"Shakespeare’s Christian Dimention -an anthology of commentary-(HC)" Roy Battenhouse (ed.)/Indiana Univ. Press(94)
- ・introduction : An Overview of Christian Interpretation
- Part I :Some Key Assennments
- Comment and bibliography
- ・”Christianity in Shakespeare”(Robert Speaight)
- ・”Typology in Shakespeare”(J. A. Bryant, Jr.)
- ・”Medival Idiom in Shakespeare”(L. A. Cormican)
- ・”The Basis of Shakespearian Comedy”(Nevill Coghill)
- ・”Shakespeare's ‘Small Latine and Less Greeke’”(Glynne Wickham)
- ・”Dante and Shakespere”(Francis Fergusson)
- ・”Shakespeare's Sense of History”(Tom F. Driver)
- ・”Nature and Grace in The Romances”(M. D. H. Parker)
- ・”Shakespeare's Augustinian Artistry”(Roy Battenhouse)
- ・”The Christian Basis of Sonner”(Charles Huttar)
- Part II : On Shakespeare's Comedies
- Introduction
- The Comedy of Errors : Comment and bibliography
- ・”The Liturgical Context of Errors”(R. Chris Hassel, Jr.)
- ・”Redemption in The Comedy of Errors”(Glyn Austen)
- The Merchant of Venice : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Bassanio's Two Saviors”(J. A. Bryant, Jr.)
- ・”Allegory in The Merchant of Venice”(Barbara K. Lewalski)
- ・”Shylock's Humanity”(John R. Cooper)
- ・”Shylock and the Leaden Casket”(Joan Ozark Holmer)
- ・”Shylock's Trial”(Lawrence Danson)
- ・”Jessica's Exodus”(Austin Dobbins and Roy Battenhouse)
- ・”Easter Liturgy and Love Duet in MV 5.1”(Mark Gnerro)
- Much Ado about Nothing : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Impediments and Remedy in Much Ado”(Arthur C. Krisch)
- As You Like It : Comment and bibliography
- ・”The Testing of Love in As You Like It”(Alice-Lyle Scoufos)
- ・”As You Like It as Christian Pastoral”(William Watterson)
- ・”’Tongues in Trees’ in As You Like It”(Rene E. Fortin)
- Twelfth Night : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Thematic Patterns in Twelfth Night”(Barbara K. Lewalski)
- ・”Twelfth Night : Drama of Initiation”(Rene E. Fortin)
- All’s Well That Ends Well : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Theological Tone in Aii's Well”(E. M. W. Tillyard)
- ・”Nature Redeemed in All's Well”(Eric Laguardia)
- ・”Christian Theme in Aii's Well”(Robert Grams Hunter)
- ・”The Way of Redemption in Aii's Well”(Frances Pearce)
- ・”Helena's Humility”(John D. Cox)
- ・”Bertram and the Marriage Duty”(Peggy Munoz Simonds)
- Measure for Measure : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Measure for Measure and the Gospels”(G. Wilson Knight)
- ・”Measure for Measure and Atonement Story”(Roy Battenhouse)
- ・”The Integrity of Measure for Measure”(Arthur C. Kirsch)
- ・”’Physic Bitter to Sweet End’”(Diane McColley)
- Pericles : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Pericles and the Miracle Play”(F. D. Hoeniger)
- ・”This Great Miracle”(Howard Pelperin)
- ・”Pericles and the Cosmic Overview”(Cynthia Marshall)
- ・”Pericles and Jonah”(Maurice Hunt)
- Cymbeline : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Cymbeline : Religious Idea and Dramatic Desighn”(Homer D. Swander)
- ・”The Strange Truth of Cymbeline”(David Scott Kastan)
- ・”Atonement after Fortunate Fall”(Arthur C. Kirsch)
- ・”The Renewed Eagle”(Peggy Munoz Simonds)
- The Winter’s Tale : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Sin, Repentance, and Restoration”(S. L. Bethell)
- ・”The Winter's Tale and Early Religious Drama”(Daryll Grantley)
