"Lingua" North-Hollnd
- ●vol.14 : Indo-Pacific Linguistic Studies(1)
- Chapter 1: Munda and Mon-Khmer Languages
- ・H.J.Pinnow "Personal pronouns in the Austroasiatic languages : a historical study"
- ・Norman H. Zide "Gutob-Remo vocalism and glottalised vowels in Proto-Munda"
- ・F. B. J. Kuiper "Consonant variation in Munda"
- ・H. L. Shorto "The Interpretation of archaic writing system"
- ・G. H. Luce "Danaw, a dying Austroasiatic language"
- Chapter 2 : Sino-Tibetan Languages
- ・E. H. S. Shimmonds "Notes on some Tai dialects of Laos and neighbouring regions"
- ・Fang-Kuei Li "The Tai and Kam-Sui languages"
- ・William J. Gedney " Yay, a Northern Tai language in North Vietnam"
- ・Robert B. Jones "On the reconstruction of Proto-Thai"
- ・E. G. Pulleyblank "Close/open ablaut in Sino-Tibetan"
- Chapter 3 : Western and Northern Austtonesian Languages
- ・C. Douglas Chretien "The statistical structure of the proto-Austronesian morph"
- ・A. Teeuw "Old Balinese and comparative Indonesian linguistics"
- ・Isidore Dyen "Formosan evidence for some mew proto-Austronesian phonemes"
- Chapter 4 : Melanesian, Micronesian, Papuan and Australian Languages
- ・J. C. Anceaux "Austronesian linguistics and infra-subgroup comparison"
- ・Andre G. Haudricourt "Problems of Austronesian comparative philology"
- ・Whilhelm Milke "Comparative notes on the Austronesian languages of New Guinea"
- ・Hisanosuke Izui "The languages of Micronesia : the unity and diversity"
- ・H. K. J. Cowan "The Oirata language"
- ・S. A. Wurm "Recent development in Ausrtalian linguistics"
- Chapter 5 : Polynesian languages
- ・Bruce Biggs "Direct and indirect inheritance in Rotuman"
- ・G. B. Milner "Initial nasal clusters in Eastern and Western Austronesian"
- ・Samuel H. Elbert "Phonological expansions in outlier Polynesia"
- ・Wilhelm Milke "Experiments in matrix reduction : applied to Austronesian data"
- Chapter 6 : Loans
- ・Eugenie J. A. Henderson "Final -k in Khasi : a secondary phonological pattern"
- ・Cecilio Lopez "The Spanish overlay in Tagalog"
- ●vol.15: Indo-Pacific Linguistic Studies(PB)
- Chapter 1 : Morphology and Syntax
- ・Cecilio Lopez "Contributions to a comparative Philippine syntax"
- ・Laurence C. Thompson "Endocentricity in Vietanamese syntax"
- ・J. E. Buse "Problems of morphology and classification illustrated from Rarotongan"
- ・G. Condominas "Two brief notes concerning Mnong Gar"
- ・E. M. Uhlenbeck "Some preliminary remarks on Javanese syntax"
- ・Ernesto Constantino "The sentence patterns of twenty-six Philippine languages"
- ・Nguyen-Dinh-Hoa "Parallel constructions in Vietnames"
- Chapter 2 : Classifiers and Calques
- ・Judith M. Jacob "Notes on the numerals and numeral coefficients in Old,
Middle and Modern Khmer"
- ・Hla Pe "A re-examination of Burmese 'classifiers'"
- ・John Okell "Nissaya Burmese, a case of systematic adaptation to a foreign grammar
and syntax"
- Chapter 3 : Verbal Systems
- ・H. S. Biligiri "The Sora Verb, a restricted study"
- ・Soren Egerod "Verb inflexion in Atayal"
- ・Anna J. Allott "Categories for the description of the verbal syntagma Burmese"
- ・R. Roolvink "The Passive-active per-/ber-//per-/memper- correspondence in Malay"
- ・Robert H. Morse "Syntactic frames for the Rvwang (Rewang) verb"
- Chapter 4 : Typology
- ・S. A. Wurm "Recent comparative and typological studies and Papuan Languages
in Australian New Guinea"
- ・Eugenie J. A. Henderson "The topography of certain phonetic and morphological
characteristics of South East Asian languages"
- ・R. H. Robins "Some typological observations on Sundance morphology"
- ・A. Capell "A Typology of concept domination"
- ・Denise Bernot "The vowel systems of Arakasese and Tavoyan"
- ・Nils M. Holmer "Types of consonant alternation in Austronesian, especially Melanesian"
- Chapter 5 : Language and Society
- ・Hans Kahler "Dialect and language (investigated with some examples
from Indonesian languages)"
- ・S. Takdir Alisjahbana "New national languages : a problem modern linguistics
has failed to solve"
- ・Anthony H. Johns "On translating the Nagarakrtagama"