"Journal of Philosophical Logic" D. Reidel Publishing Co.
- ・Vol.4 No.1 Feb. 1975 500円
- 1:"Von Wright't Principle of Predication?Some Clarifications"(Jonathan Broido)
2:"On the Primary and Secondary Semantics of Logical Neccessity"(Nino B. Cocchiaralla)
3:"Truth and Logical Form"(Robert Cummings)
4:" Canonical Superlanguages"(Hans G. Herzberger)
5:"That 'Principia Mathematica', First Edition, Has a Predicative Interpretation After All"(Hughes Leblanc)
6:"The Surprise Examination Paradox"(James Mclelland and Charles Chihara)
7:"On (C.KK*) and the KK-Thesis
- ・Vol.4 No.2 Feb. 1975 500円
- 1:"Normal Modal Model Theory"(Kenneth A. Bowen)
2:"Basic Conditional Logic"(Brian F. Chellas)
3:"A Formalization of a Nominalistic Set Theory"(C. Chihara, Y. Lin, and T. Schaffter)
4:"Qualitative Probability as an Intensional Logic"(Peter Gardenfors)
5:"Contingent Identity"(Allan Gibbard)
6:"A Preference Logic Minimally Complete for Expected Utility Maximization"(Dennis J. Packard)
7:"An Analysis of Hansson's Dyadic Deontic Logic"(Wolfgang Spohn)
- ・Vol.4 No.3 Feb. 1975 500円
- 1:"Experimental Logics and 02-Theories"(R. G. Jeroslow)
2:"Paradoxes and Many-Valued Set Theory"(Robert E. Maydole)
3:"A Free Logic with Intensions as Possible Values of Terms"(G. H. Merrill)
4:"Universal Semantics?"(Richard Routley)
5:"Wajsberg Normal Forms for S5"(George F. Schumm)
6:"The Logic of Modifiers"(Thomas Schwartz)
- ・Vol.4 No.4 Feb. 1975 500円
- 1:"Axiomatizing Belnap's Conditional Assertion"(J. Michael Dunn)
2:"Stalnaker Conditionals and Quantum Logic"(Gary Hardegree)
3:"Essentialism in Quantified Modal Logic"(Thomas J. Makey)
4:"Facts and the Semantics of Gerunds"(John Martin)
5:"Urn Models: A New Kind of Non-Standard Model for First-Order Logic"(Veikko Rantale)
6:"Impossible Possible Worlds Vindicated"(Jaakko Hintekka)