『The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell(HC)(不揃い/分売)』
Nicholas Griffin and Albert C. Lewis (ed.)/Unwin Hyman, Routledge(1988-97)/図書館廃棄本・扉見返印ラベル有 裸本
A Bibliography of Bertrand Russell in 3 vols. set(HC) /Routledge(1994)/図書館廃棄本・扉見返印ラベル有 裸本 6500円
- vol. 1 : Separate Publications 1896-1990
- vol. 2:Serial Publications 1890-1990
- vol. 3:Indexes
volume 01:Cambridge Essays 1888-99 /George Allen & Unwin(1983)/小口少ヤケ有 裸本 4500円
- Part I. Adolescent Writings
- 1. Greek Exercises (1888-89)
- Headnote to Essay Notebook (2-8)
- 2. How Far Does a Country's Prosperity Depend on Natural Resources (1889)
- 3. Evolution as Affecting Modern Political Science (1889)
- 4. State-Socialism (1889)
- 5. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Party Government, and the Conditions Necessary for Its Success (1889)
- 6. “The Language of a Nation Is a monument to Which Every Forcible
Individual in the Course of Ages Has Cintributed a Stone” (1889)
- 7. Contentment ; Its Good and Bad Points (1889)
- 8. Destruction Must Precede Constrution (1889)
- Part II. Later Personal Writings
- 9. A Locked Diary (1890-94)
- 10. Die Eha (1893)
- 11. Self-Appreciation (1897)
- Part III. Later Personal Writings -General Headnote-
- 12. Can We Be Statesman? (1893)
- 13. Lovborg or Hedda (1894)
- 14. Cleopatra or Maggie Tulliver (1894)
- 15. Is Ethics a Branch of Empirical Psychology? (1897)
- 16. Seems, Madam? Nay, It Is (1897)
- 17. Was the World Good before the Sixth Day? (1899)
- Part IV. Graduate Essays in Epistemology and the History of Philosophy -General Headnote to Parts IV and V-
- 18. Paper on Epistemology I (1893)
- 19. Paper on Epistemology II (1893)
- 20. Paper on Bacon (1893)
- 21. Paper on History of Philosophy (1894)
- 22. Paper on Epistemology III (1894)
- 23. Paper on Descartes (1894)
- 24. A Critical Comparison of the Methods of Bacon, Hobbes and Descartes (1894)
- 25. Paper on Bacon (1894)
- 26. Paper on Descartes I (1894)
- 27. Paper on Descartes II (1894)
- 28. Paper on Hobbes (1894)
- 29. On the Distinction between the Psychological and Metaphysical Points of View (1894)
- Part V. Graduate Essays in Ethics
- 30. On Pleasure (1893)
- 31. On the Foundations of Ethics (1895)
- 32. The Relation of What Ought to Be to What Is, Has Been or Will Be (1893)
- 33. The Relation of Rule and End (1893)
- 34. On the Definition of Virrue (1893)
- 35. The Ethical Bearings of Psychogony (1894)
- 36. Ethical Axioms (1894)
- 37. The Free-Wll Problem from an Idealist Standpoint (1895)
- 38. Note on Ethical Theory (1896)
- 39. Are All Desires Equally Moral? (1896)
- Part VI. Fellowship and First Professional Papers -General Headnote-
- 40. Review of Heymans, Die Giesetze und Elemente des wissenschaftlichen Denkens (1895)
- 41. Observations on Space and Geometry (1895)
- 42. The Logic of Geometry (1896)
- 43. Review of Lechalas, Etude sur l'espace et le temps (1896)
- 44. The A Priori in Geometry (1896)
- Part VII. Political Economy -General Headnote-
- 45. Note on Economic Theory (1895)
- 46. German Social Democracy, as a Lesson in Political Tactics (1896)
- 47. The Uses of Luxury (1896)
- 48. Mechanical Morals and the Moral of Machinery (1896)
- 49. Review of Schmole, Die Sozialdemokratischen Gewerkscaften in Deutshland
seit dem Erlasse des Sozialisten-Gesetzes (1897)
- Appendixes
- ・Oulline and Reports of Lectures
- ・What Shall I Read?
