『Shakespeare Survey(HC)(不揃い/分売)』Cambridge Univ. Press/図書館廃棄本・扉見返印ラベル、ヤケ有 裸本
volume 17:Shakespeare in His Own Age Allardyce Nicoll (ed.)(1964)
- ● The Daily Life
- ・"London and the Court" (T. F. Reddaway)
- ・"Provincial Life" (W. G. Heskins)
- ・"Sailors and the Sea" (D. B. Quinn)
- ・"Elizabethans and Foreigners" (G. K. Hunter)
- ・"Education and Apprenticeship" (M. H. Cortis)
- ・"The Law and the Lawyers" (E. E. Ives)
- ・"London's Prisons" (Clifford Dobb)
- ● Philosophy and Fancy
- ・"The Commonwealth" (Philip Styles)
- ・"Dissent and Satire" (Bernard Harris)
- ・"Scientific Thought" (Marie Boas Hall)
- ・"Medicine and Public Health" (F. N. L. Poynter)
- ・"The Folds of Folklore" (Katharine Briggs)
- ・"Symbols and Significances" (G. Pellegrini)
- ● Art and Entertainment
- ・"Actors and Theatres" (William A. Armstrong)
- ・"The Printing of Books" (Arthur Brown)
- ・"Music and Ballads" (F. W. Sternfeld)
- ・"The Foundations of Elizzabethn Language" (Muriel St. Clare Byrne)
- ○ Notes / Index
volume 19:An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Study and Production Kenneth Muir (ed.)(1966)
- ・"'Macbeth' in the Twentieth Century" (G. K. Hunter)
- ・"The Criminal as Tragic Here : Dramatic Methods" (R. B. Heilman)
- ・"Antithesis in 'Macbeth'" (G. I. Duthie)
- ・"Why Was Duncan's Blood Golden?" (W. A. Murray)
- ・" Image and Symbol in 'Macbeth'" (Kenneth Muie)
- ・"'Macbeth' and the Furies” (Arthur R. McGee)
- ・"Hell-Castle Queen" (Glynne Wickham)
- ・"'His Friend-like Queen'" (W. Moelwyn Merchant)
- ・"The Friend-like Queen : A Note on 'Macbeth' and Seneca's 'Medea'"(Inga-Stina Ewbank)
- ・"Shakespeare at Street Level" (D. S. Bland)
- ・"New Findings with regard to the 1624 Protection List" (John P. Cutts)
- ・"Shakespeare Productions in the United Kingdom : 1965"
- ・"The Royal Shakespeare Company 1965" (John Russell Brown)
- ・"The Year's Contributions to Shakespian Study :
- 1) 'Critical Studies reviewed' (Norman Sanders)
- 2) 'Shakespeare's Life, Times and Stage reviewed' (Stanley Wells)
- 3) 'Textual Studies reviewed'" (K. Walton)
- ○ Index
volume 21:An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Study and Production Kenneth Muir (ed.)(1968)
- ・"'Othello' : A Retrospect, 1900-67" (Helen Gardner)
- ・"The Two Parts of 'Othello'" (Ned B. Allen)
- ・"'Othello' : A Tragedy Built on a Comic Structure" ( Barbara Heliodora C. de Mendonca)
- ・"'Othello' and the Pattern of Shakespearian Tragedy" (G. R. Hibbard)
- ・"'Othello', 'Lepanto' and the Cyprus Wars" (Emrys Jones)
- ・"Iago-Vice or Devil?" (Leah Scragg)
- ・"Thomas Rymer and 'Othello'" (Nigel Alexander)
- ・"Delacroix's Tragedy of Desdemona" (Christina Merchant)
- ・"Verdi's 'Othello' : A Shakespearian Masterpiece" (Winton Dean)
- ・"William Hervey and Shakespeare's Sonnets" (I. R. W. Cook)
- ・"Imagery and Irony in 'Henry V'" (C. H. Hobday)
- ・"Shakespeare and the Action : Notes towards Interpretations" (Gareth Lloyd Evans)
- ・"The Year's Contributions to Shakespearian Study :
- 1) 'Critical Studies reviewed' (G. R. Hibbard)
- 2) 'Shakespeare's Life, Times and Stage reviewed' (E. A. J. Honigmann)
- 3) 'Textual Studies reviewed'" (J. K. Walton)
- ○ Index to Volume 21 / General Index to Volumes 11-20