"History and the Individual (a college reader)(HC)" John Henry Raleigh(ed.)/Holt, Rinehart and Winston
● Prologue. : The Bible
- ・The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis
- "The Creation"
- ・The Book of Job
- "Man's Puniness"
- ・St. Mathew
- "Christ Resists the Temptations of the Devil ; The Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount"
● Part 1. : The Ancient World
- [History]
- ・Herodotus
"The Persians"/"The Egyptians"/"Xerxes Hears of Greek Bravery"/"Xerxes'Numbers"/"Thermopylae"
- ・Thucydides
"The Effects of War"/The Corinthias Describe the Athenians"/"Pericles' Funeral Oration"/The Athenians Subdue the Melians"
- ・Polybius
"The Lesson of History"/"Polybius Itroduces HIs Subject"/Polybius on Covernment"/Scipio and Hannibal Converse"
/Discipline in the Roman Army"
- ・Livy
"Hannibal Grosses the Alps, 218 B. C."
/"Hannibal Defeats the Romans at Cannae, 216 B. C."
- ・Josephus
"The Essences and the Other Jewish Sects"
- ・Tacitus
"The Golden Age"/"On Freedom and Necessity"/The Roman Forces in England, A. D. 61"
/"The Roman Senate Upholds an Ancient Law, A. D. 61"/The Causes of the Roman Civil Wars"
- ・Eusebius
"Eusebius Announces His Subject"/Christian Martyrdoms"
- ・St. Augustine
"On Free Will "/"On Socrates and Plato" /"On the Reasons for Romans Power"/"On Time, the Universe, and Human Life"/"The Two Cities"
- [The Individual]
- ・Socrates and Plato
"The Apology (on the Death of Socrates)"
- ・Theophrastus
"Characters : Letter Dedicatory"/"Dissembling"/"Flattery"/Self-seeing Affability"/Tactlessness"/Officiousness"
- ・Sallust
"Caesar and Cato Contrasted"
- ・Plutarch
"Marcus Cato"/"Cato and Aristides Contrasted"
- ・Tacitus
"The Death of Seneca"/"The Death of Tigellinus"/"The Character of Galba"
- ・Suetonius
- ・Diogenes Laertius
"The Character of Socrates"/"The Character of Antisthenes"
- ・Eusebius
"The Slaughter of the Infants and the Death of Herod"/"The Persecutions of Nero"
● Part 2. : The Medieval Warld
- [HIstory]
- ・Boethius
"Philosophy Rebukes Boethius"/Fortune and Friends"/The Vanity of Human Wishes"/"Fate and Free Will"
- ・Gregory of Tours
"The Chistian View of History"/"Evil Times"
- ・The Venerable Bede
"Caesar's First Invasion"
- ・The First Crusade (various authors)
"Prologue"/"The Capture of Jersalem"
- ・Otto of Freissing
"The Two Cities"
- ・Richard I and the Third Crusade (various authors)
"Regulations for the Crusaders"/"The Siege of Acre"/"The Gluttony of the Crusaders"
- ・Salimbene
"The Great Alleluia of 1233"/"The Evils of Civil War"
- ・Thomas of Eccleston
"The Piety of the Brethren"
- ・Giovanni Boccacio
"The Plague Visits Florence"
- ・Jean Froissart
"On Historical Accuracy"/"The Battle of Cressy"/"Wat Tyler and the Peasants' Revolt of 1381"
- ・Thomas A Kempis
"The Imitation of Christ"
- The Individual
- ・Bede
"The Character of Gregory the Great"/"The Life of Caedmon"/"A Man Dies in Sin"
- ・Einhard
- ・Heloise and Abelard
"The Love Affair (by Abelard)"/"Heloise to Abelard"
- ・Geoffry of Monmouth
"King Lear"/"King Arthur"
- ・Saxo Grammaticus
"The Story of Amleth (Hamlet)"
- ・St. Francis
"St. Francis Preaches to the Birds"/St. Francis Subdues a Wolf"
- ・Dante
"The First Meetings with Beatrice"/"The Sufferings of Love"/Death and Love"
- ・Joan of Arc
"The Trial"
● Part 3. : The Renaissance to the French Revolution
- History
- ・Columbus
"The Beginning of the Voyage"/"The Discovery of Land"
- ・Englishmen in Russia in the Sixteenth Century
"Jenkinson Describes Ivan the Terrible and Russian Customs"/Fletcher Describes Ivan's Daily Routines"
- ・The Spanish Armada (anoymous)
"The Engagement"
- ・Sir Walter Raleigh
"Preface to History of the World"
- ・The Log of the 'May-Flower' (anonymous)
- ・John Milton
"Rome and Britain"
- ・Edward Clarendon
"The Ways of History"
- ・Marlborough
"The Battle of Blenheim"
- ・Voltaire
