communications"(Murray S. Miron and Thomas A. Pasquale)
3:"Semantic and Episodic Constrains on the Use of Surface-Oeder Cues in the Comprehension of Locative Sentences"(Ira Fischler and Rachel Goodman)
4:"Use of Coordinate Sentences with the Conjunction and for Describing Temporal and Locative Relations Between Events"(Rita Jeruchimowicz Leremy)
- ・Vol.7 No.4 July 1978 600円
- 1:" Language and Thought: Some Remarks on Chomsky and Piaget"(Barbel Inhelder)
2:"The Influence of the Form of the Question on the Eyewitness Testimony of Preschool Children"
(Philip S. Duke, Elizabeth F. Loftus, and Linda Rathbun)
3:"Studies in Dialogue and Discourse. 3. Utterance Structure and Utterance Function in Interrogative Sequences"(Elliot G. Mishler)
4:"Efffect of Listener Age and Situation on the Politeness of Children's Directives"(Sharon L. James)
- ・Vol.7 No.5 Sep. 1978 600円
- 1:" Linguistic Negation in Autistic and Normal Children"(Theodore Shapiro and Richard Kapit)
2:"Toward a Differentation of Descriptive and Psycholinguistic Language Models: Perceptual
and Orthographic/Phonological Analysisof Spelling Strategies"(Susan H. Huuston)
3:"Imitative Language and Symbolic Maturity in the Single-Word Period"(Lorraine McCune Nicolich and Jane B. Raph)