"Science, Tecnology, and Economic Dewvelopment -a historical and comparative study-(HC)"
William Beranek,Jr., Gustav Ranis(ed.)/Praeger Publishjing(1978)/図書館廃棄本・見返扉印ラベル 小口ヤケ有 裸本
- Foreword(Thomas F. Malone)
- List of Tables and Figures
- List of Abbreviation
- Introduction(William Beranek,Jr. and Gustav Ranis)
- ・”Science, Technology, and Development : A Retrospective View”(Gustav Ranis)
- ・”Science, Technology, and Economic Development : The British Experience”(D. S. L. Cardwell)
- ・”The Role of Science and Technology in the National Development of the United States”(Nathan Rosenberg)
- ・”The Role of Science and Technology in Hungary’s Economic Development”(Maria Csondes, Lajos Szanto and Peter Vas-Zoltan)
- ・”Science and Technology in Modern Japanese Development”(Shigeru Nakayama)
- ・”Science and Technology in Brazilian Development”(Jose Pastore)
- ・”The Role of Science and Technology in the Economic Development of Ghana”(Edward S. Ayensu)
- ・”Gaps in The Science-Technology-Development Sequence : A Comment”(Simon Kuzunets)