"The Plan of the History"/"A Recapitulation of the History"
- ・Edward Gibbon
"The Rise of Christianity"/Pagan Beliefs and Christianity"
- ・David Hume
"Early History"/The Execution and Character of Charles I"
- ・Adam Smith
"A History of Education"
- ・J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur
"On Huan Cruelty"
- The Individual
- ・Vasari
"Apprenticeship and Early Recognition of ichelangelo"/"The Carving of the Status of David"
/"The Making of the Sistine Chapel"/"Michelangelo's Deathand Character"
- ・John Aubrey
"Sir Walter Raleigh"/"William Shakespeare"/"John Milton"/William Penn"
- ・Thomas Fuller
"Queen Elizabeth I"/Sir Edward Coke"/"Sir Philip Sidney"/Sir Francis Baco"/"John Smith"
- ・Edward Clarendon, Sir Philip Earwick, John Maidstone, and Richarl Baxter
"Oliver Cromwell"
- ・William Stukeley
"Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton"
- ・Jean Jacques Rousseau
- ・James Boswell
"Boswell Meets Rousseau"/"Boswell Meets Voltaire"
- ・John Smith and Henry Crabb Robinson
"A Life of William Blake"/"Reminiscences of Blake"
● Part 4. : The Franch Revolution to World War II
- [Histoy]
- ・Count Phillip-Paul de Segur
"The Beginning of Napoleon's Invasion of Russia"/"After the Battle of Borodino"/"The Preparations for Burning Moscow"
/"The Retreat"/"The Last Stages of the Retreat"
- ・Brooks Adams
"John Quincy Adams as a Scientist"/"The Tragedy of Adams"/"The Degradation of Democracy"
- ・Alexis, Count de Tocqueville
"The Future of America and Russia"/"The Consequence of Equality"
- ・Charles Darwin
"The Fuegians"
- ・Thomas Babington Macaulay
"Private Wealth and Public Progress"/"Population and Law"/"Agriculture, Industry, and the Country Squite"/"Literature"/"Nostalgia for the Past"
- ・Charles Darwin
"Conclusion to On the Origin of Species"
- ・Abraham Lincolin
"The Gettysburg Address"
- ・Karl Marx
"The Working Day"
- ・Friedrich Nietzsche
"The Interplay of Dionysiac and Apollonian"/"The Spell of Socrates"
- ・Fyodor Dostoevski
"The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor"
- ・Sir James Frazer
"The King of Wood"/"The Thesis of 'The Golden Bough'"//"The Nature of Magic"/"Conclusion to 'The Golden Bough'"
- ・Theodore Gaster
"A Modern Anthropologist Looks st 'The Golden Bough'"
- ・Albert Schweitzer
"The Philosophy of Civilization"
- ・Sigmund Freud
"The War between Eros and Death"
- ・Heinz Schroter on the Battle of Stalingrad
"The Last Days of the German Sixth Army Horror in the Cellars"
- ・Arnold Toynbee
"Challenge and Response in History"
- ・Reinhold Niebuhr
"The Irony of History"
- [The Individual]
- ・Edward Everett
"The Boyhood and Adolescence of John Quincy Adams"
- ・William Makepeace Thackeray
"Life and Death of George III"
- ・Enid Starkie
"The Love Affair of Charles Baudelaire and Jeanne Duval"
- ・John Morley
"The Character of William Ewart Gladstone"
- ・Two American Soldier on the Battle of Gettysburg
"Private Sturtevant of Vermont Describes Pickett's Charge"/"Captain Smith of Virginia Describes Pickett's Charge"
- ・Albert Schweitzer
"Childhood and Idealism"
- ・Maxim Gorky
"The Character of Tolstoy"/"Chekhov on Education"
- ・Robert Graves
"Trench Warfare"/"Death in the Trenches and Life Outside"
- ・Ignazio Silone
"The Break with the Communist Party"
- ・William D. Hassett
"A Vacation with Franklin D. Roosevelt at Hyde Park, 1942"
- ・H. R. Trevor-Roper
"Adolf Hitler Having Tea with Mussolini"/"Hitler and Eva Braum"/"The Death of Hitler"
- ・Edmund Wilson
"A Visit with George Santayana in Rome"
● Part 5. : The Modern World
- [HIstory]
- ・Fred Hoyle
"The Future and Fate of the Stars"
- ・George GamoW
"The Future and Fate of Earth"
- ・V. George Childe
"Archaeology and History"
- [The Individual]
- ・Andre Malraux
"The Discussion, in the Priory at Altenburg, of Man's Past and Significance"
- ・J. Robert Oppenheimer
"Man's Future - 'Prospects in the Arts and Sciences'