volume 02:Philosophical Paper 1896-99 /Unwin Hyman(1989)/図書館廃棄本・扉見返印ラベル有 裸本 15000円
- Part I. The Dialectic of the Sciences (1896-99)
- 1. Note on the Logic of the Sciences (1896)
- 2. Various Notes on Mathematical Philosophy (1896-98)
- 3. Four Notes on Dynamics (1896)
- 4. Review of Hannequin, Essai critique sur l'hypothese des atomes dans la science contemporaine (1896)
- 5. On Some Difficulties of Continuous Quantity (1896)
- 6. Review of Couturat, De l'Infini mathematique (1897)
- 7. On the Relations of Number and Quantity (1897)
- 8. The Philosophy of Matter (1897)
- 9. On the Conception of Matter in Mixed Mathematics (1897)
- 10. Motion in a Plenum (1897)
- 11. Why Do We Regard Time, But Not Space, as Necessarily a Plenum? (1897)
- 12. Review of Love, Theoretical Mechanics (1898)
- 13. On Causality as Used in Dynamics (1898)
- 14. Review of Goblot, Essai sur la classification des sciences (1898)
- 15. On Quantity and Allied Conceptions (1899)
- 16. The Classification of Relations (1899)
- 17. Review of Meinong, Uber die Bddeutung des Weber'schen Gesetzes (1899)
- Part II. An Analysis of Mathematical Reasoning (1898)
- 18. An Analysis of Mathematical Reasoning Being an Inquiry into the Subject-Matter,
the Fundamental Conceptions, and the Necessary Postulates of Mathematics (1898)
- Part III. Philosophy of Mathematics (1898-99)
- 19. On the Principles of Arithmetic (1898)
- 20. The Fundmental Ideas and Axioms of Mathematics (1899)
- Part IV. Geometry (1898-99)
- 21. On the Constituents of Space and Their Mutual Relations (1898)
- 22. Are Euclid's Axioms Empirical? (1898)
- 23. Note on Order (1898)
- 24. Notes on Geometry (1899)
- 25. The Axioms of Geometry (1899)
- Appendixes
- ・French Texts
- ・Miscellaneous Notes
- ・Extracts from Russell's Mathematical Notebook of 1896
- ・Lost Papers
- ・Versos from Paper 3
- ・Reading Lists for the Philosophy of Dynamics (1897)
volume 03:Toward the "Principles of Mathematics" 1900-02 /Routledge(1993)/小口少ヤケ有 裸本 売切れ
- Part I. Drafts of the Principles of Mathematics -General Headnote-
- 1. Principles of Mathematics, Draft of 1899-1900
- 2. Part I of the Principles, Draft of 1901
- 3. Plan for Book I : The Variable (1902)
- Part II. Later Personal Writings -General Headnote-
- 4. Is Position in Time Absolute or Relative? (1900)
- 5. The Notion of Order and Absolute Position or in Space and Time (1901)
- 6. Is Position in Time and Space Absolute or Relative? (1901)
- Part III. After Peano : Foundations of Mathematics -General Headnote-
- 7. On the Notion of Order (1901)
- 8. The Logic of Relations with Some Applications to the Theory of Series (1901)
- 9. Recent Italian Work on the Foundations of Mathematics (1901)
- 10. Recent Work on the Principles of Mathematics (1901)
- 11. Lecture II. Logik of Propositions (1901)
- 12. General Theory of Well-Ordered Series (1902)
- 13. On Finite and Infinite Cardinal Numbers (1902)
- 14. Continuous Series (1902)
- 15. On Likeness (1902)
- Part IV. Geometry -General Headnote-
- 16. Note (1902)
- 17. The Teaching of Euclid (1902)
- 18. Geometry, Non-Euclidean (1902)
- Part V. General Philosophy -General Headnote-
- 19. Review of Schultz, Psychologie der Axiome (1900)
- 20. Leibniz's Doctrine of Substance as Deduced from His Logic (1900)
- 21. Review of Boutroux, L'Imagination et les mathematiques selon Decartes (1901)
- 22. Review of Hastie, Kant's Cosmology (1901)
- 23. Do Psychical State Have Position in Space? (1902)
- Appendixes
- ・Identity and Diversity
- ・An Assult on Russell's Paradox
- ・Notes on Implication and Classes
- ・French Text of Paper 5
- ・Draft and French Text of Paper 8
- ・Outline of Paper 9
- ・Draft and French Text of Paper 12
- ・French Text of Paper 16
- ・Geometry
- ・Logic and Methodology as a Subject
- ・General Theory of Functions
volume 06:Logical and Philosophical Papers 1909-13 /Routledge(1992)/図書館廃棄本・扉見返印ラベル有 裸本 8000円
- Part I. Logic and the Philosophy of Mathematics
- 1. The Theory of Logical Types (1910)
- 2. The Philosophical Importance of Mathematical Logic (1911)
- 3. On the Axioms of the Infinite and of the Transfinite (1911)
- 4. What Is Logic? (1912)
- 5. Reply to Koyre (1912)
- 6. Review of Reymond (1909)
- 7. Review of Carus (1909)
- 8. Review of Mannoury (1910)
- 9. A Medical Logician (1912)
- Part II. The Problem of Matter
- 10. On Matter (1912)
