"Iconicity -essays on the nature of culture-(festschrift for Thomas A. Sebeok on his 65th birthday)(HC)"
Thomas A. Sebeok, Paul Bouissac et al.(ed.)/Stauffenburg Verlag(86)/図書館廃棄本・小口少ヤケ見返扉印ラベル有 裸本
- ・Paul Bouissac, Michael Herzfeld, Roland Posner Editors&s Presentation
- ・Tabula Gratulatoria
- ・Claude Levi-Strauss Avant-Propos
- Section A : Theoretical Issues
- Part I : The Notion of Iconicity : Philosophical and Historical Perspectives
- Jerzy Pelc
- "Iconicity. Iconic Signs or Iconic Uses of Sighns?"
- Alain Rey
- "Mimesis. Poetique et Iconisme. Pour une relecture d'Aristote"
- John Deely
- "Idolum. Archeology and Ontology of the Iconic Sign"
- Joseph Ransdell
- "On Peirce's Conception of Iconic Sign"
- Kenneth Laine Ketner
- "Semiotic is an Observational Science. See for yourself ; Developing Skills with Part of Peirce's Beta Existential Graphs"
- Ivo Osolsobe
- "Two Extremes of Iconicity"
- Part II : Iconicity : Philogeny and Ontogeny. The Empirical Paradigm
- Thure von Uexkull
- "From Index to Icon. A Semiotic Attempt at Interpreting Piaget's Developmental Theory"
- Martin Kramoen
- "The Development of Children's Drawings as a Phase in the Ontogeny of Iconicity"
- Paul Bouissac
- "Iconicity and Pertinence"
- Part III : Reflections and Speculations : The Challenge of the Icon"
- Umberto Eco
- "Mirrors"
- Eugen Baer
- "The Unconscious Icon. Topology and Tropology"
- Anthony Wilden
- "Ideology and the Icon : Oscillation Contradiction and Paradox : An Essay in Context Theory"
- Section B : The Icon in Culture
- Part IV : Iconicity in Language and Literature
- Roland Posner
- "Iconicity in Syntax : The Natural Order of Attribute"
- Itamar Even-Zohar
- "Depletion and Shift. The Process of De-Iconization"
- Pierre Maranda
- "De-Texturalization, Semiotics, and Hermeneutics"
- Part V : Icons in Social Life
- Eric Schwimmer
- "Icons of Identity"
- Vilmos Voigt
- "Early Forms of Iconicity in Ethnic and Folk Art"
- Michael Herzfeld
- "On Some Rhetrical Uses of Iconicity in Culrural Ideologies"
- Dean MacCannell
- "Sights and Spectacles"
- Part VI : Bodily Icons
- Adam Kendon
- "Iconicity in Warlpiri Sign Language"
- Monica Rector
- "Emblems in Brazilian Culture"
- Pierre Maranda
- "Physiosemiotics. The Iconicity of Blinking"
- Fernando Poyatos
- "Nonverbal Categories as Personal and Sociocultural Identifiers. A Model for Social Interaction Research"
- Jean Umiker-Sebeok
- "Growing Signs. From Firstness to Thirdness in Life and Art"
- Appendix : Thomas A. Sebeok A Bibliography of his Writinfs 1942-1985
- Index of Names
- Biographical Notes