"Semiotics of Art -Prague School Contributions-(HC)" Ladislav Matejka(ed.)/Henry Cust(trs.)/The MIT Press
- ・Jan Mukarovsky "Art as Semiotic Fact"(I. R. Titunik)
- ・Petr Bogatyrev "Costume as a Sing -the functional and structural concept in ethnography-"(Y. Lockwood)
- ・ 〃 "Folk Song from a Functional Point of View"(Y. Lockwood)
- ・ 〃 "Semiotics in the Folk Theater"(B. Kochis)
- ・ 〃 "Forms and Functions of Folk Theater"(B. Kochis)
- ・Karel Brusak "Signs in the Chinese Theater"(K. Brusak)
- ・Jindrich Honzl "Dynamics of the Sign in the Theater"(I. R. Titunik)
- ・Jiri Veltrusky "Dramatic Text as a Component of Theater"(J. Veltrusky)
- ・Jindrich Honzl "The Hierarchy of Dramatic Devices"(S. Larson)
- ・Jiri Veltrusky "Basic Features of Dramatic Dialogue"(J. Veltrusky)
- ・ 〃 "Construction of Semantic Contexts"(J. Veltrusky)
- ・Roman Jakobson "Is the Cinema in Decline?"(E. Sokol)
- ・Jan Mukarovsky "Poetic Reference"(S. Janecek)
- ・Roman Jakobson "What Is Poetry?"(M. Heim)
- ・ 〃 "Signum et Signatum"(M. Heim)
- ・ 〃 "The Contours of The Safe Conduct"(J. Veltrusky)
- ・Felix Vodicka "Response to Verbal Art"(R. Koprince)
- ・Lubomir Dolezel "A Scheme of Narrative Time"
- ・Jiri Levy "The Translation of Verbal Art"(S. Larson)
- ・Jan Mukarovsky "The Essence of the Visual Arts"(J. Burbank/P. Steiner)
- ・Jiri Veltrusky "Some Aspects of the Pictorial Sign(1973)"