- 11. Nine Short Manuscripts on Matter (1912-13)
- Part III. Metaphysics and Epistemology
- 12. On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood (1910)
- 13. The Basis of Realism (1911)
- 14. Anakytic Realism (1911)
- 15. Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description (1911)
- 16. On the Relations of Universals and Particulars (1912)
- 17. The Nature of Sense-Data : A Reply to Dr. Dawes Hicks (1913)
- 18. On the Notion of Cause (1913)
- Part IV. Ethics
- 19. The Elements of Ethics (1909)
- 20. Spinoza (1910)
- Part V. Critique of Pragmatism
- 21. Pragmatism (1909)
- 22. The Philosophy of William James (1910)
- 23. Review of James's Memories and Studies (1911)
- 24. Pragmatism and Logic (1912)
- 25. Review of James's Essays in Radical Empiricism (1912)
- 26. Review of Boutroux (1912)
- Part VI. Critique of the Philosophy of Bergson
- 27. The Professor's Guide to Laughter (1912)
- 28. The Philosophy of Bergson (1912)
- 29. Metaphysics and Intuition (1913)
- 30. Mr. Wildon Carr's Defence of Bergson (1913)
- Part VII. Critique of Idealism
- 31. Some Explanations in Reply to Mr. Bradley (1910)
- 32. The Philosophy of Theism (1912)
- 33. Hegel and Common Sense (1912)
- 34. The Philosophy of Good Taste (1912)
- 35. The Twilight of the Absolute (1913)
- 36. Philosophy Made Orthodox (1913)
- Appendexes
- ・F. C. S. Schiller's Replies to Papers 21 and 24 (1909-12)
- ・Preface to Philosophivcal Essays (1910)
- ・F. H. Bradley's Criticism of Russell and His Reply to Russell (1910-11)
- ・Sur les axiomes de l'infini et du transfini (1911)
- ・Le Realisme analytique (1911)
- ・G. Dawes Hicks's "The Nature of Sense-Data" (1911)
- ・Remarks Opening the Section (1912)
- ・”Reponse a M. Koyre” (1912) and an English Translation of "Sur les nombres de M. Russell" by A. Koyre
- ・”On Mr. Russell's Reason for Supposing That Bergson's Philosophy Is Not True”by H. Wildon Carr
volume 07:Theory of Knowledge the 1913 Manuscript- /George Allen & Unwin(1993)/小口少ヤケ有 裸本 売切れ
- Part I. On the Nature of Acquaintance
- 1. Preliminary Descrioption of Experience
- 2. Neutral Monism
- 3. Analysis of Experience
- 4. Definitions and Methodological Principles in Theory of Knowledge
- 5. Sensation and Imagination
- 6. On the Experience of Time
- 7. On the Acquaintance Involved in OurKnowledge of Relations
- 8. Acquaintance with Predicates
- 9. Logical Data
- Part II. Atomic Propositional Thought
- 1. The Understanding of Propositions
- 2. Anakysis and Synthesis
- 3. Various Examples of Understanding
- 4. Belief, Disbelief, and Doubt
- 5. Truth and Falsehood
- 6. Self-Evidence
- 7. Degrees of Certainty
- Appendixes
- ・Contents
volume 08:The Philosophy of Logical Atomism and Other Essays /George Allen & Unwin(1986)/小口少ヤケ有 裸本 売切れ
- Part I. Theory of Knowledge and Philosophical Metrhod
- 1. The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics (1914)
- 2. Mysticism and Logic (1914)
- 3. Preface to Poincare, Science and Method (1914)
- 4. On Scientific Method in Philosophy (1914)
- 5. The Ultimate Constituents of Matter (1925)
- 6. Letter on Sense-Data (1915)
- 7. Note on C. D. Broad's Article in the July Mind (1919)
- Part II. Review
- 8. Competitive Logic (1914)
- 9. Review of Ruge et al., Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Science (1913)
- 10. Mr. Balfour's Natural Theology (1914)
- 11. Idealism on the Defensive (1917)
- 12. Metaphysics (1917)
- 13. A Metaphysical Defence of the Soul (1917)
- 14. Pure Reason at Kenigsberg (1918)
- 15. Revview of Broad, Perception, Physics, and Reality (1918)
- 16. Professor Dewey's Essays in Experimental Logic (1919)
- Part III. The Philosophy of Logical Atomism
- 17. The Philosophyof Logical Atomism (1918)
- Part IV. Towards the Analysis of Mind
- 18. Manuscript Notes (1918)
- 19. On "Bad Passions" (1919)
- 20. On Propositions : What They Are and How They Mean (1919)
- Appendixes
- ・C. D. Broad's Paper on Phenomenalism (1915)
- ・Bertrand Russell's Notes on the New Work He Intends to Undertake (1918)
- ・Philosophical Books Read in Prison (1918)
- ・Duddington's Letter on Existence (1918)
volume 09:Essays on Language, Mind and Matter 1919-26 /Unwin Hyman(1989)/図書館廃棄本・扉見返印ラベル有 裸本 6000円
- Part I. Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
- 1. Analysis of Mind (1919)
- -Headnote to Three Short Manuscripts (2-4)-
- 2. Miscellaneous Notes (1919)
