"New Medeival Literature" Oxford Univ. Press
- ●New Medeival Literature 1
- ・"New Medieval Literatures : Breaking the Seal"(Wendy Scase)
- ・"Textual Territory : The Regional and Geograohical Dynamic of Medieval Icelandic Literary Production" (Margaret Clunies Ross)
- ・"Counterfeiters, Lollards, and Lancastrian Unease"(Paul Strohm)
- ・"Langlandian Reading Circles and the Civil Service in London and Dublin, 1380-1427"(Kathryn Kerby-Fulton and Steven Justice)
- ・"Conceptions of the Word : The Mother Tongue and the Incarnation of God" (Nicholas Watson)
- ・"Childhood, Pedagony, and the Lireral Sense : From Late Antiquity to the Lollard Heretical Classroom"(Rita Copeland)
- ・"Pedagogy, Violence, and the Subject of Music : Chaucer's Prioress' Tale and the Ideologies of 'Song'"(Bruce Holsinger)
- ・"When a Body meets a Body : Fegus and Mary in the York Cycle"(Ruth Evans)
- ・"Ageism : Leland, Bale, and the Laborious Start of English Literary History, 1350-1550"(James Simpson)
- ・Analytical Survey 1 : Leteracy History and Cultural Study"(David Lawton)
- ●New Medeival Literature 2
- ・"Introduction : Cender, Space, Reading Histories"(Rita Copeland)
- ・"The Spectral Jew"(Steven F. Kruger)
- ・"Unmanned Men and Eunuchs of God : Peter Damian's Liber Gomerrhianus and the Sexual Politics of Papel Reform"(Larry Scanlon)
- ・"Bel Acueil and the Improper Allegory of the Romance of the Rose"(Simon Guant)
- ・"States of Siege : Violence, Place, Gender : Paris around 1400"(Helen Solterer)
- ・"Metonymy, Montage, and Death in Francois Villon's Testament"(Jane H. M. Taylor)
- ・"Maytime in Late Medieval Courts"(Susan Crane)
- ・"The Trouble with Harold : The Ideological Context of the Vita Haroldi"(Robert M. Stein)
- ・"Elding the Interpreter : John Wyclif and Scriptural Truth"(Kantik Ghosh)
- ・"'Strange and Wonderful Nills' : Bill-Casting and Political Discourse in Late Medieval England"(Wendy Scase)
- ・"Analytical Surbey 2 : We Are Not Alone : Psychoanalytic Medievalism"(Louise O. Fradenburg)
- ●New Medeival Literature 3
- ・"Introduction : Production, Place, and Fantasy"(David Lawton)
- ・"Dante in Somerset : Ghosts, Historiography, Periodization"(David Wallace)
- ・"The Four Last Things in Dante and Chaucer : Ugolino in the House of Rumour" (Helen Cooper)
- ・"Another Counry : Aelfric and the Production of English Identity"(Kathy Lavezzo)
- ・"Forgery at the University of Cambridge"(Alfred Hiatt)
- ・"Rivaly and Reciprocity in Lydgate's Troy Book"(Scott-Morgan Straker)
- ・"Reading Caxton : Transformations in Capital, Authority, Print, and Persona in the Late Fifteenth Century "(William Kuskin)
- ・"'Srudying' in the Middle Ages - and in Piers Plowman"(Nicolette Zeeman)
- ・"School and Scorn : Gender in Piers Plowman"(Ralph Hanna 3)
- ・"Dirty Stories : Abjection in the Fabliaux"(Miranda Griffin)
- ・"Panopticon in her Bedroom : Voyeurism and the Concept of Space in the Love Lyrics of Early Medieval China"(Anne Birrell)
- ・"Analytical Survey 3 : The New Philology"(Sarah Kay)