- ・”Medieval Precedent in The Winter's Tale”(John D. Cox)
- ・”Christian Liturgy and The Winter's Tale”(Francois Laroque)
- The Tempest : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Sacramental Imagery in The Tempest”(E. J. Devereux)
- ・”An Analogical Reading of The Tempest”(George Slover)
- ・”The Regeneration of Alonso”(Robert Grams Hunter)
- ・”The Tempest and the Magic of Charity”(Patrick Grant)
- ・”From Tempest to Epilogue”(James Walter)
- Part III : On Shakespeare's Histories
- Introduction
- Richard II : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Hollow Rituals in Richard II”(Herbert R. Coursen)
- Richard IV, Parts 1, 2 : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Falstaff's Functions”(D. A. Traversi)
- ・”Falstaff as Parodist”(Roy Battenhouse)
- Henrry V : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Henry V”(harold C. Goddard)
- Henry VI, Parts 1, 2, 3 : Comment and bibliography
- ・”The Denial of the Shepherd”(Jonathan Clark Smith)
- ・”Parodic Shepherding in Henry VI”(William Watterson)
- ・”Passion-Play Echoes in Henry VI”(Emrys Jones)
- ・”The History Play as Drama”(John R. Elliott, Jr.)
- Richard III : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Bosworth, All Souls, and Constantine”(Emrys Jones)
- ・”Nemesis and Judgment in Richard III”(Tom F. Driver)
- ・”Richard III and Herod”(Scott Colley)
- ・”Providential Design in Richard III”(Phyllis Rackin)
- Part IV : On Shakespeare’s Tragedies
- Introduction
- Romeo and Juliet : Comment and bibliography
- ・”The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”(W. H. Auden)
- ・”Romantic Love as Lost”(Francis Fergusson)
- ・”Falling in Love : The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”(John F. Andrews)
- Hamlet : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Spirit of Health or Goblin Damned?”(Eleanor Prosser)
- ・”The Beginning of Hamlet”(Cherrel Guilfoyle)
- ・”Hamlet’s Evasions and Inversions”(Roy Battenhouse)
- ・”Hamlet's Vows”(James Black)
- ・”A Dedievalist Looks at Hamlet”(D. W. Robertson)
- Othello : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Reputation in Othello”(David Jeffrey and Patrick Grant)
- ・”Othello as a Judas”(Roy Battenhouse)
- ・”The ‘Base Judean’”(Joan Ozark Holmer)
- Troilus and Cressida : Comment and bibliography
- ・”’Mad Idolatry’ in Troilus and Cressida”(David Kaula)
- ・”Troilus and Cressida and Christian Irony”(Maurice Hunt)
- King Lear : Comment and bibliography
- ・”The Religious Dimension of King Lear”(Peter Milward)
- ・”King Lear and the Corinthian Letters”(Roger L. Cox)
- ・”Archetype and Parable in King Lear”(Maynard Mack)
- ・”The Ending of King Lear”(Joseph H. Summers)
- ・”The Extreme Verge in King Lear”(Walter Stein)
- ・”King Lear, the Storm, and the Liturgy”(John Cunningham)
- ・”As it was played ... St Stephan’s night”(Joseph Wittreich)
- Macbeth : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Macbeth and the Powers of Darkness”(Roland Mushat Frye)
- ・”Macbeth's Soliloquy”(Paul Jorgensen)
- ・”Macbeth and Mediaeval Stage Play”(Glynne Wickham)
- ・”Scotland's Christian Geography”(Roy Walker)
- ・”Hell and Judgment in Macbeth”(Harry Morris)
- Antony and Cleopatra : Comment and bibliography
- ・”Shakespeare's Archetypal Cleopatra”(Cliford Davidson)
- ・”Antony and Cleopatra and Christian Quest”(Andrew Fichter)
- ・”The Ending of Antony and Cleopatra”(David Scott Kastan)