- 3. Analysis of Knowing (1919)
- 4. Points on Memory (1919)
- -Headnote to Reviews of Two Psychology Books (5-6)-
- 5. Feeble-Minded and Others (1920)
- 6. What Constitutes Intelligence? (1920)
- 7. Mr. Bertrand Russell's Analysis of Mind (1922)
- 8. Instinct and the Unconscious (1922)
- 9. Dr. Schiller's Analysis of The Analysis of Mind (1922)
- 10. Behaviourism (1923)
- -Headnote to Two Reviews of Broad (11-12)-
- 11. Mind and Matter (1925)
- 12. Review of C. D. Broad, The Mind and Its Place in Nature (1926)
- 13. Behaviourism and Values (1926)
- Part II. Logic, Epistemology and Semantics
- -Headnote to Two Reviews of Bosanquet (14-15)-
- 14. Is Logic Deductive? (1920)
- 15. The Nature of Inference (1920)
- 16. The Meaning of 'Meaning' (1920)
- 17. Mathematical Ohilosophy (1920)
- 18. Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921)
- 19. Review of J. M. Keynes, A Treatise on Probability (1922)
- 20. Physics and Perception (1922)
- -Headnote to Two Reviews of Ogden and Richards (21-22)-
- 21. The Mastery of Words (1923)
- 22. The Meaning of Meaning (1926)
- 23. Vagueness (1923)
- -Headnote to Two Working Papers for the Second Edition of Principia Mathematica (24-25)-
- 24. Truth-Functions and Meaning-Functions (1923)
- 25. What Is Meant by "A believes p"? (1923)
- 26. Logical Atomism (1924)
- 27. Perception (1926)
- 28. Theory of Knowledge (1926)
- Part III. Science, Mathematics and the Philosophy of Science
- -Headnote to Five Papers on Relativity Theory (29-33)-
- 29. Einstein's Theory of Gravitation (1919)
- 30. The Relativity Theory of Gravitation (1920)
- 31. The Theory of Relativity (1922)
- 32. Einstein (1923)
- 33. Philosophical Consequences of Relatiuvity (1926)
- -Headnote to Reviews of Four Books on the Theory of Relativity (34-37)-
- 34. Relativity, Science and Metaphysical (1922)
- 35. Science and Metaphysics (1923)
- 36. The New Graviation (1924)
- 37. Relativity in Dialogue Form (1926)
- -Headnote to Four Papers on the Atom (38-41)-
- 38. The Interior of the Atom (1923)
- 39. The Atom : Its Structure and Its Problems (1923)
- 40. Atoms in Modern Physics (1924)
- 41. The Structure of the Atom (1925)
- -Headnote to Reviews of Four Books on Science and Mathematics (42-45)-
- 42. Review of C. D. Broad, Scientific Thought (1923)
- 43. The Beginnings of Mathematics (1924)
- 44. Natural Laws (1924)
- 45. Leonardo as a Man of Science (1926)
- 46. The Philosophical Analysis of Matter (1925)
- 47. Introduction to Vasiliev's Space Time Motion (1934)
- 48. Materialism, Past and Present (1924)
- 49. Preface to Nicod's La Geometrie dans le monde sensible (1924)
- -Headnote to Reviews of Burtt and Whitehead (50-52)-
- 50. The Dogmas of Naturalism (1925)
- 51. Relativity and Religion (1926)
- 52. Is Science Superstitious? (1926)
- Part IV. Ethics, Politics and Religion
- -Headnote to Reviews of Two Books in Pulitical Philosophy (53-54)-
- 53. Philosophers and Rebels (1919)
- 54. Philosophy and Virtue (1919)
- 55. Review of Clutton-Brock (1919)
- -Headnote to Two Reviews of Lossky (56-57)-
- 56. The Possibility of Knowledge (1919)
- 57. Is Knowledge Intuitive? (1919)
- 58. Is There an Absolute Good? (1922)
- -Headnote to Reviews of Two Books in Ethics (59-60)-
- 59. What Is Morality? (1922)
- 60. Does Ethics Influence Life? (1924)
- 61. Psychology and Politics (1926)
- 62. A Russian Communist Philosopher (1926)
- Part V. History of Philosophy and Individual Philosophers
- 63. The Religion of Neo-Platonism (1919)
- -Headnote to Two Reviews of Aristotelian Society Publications (64-65)-
- 64. Philosophy and the Soul (1919)
- 65. A Microcosm of British Philosophy (1919)
- 66. Common-Sense Philosophy (1919)
- 67. Philosophy without Paradox (1919)
- 68. A Philosophic Realist (1919)
- -Headnote to Reviews of American, British and Irish Philosophers (69-73)-
- 69. The Noble Army of Philosophers (1919)
- 70. The Wisdom of Our Ancestors (1920)
- 71. Analytic and Synthetic Philosophers (1922)
- 72. Philosophic Idealism at Bay (1922)
- 73. The Christian Warrior (1922)
- -Headnote to Five Reviews of Santayana (74-78)-
- 74. The Aroma of Evanescence (1922)
- 75. What Constitutes Rationality? (1923)
- 76. A Synthetic Mind (1923)
- 77. Mephistopheles and the Brute (1923)
- 78. A New System of Philosophy (1923)
- 79. From Comte to Bergson (1922)
