『The Works and Life of Christopher Marlowe(HC)(不揃い/分売)』
R. H. Case (ed.)/Gordian Press(1966)/図書館廃棄本・小口ヤケシミ、見返扉印ラベル有 裸本
vols. 1:The Life of Marlowe / The Tragedy of Dido Queen of Carthage
C. F. Tucker Brooke(ed.) 1200円
vols. 3:The Jew of Malta and the Massacre at Paris H. S. Bennett (ed.) 1500円
vols. 4:Edward II H. B. Charlton and R. D. Waller (ed.) 1500円
vols. 5:The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus Frederick S. Boas (ed.) 1500円
vols. 6:Marlowe's Poems L. C. Martin (ed.) 1500円