"Foundation of Language" D. Reidel Publishing Co.
- ・Vol.13 No.1 May. 1975 600円
- 1:"Extended Generative Semantics: An Operational Approach"(Wilma Bucci)
2:"Passive Motivation"(Julia P. Stanley)
3:"Concerning 'Topicalization in Child Language'"(Sascha Felix)
4:"'Topicalization' "(Jeffry S. Gruber)
5:"The Ontic Status of Linguistic Entities"(H. R. Friedman)
- ・Vol.13 No.2 July 1975 600円
- 1:"Conditions for Verb Phrase Delection"(Susumu Kuno)
2:"Cashibo Modals and the Performative Analysis"(Olive A. Shell)
3:"The Generative Analysis of Kinship Semantics: A Reanalysis of the Seneca Data"(Paul Kay)
4:"Grammaire, implicite et ambiguite (a propos des fondements de l'ambiguite au discours"(Claudine Haroche)
5:"Speach Acts and Illocutionary Opacity"(A. C. Genove)
- ・Vol.13 No.3 Sep. 1975 600円
- 1:"Deictic NPs and Generative Pragmatics. A Possible Derivation of Deictic Nominal Expressions in English"(Claus F AErch)
2:"Against the Universality of Spatial Source and Goal"(Zygmunt Frajzyngier)
3:"The Parasitic Growth of Deep Structures"(J. Miller)
4:"Nominal Apposition"(N. Burton-Roberts)
- ・Vol.13 No.4 Nov. 1975 600円
- 1:"Why "Kill" Does not Mean "Cause to Die": The Semantics of Action Sentences"(Anna Wierzbicka)
2:"Adjectives and Adverbs in English"(John S. Bowers)
3:"The Passive in English and Greek"(Irene Warburton)
4:"A Note on the Role of Agreement in the Grammar of English"(Thomas A. Perry)
5:"Global Grammar and Index Grammar: A Refutation"(James R. Hurford)
6:"Sampson on Late Archaic Chinese"(A. C. Graham)