- 80. Lord Balfour on Methodological Doubt (1923)
- -Headnote to Reviews of Three Books on Eastern Philosophy (81-82)-
- 81. Philosophy in India and China (1923)
- 82. Early Chinese Philosophy (1923)
- 83.Philosophy in the Twentieth Century (1924)
- Appendixes
- ・"A New Theory of Measurement" (1919)
- ・Two Letters on "The Mystic Vision" (1919)
- ・Syllabuses of Lecture Courses (1919-26)
- ・F. C. S. Schiller's "Mr. Russell's Psychology”(1922)
volume 10:A Fresh Look at Empiricism 1927-42 /Routledge(1996)/図書館廃棄本・扉見返印ラベル有 裸本 6000円
- Part I. Autobiographical Writings
- 1. Things That Have Moulded Me (1927)
- 2. How I Came by My Creed (1929)
- 3. My Religious Reminiscences (1938)
- Part II. History and Philosophy of Science
- 4. Events, Matter, and Mind (1927)
- 5. Had Newton Never Lived (1927)
- 6. Einstein
- 7. The Future of Science (1928)
- -Headnote to Four Reviews of Eddington (8-11)-
- 8. Physics and Theology (1929)
- 9. Review of Sir Arthur Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World (1928)
- 10. Review of Sir Arthur Eddington, The Expanding Universe (1933)
- 11. Scientific Certainty and Uncertainty (1935)
- 12. Review of James Jeans, The Mysterious Universe (1930)
- 13. Determinism and Physics (1936)
- 14. Review of Hyman Levy, A Philosophy for a Modern Man (1938)
- Part III. Logic and Probability Theory
- 15. Mr. F. P. Ramsey on Logical Paradoxes (1928)
- 16. A Tribute to Morris Raphael Cohen (1927)
- 17. Probability and Fact (1930)
- -Headnote to Two Reviews of Ramsey (18-19)-
- 18. Review of Ramsey, The Foundations of Mathematics (1931)
- 19. Review of Ramsey, The Foundations of Mathematics (1932)
- 20. Congress of Scientific Philosophy (1936)
- 21. On Order in Time (1936)
- 22. On the Importance of Logical Form (1938)
- 23. Dewey’s New Logic (1939)
- Part IV. Educational Theory
- 24. How Behaviourists Teach Behaviour (1928)
- 25. The Application of Science to Education (1928)
- Part V. Writings Critical of Religion
- 26. Why I Am Not a Christian (1927)
- 27. Berrand Russell’s Confession of Faith (1927)
- 28. What Is the Soul? (1929)
- 29. Why Mr. Wood Is Not a Freethinker (1929)
- 30. Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (1929)
- 31. Is Religion Desirable? (1929)
- 32. Morality and Religion (1929)
- 33. Science and Religion (1935?)
- 34. Need Morals Have a Religious Basis? (1937?)
- 35. The Existence and Nature of God (1939)
- Part VI. Epistemology and Metaphisics
- 36. Physics and Metaphysics (1928)
- 37. On the Value of Scepticism (1928)
- 38. Bertrand Russell Replies (1929)
- 39. Analysis of Mind (1932)
- 40. The Decrease of Knowledge (1933-35)
- 41. Three Papers on "Useless" Knowledge (1933-35)
- 42. The Limits of Empiricism (1936)
- 43. Philosophy and Grammar(1936)
- 44. Philosophy's Ulterior Motives (1937)
- 45. On Verification (1938)
- 46. The Relevance of Psychology to Logic (1938)
- 47. Non-Materialistic Naturalism (1942)
- Part VII. Ethics and Politics
- 48. How Will Science Change Moral? (1928)
- 49. Democracy and Emotion (1929)
- 50. Is There a New Morality? (1929)
- 51. How Science Has Changed Society (1932)
- -Headnote to Four Papers on Ethics and Law for the Hearst Newspapers (52-55)-
- 52. On Utilitarianism (1933)
- 53. Individualist Ethics (1933)
- 54. Respect for Law (1933)
- 55. Competitive Ethics (1934)
- 56. The Philosophy of Communism (1934)
- 57. The Ancestry of Fascism (1935)
- 58. Freedom and Government (1940)
- 59. On Keeping a Wide Horizon (1941)
- Part VIII. History of Philosophy
- 60. Philosophy in the Twenties Century (1936)
- 61. Plato in Modern Dress (1937)
- 62. The Philosophy of Santayana (1940)
- -Headnote to Four Radio Discussins (63-66)-
- 63. Hegel : Philosophy of History (1941)
- 64. Descartes : A Discourse on Method (1942)
- 65. Benedict de Spinoza : Ethics (1942)
- 66. Lewis Carroll : Alice in Wonderland (1942)
- Part IX. The "How-To" Series
- -Headnote to Three “How-To” Papers (67-69)-
- 67. How to Become a Philosopher (1942)
- 68. How to Becom a Logician (1942)
- 69. How to Become a Mathematician (1942)
- Appendixes
- ・Syllabus for Lecture Course (1927)
- ・"Achilles and the Tortoise" by F. P. Ramsey (1927)
- ・"Sweet Tressonableness" by S. D. Schmalhausen (1928)
- ・"The Scientific Society" by Bertrand Russell (1933)
- ・Report in Fabian News of paper 57 (1935)
- ・[Manuscript 220.016640] (1937?)
