"The Communication Theory Reader(PB)" Paul Cobley/Routledge(69)
- ● Signification
- 1. Theories of the Sign
- ・Ferdinand de Saussure "The object of linguistics"
- ・Charles Sanders Peirce "A guess at th riddle"
- 2. The Sign in Use
- ・Emile Benveniste "The nature of the linguistic sign"
- ・V. N. Volosinov " Toward a Marxist philosophy of language"
- ・M. A. K. Halliday "'Introduction', language as social semiotic : the social interpretation of language and meaning"
- ● 'Meaning' : Linguistic and Visual
- 1. Linguistic 'Meaning'
- ・Ferdinand de Saussure "Linguistic value"
- ・Steven Cohan/Linda M. Shires "Theorizing language"
- 2. Visual 'Meaning'
- ・Roland Barthes "Denotation and connotation"
- ・ 〃 "The Photographic messaage"
- ・Umbert Eco "How culture conditions the colours we see"
- ・Gunther Kress/Theo van Leeuwen "Reading images"
- ● The Sign in Post-Structuralism
- 1. Signifies and Subjects
- ・Jacques Lacan "The agency of the letter in the unconscious"
- ・Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen "Linguisteries"
- 2. The Play of Differance
- ・Jacques Derrida "Semiology and grammatology : interview with Julia Kristeva"
- ・Brian Torode "Textuality, sexuality, economy"
- ● Sign Users and Speech Acts
- 1. Saying and Diong
- ・J. L. Austin "Performatives and constatives"
- ・John Searle "What is a speech act?"
- 2. Person, Process and Practice
- ・Emile Banveniste "The nature of pronouns"
- ・Roman Jakobson "Shifters and verbal categories"
- ・Gunther Kress "Social prosesses and linguistic change : time and history in language"
- ● The Inscription of the Audience in the Message
- 1. Cinematic Inscription
- ・Emile Benveniste "Relationships of person in the verb"
- ・Nick Browne "The spectator-in-th-text : the rhetoric of Stagecoach"
- ・Stephen Heath "Narrative space"
- 2. Bodies, Sunjects and Social Context
- ・M. A. K. Halliday "Language as social semiotic"
- ・Allan Luke "The body literate : discourse amd inscription in early literacy training"
- ・Judith Williamson "...But I know what I like : the function of 'art' in advertising"
- ● Readers and Reading
- 1. Interpretation, Ideation and the Reading Process
- ・Stanley Fish "Why no one's afraid of Wolfgang Iser"
- ・Wolfgang Iser "Talk like whales : a reply to Stanley Fish"
- 2. The Study of Readers' Meanings
- ・Jerry Palmer "The act of reading and the reader"
- ・Janice A. Radway "Reading the romance"
- ・Ien Ang "Dallas between reality and fiction"