- ・Two Letters by Hyman Levy (1938)
- ・"The Relevance of Psychology to Logic" by R. B. Braithwaite (1938)
- ・John Dewey's Reply to Paper 23 (1940)
- ・Santayana's Reply to Paper 62 (1940)
- ・"A Philosophy for You in These Times" (1941)
- ・Notes on Descartes for Paper 64 (1942)
- ・Notes for Lewis Carroll Broadcast, Paper 66 (1942)
- ・Notes manuscripts Preliminary to Paper 42 (1936)
volume 12:Contemplation and Action 1902-14 /George Allen & Unwin(1985)/小口少ヤケ有 裸本 4500円
- Part I. "Ashes of Dead Hopes"
- 1. Jurnal (1902-05)
- Part II. “Refuge in Pure Contemplation”
- 2. The Pilgrimage of Life (1902-03)
- 3. The Education of the Emotions (1902)
- 4. The Free Man's Worship (1903)
- 5. On History (1904)
- 6. The Study of Mathematics (1907)
- Part III. "Of the Two Natures in Man"
- 7. Prisons (1911)
- 8. The Essence of Religion (1912)
- 9. The Perplexities of John Forstice (1912)
- 10. Mysticism and Logic (1914)
- Part IV. Defence of Free Trade -General Headnote-
- 11. Literature of the Fiscal Controversy (1904)
- 12. The Tariff Controversy (1904)
- 13. Mr. Charles Booth on Fiscal Reform (1904)
- 14. Old and New Protectionism (1904)
- 15. International Competition (1904)
- 16. Mr. Charles Booth's Proposals for Fiscal Reform (1904)
- 17. Mr. Gerald Balfour on Countervailing Duties (1904)
- Part V. Graduate Essays in Ethics -General Headnote-
- 18. On the Democratic Ideal (1906)
- 19. The Status of Women (1906)
- 20. The Wimbleedon By-Election (1907)
- 21. After the Second Reading (1908)
- 22. Mr. Asquith's Pronouncement (1908)
- 23. Liberalism and Women's Suffrage (1908)
- 24. The Present Situation (1909)
- 25. Should Suffragists Welcom the People's Suffrage Federation? (1909)
- 26. Address to the Bedford Liberal Association (1910)
- 27. Anti-Suffragist Anxieties (1910)
- Part VI. Other Edwardian Controversies
- 28. Religion and Metaphysics, review of McTaggart (1906)
- 29. A History of Free Thought, review of Robertson (1906)
- 30. Freethought Ancient and Modern, review of Robertson (1906)
- 31. The Development of Morals, review of Hobhouse (1907)
- 32. Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic, review of Trevelyan (1907)
- 33. The Politics of a Biologist, review of Chattreron (1893)
- 34. Biology and Politics, review of Chatterton-Hill (1908)
- 35. Memories and Studies, review of James (1911)
- 36. Dramatic and Utiliarian Ethics (1911)
- 37. The Professor's Guide to Laughter, review of Bergson (1912)
- 38. The Place of Science in a Liberal Education (1913)
- 39. TheOrdination Service (1913-14)
- 40. Clio, A Muse, review of Trevelyan (1913)
- Appendixes
- ・Press Clippings of Russell's Free Trade Speeches (1904)
- ・Comments on Sociological Papers (1904-05)
- ・Press Clippings on the Wimbledon By-Election (1907)
- ・Meeting at Cambridge (1907)
- ・Deputation to Mr. Asquith (1908)
- ・A Protest Against the Prosections (1912)
- ・Women's Suffrage (1911)
- ・Persia (1911)
- ・Protest Against the Prosecutions (1912)
- ・Letters from Professor Gwatkin (1913-14)
- ・The Harvard Crimson Interview (1914)
volume 13:Prophecy and Dissent, 1914-16 /UnWin Hyman(1988)/図書館廃棄本・扉見返印ラベル有 裸本 6000円
- Part I. 4 August -24 December 1914
- 1. Friends of Progress Betrayed
- 2. The Rights of the War
- 3. Will This War End War? Not Unless th Democracy of Europe Awakkens
- 4. War : The Cause and the Cure. Rulers Cannot Be Trusted with Peace Negotiations
- 5. Our Foreign Office. The Need of Democratic Control
- 6. Armaments and National Security
- 7. Belgian Professors in Cambridge
- 8. Fear as the Ultimate Cause of War
- 9. Why Nations LoveWar
- 10. War, the Offspring of Fear
- 11. Letter to C. A. Reed
- 12. Possible Guarantees of Peace
- 13. Peace and Goodwill Shall Yet Reign
- Part II. 1915
- 14. The Ethics of War
- 15. Can England and Germany Be Reconciled after the War?
- 16. The Policy of the Allies
- 17. Mr. Russell's Reply to His Critics
- 18. Is a Permanent Peace Possible?
- 19. The Reconciliation Question
- 20. A True History of Europe's Last War
- 21. Mr. Bertrand Russell and the Ethics of War
- 22. To Avoid Future Wars
- 23. A Notable Gathering
- 24. Lord Northecliffe's Triumph
- 25. How America Can Help to Bring Peace
- 26. The Future of Anglo-German Rivalry
- 27. The Philosophy of Pacifism
- 28. War and Non-Resistance
- 29. On Justice in War-Time. An Appeal to the Intellectuals of Europe
- 30. The International Review
- 31. The War and Non-Resistance. A Rejoinder to Professor Perry
- 32. Edith Cavell
- -Headnote to Two Papers on Cambridge Controversies (33-34)-
- 33. Two Letters
- 34. Mr. Russell Replies
- 35. Review of Gilbert Parker, The World in the Crucible
- -Headnote to Two Critiques of British Foreign Policy (36-37)-
- 36. The Unpublished Critique
- 37. The Policy of the Entente, 1904-1914 : A Reply to Professor Gilbert Murray
- Part III. 1 January - 7 December 1916
- 38. Syllabuses for Eight Lectures on Principles of Social Reconstruction
- 39. Principles of Social Reconstruction
- 40. Disintegration and the Principle of Growth
- 41. What Is Wanted
- 42. Conscription
- -Headnote to Two Papers on Pacifism (43-44)-
- 43. Mr. Russell’s Praise of War
- 44. North Staffs' Praise of War
- 45. The Danger to Civilization
- 46. Principles of Social Reconstruction and Notes for Harvard Lectures
- -Headnote to First Papers for the No-Conscription Fellowship (47-48)-
- 47. Reply to "Academicus" on Conscientious Objectors
- 48. A Clash of Consciences
- 49. Two Years’ Hard Labour for Refusing to Disobey the Dictates of Conscience (The Everett Leaflet)
- 50. Practical War Economy
- 51. Will They Be Shot?
- 52. “Folly, Doctor-Like, Controlling Skill”
- 53. The Nature of the State in View of Its External Relations
- 54. Adsum Qui Feei
- 55. Liberty of Coscience
- -Headnote to Papers on Russell's Trial for the Everett Leaflet (56-57)-
- 56. Two Accounts of the Trial
- 57. What Bertrand Russell Was Not Allowed to Say
- -Headnote to Three Tributes to the Conscientious Objectors (58-60)-
- 58. An Appeal on Behalf of Conscientious Objectors
- 59. Mr. Tennant on the Conscientious Objectors
- 60. The Question of the Conscientious Objectors
- -Headnote to Two Calls for Peace Negotiations (61-62)-
- 61. Why Not Peace Negotiations?
- 62. What Are We Fighting for?
- 63. The Cardiff Speech
- 64. British Politics
- 65. Hon. Bertrand Russell Says When Fate of Constantinople Is Settled
- 66. The Conscientious Objector
- 67. Rex v. Russell
- 68. Clifford Allen and Mr. Lloyd George
- 69. Meeting with General Cockerill
- 70. Bertrand Russell and the War Office
- -Headnote to Two Papers from the Northern Lecture Tour (71-72)-
- 71. The World as It Can Be Made [Syllabus]
- 72. Foreword to Political Ideals
- 73. What We Stand for
- 74. Mr. Russell's Lectures
- 75. Mr. Bertrand Russell's Case
- 76. The NCF and the Political Outlook
- Appendixes
- ・Cambridge Support (1914)
- ・Popular Responsibility for War (1915)
- ・Cause of Wars (1915)
- ・Letter from 36 Sympathizers (1916)
- ・Memorandum for Private Deputation to the Prime Minister at the House of Commons (1916)
- ・NCF Ideals (1916)
- ・Bertrand Russell's Advice (1916)
- ・Says War Will Have Bad Effect upon Education (1916)
- ・Agenda for Meeting of National Committee of the NCF (1916)
- ・Fear Makes War (1916)
volume 14:Pacifism and Revolution, 1919-18 /Routledge(1995)/図書館廃棄本・扉見返印ラベル有 裸本 6000円
- Part I. Peace Diplomacy and America
- -General Headnote-
- 1. The Momennum of War (1916)
- 2. Letter to President Wilson (1916)
- 3. Why Do Men Persist in Living? (1917)
- 4. Two Ideals of Pacifism (1917)
- 5. The Logic of Armaments (1917)
- 6. For Conscience Sake (1917)
- 7. The Pacifist at Large (1917)
- 8. The Future of The Tribunal (1917)
- 9. President Wilson's Statement (1917)
- 10. Why the War Continues (1917)
- 11. The Prospects of the N. C. F. in the New Year (1917)
- 12. Prefatory Note (1917)
- Part II. The Spectre of Domestic Conscription and the Absolutist Challenge
- -General Headnote-
- 13. Universal National Service (1917)
- 14. The Government and Absolute Exemption (1917)
- 15. National Service (1917)
- 16. Liberty and Nationak Service (1917)
- 17. The Position of the Absolutists (1917)
- 18. Letters to Home Office Camps (1917)
- 19. War and Individual Liberty (1917)
- 20. Saul Among the Prophets (I) (1917)
- 21. Conscientious Objectors (1917)
- Part III. Russia Leaves the War
- -General Headnote-
- 22. Russian Charter of Freedom (1917)
- 23. Russia Leads the Way (1917)
- 24. The Evils of Persecution (1917)
- 25. The Conscientoius Objector : Reply to E. A. Wodehouse (1917)
- 26. The New Hope (1917)
- 27. America’s Entry into the War (1917)
- Party IV. Individual Witness or Collective Action
- -General Headnote-
- 28. The Importance of Mental Growth (1917)
- 29. Should the N.-C. F. Abstain from All Political Action? (1917)
- 30. Home Office Camps and Slacking (1917)
- 31. Resistance and Service (1917)
- 32. To the Russian Revolutionaries (1917)
- 33. The Russian Revolution (1917)
- 34. Report of Visit to Princetown (1917)
- 35. How to Destroy Prussian Militarism (1917)
- 36. The Value of Endurance (1917)
- 37. Letter of Resignation (1917)
- 38. Russia and Peace (1917)
- 39. Absolutist Conscientious Objectors (1917)
- Part V. A Summer of Hope
- -General Headnote-
- 40. Tribute at Leeds (1917)
- 41. Lord Derby and Leeds (1917)
- 42. Conscientious Objectors : Lord Derby and the Absolutists (1917)
- 43. The Chances of Peace (1917)
- 44. The Price of Vengeance (1917)
- 45. The Military Authorities and the Absolutists (1917)
- 46. Introduction to Clifford Allen's On Active Service (1917)
- 47. Pacifism and Economic Revolution (1917)
- 48. Leeds Aftermath (1917)
- 49. The Renewed Ill-Treatment of "C. O.'s" (1917)
- 50. A Pacifist Revolution (1917)
- 51. Pacifism and Revolution (1917)
- 52. 'I Appeal unto Caesar' (1917)
- 53. The Fall of Bethmann-Hollweg (1917)
- 54. The International Situation (1917)
- 55. Chancellor and Premier (1917)
- Part VI. Political Ideals
- 56. Political Ideals (1917)
- 57. Capitalism and the Wages System (1917)
- 58. Pitfalls in Socialism (1917)
- 59. Individual Liberty and Public Control (1917)
- 60. National Independence and Internationalism (1917)
- Part VII. The Coalition's Counter-Offensive against Dissent
- -General Headnote-
- 61. "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" (1917)
- 62. The Russian Revolution and International Relations (1917)
- 63. C. O. Hunger Strikes (1917)
- 64. The International Situation : The Pope's Peace Note (1917)
- 65. Imperialist Anxieties (1917)
- 66. The N. -C. F. Greets the Delegates of Inter-Allied Socialist Conference (1917)
- 67. Self-Discipline and Self-Government (1917)
- 68. Six Months for Spreading Truth (1917)
- 69. Secret Diplomacy (1917)
- 70. The Charge of Anarchy (1917)
- 71. The Kaiser's Reply to the Pope (1917)
- 72. Is Nationalism Moribund? (1917)
- 73. Asia and the War (1917)
- 74. The Time on Revolution (1917)
- 75. Count Czernin's Speech (1917)
- 76. A Valuable Suggestion by the Bishop of Exeter (1917)
- 77. The People and Peace (1917)
- Part VIII. The New Dictatorship of Opinion
- -General Headnote-
- 78. saul among the Prophets (1917)
- 79. Will Conscription Continue after the War? (1917)
- 80. The International Outlook (1917)
- 81. A New Tribunal for Gaol Delivery (1917)
- 82. The New Dictatorship of Opinion (1917)
- 83. Who Is the British Bolo? (1917)
- 84. Boloism in Power (1917)
- 85. The sanctity of Conscience (1917)
- 86. Lord Lansdowne's Letter (1917)
- 87. Military Training in Schools (1917)
- 88. The Government's "Concessions" (1917)
- 89. Freedom or Victory? (1917)
- 90. International Opinion during 1917 (1917)
- 91. The N. -C. F. Christmas Card (1917)
- Part IX. Russell Charged : Dissent in Disarray
- -General Headnote-
- 92. The German Peace Offer (1918)
- 93. The Bolsheviks and Mr. Lloyd George (1918)
- 94. Letter to the Morning Post (1918)
- 95. Draft of Defence (1918)
- 96. Statements by Bertrand Russell (1918)
- Part X. Russell in Prison
- -General Headnote-
- 97. Humn Character and Social Institutions (1918)
- 98. Despair in Regard to the World (1918)
- 99. On a Review of Sassoon (1918)
- 100. The International Outlook (II) (1918)
- 101. The Single Tax (1918)
- 102. For Any One Whom It May Interest (1918)
- 103. The State God (1918)
- Part XI. Epilogue : The Legacies of the Conscientious Objectors
- -General Headnote-
- 104. Why Are the C. O.'s Not Released? (1919)
- 105. What the Conscientious Objector Has Achieved (1919)
- 106. What the C. O. Stands for (1920)
- Appendixes
- ・Joint Advisory Council : A United Policy (1916)
- ・The Position in the Home Office Camps (1917)
- ・Russis's Charter of Freedom (1917)
- ・Guild Socialism and Education (1917)
- ・Concientious Objectors : The "Absolutists" and the "Ungenuines" (1917)
- ・Resolution on Home Office Camps (1917)
- ・Clifford Allen's Defence (1917)
- ・Plans for the People's Party (1917)
- ・Draft Memorandum to Lloyd George (1917)
- ・Question for the House of Commons (1917)
- ・Re-organisation of Information Bureau (1917)
- ・What We Stand for : Second Manifesto of th No-Conscription Fellowship (1917)
- ・Russell's Requests to Brixton Prison Authorities (1918)
- ・To All Meembers of the Fellowship (1919)