『The Whitehall Edition of the Complete Works of Lord Macaulay
:The Miscellaneus Works in 10 vols set <Limited Number 262>(HC)』
Lord Thomas Macaulay/G. P Putnam's Son(1898)/ヤケ、表紙スレ有 20000円
volume 01
- Critical and Historical Essays
- ・"Milton"
- ・"Machiavelli"
- ・"John Dryden"
- ・"History"
- ・"Hallam"
- ・"Mill on Government"
volume 02
- Critical and Historical Essays
- ・"Westminster Reviewer's Defence of Mill"
- ・"Utilitarian Theory of Government"
- ・"Southey's Colloquies"
- ・"Mr. Robert Montgomery"
- ・"Moore's Life of Lord Byron"
- ・"Sadler's Law of Population"
- ・"Southey's Bunvan"
- ・"Civil, Disabilities of the Jews"
- ・"Sadler's Refutation Refuted"
- ・"Samuel Johnson"
volume 03
- Critical and Historical Essays
- ・"John Hampden"
- ・"Burleigh and His Times"
- ・"Mirabeu"
- ・"War of the Succession in Spain"
- ・"Horace Walpole"
- ・"William Pitt, Earl of Chatham"
- ・"Sir James Mackintosh"
volume 04
- Critical and Historical Essays
- ・"Lord Bacon"
- ・"Sir William Temple"
- ・"Gladstone on Church and State"
- ・"Von Ranke"
volume 05
- Critical and Historical Essays
- ・"Lord Clive"
- ・"Leigh Hunt"
- ・"Lord Holland"
- ・"Warren Hastings"
- ・"Frederic the Great"
volume 06
- Critical and Historical Essays
- ・"Madame D'Arblay"
- ・"The Life and Writings of Addison"
- ・"Barere"
- ・"The Earl of Chatham"
volume 07
- Biographies
- ・"Francis Atterbury"
- ・"John Bunyan"
- ・"Oliver Goldsmith"
- ・"Samuel Johnson"
- ・"William Pitt"
- Indian Penal Code
- ・"Introductory Report Upon the Indian Penal Code"
- ・"Notes on the Indian Penal Code"
volume 08
- Contributions to Knight's Quarterly Magazine
- ・"Fragments of a Roman Tale"
- ・"On the Royal Society of Literature"
- ・"Scenes from 'Athenian Revels'"
- ・"Criticisms on the Principal, Itallian Writers. No. 1. Dante"
- ・"Some Account of the Great Lawsuit between the Parishes St. Dennis
and St. George in the Water"
- ・"A Conversation between Mr. Abraham Cowley
and Mr. John Milton Touching the Great Civil War"
- ・"On the Athenian Orators"
- ・"A Prophetic Account of a Grand National Epic Poem,
to Be Entitled 'The Wellingtoniad,' and to Be Published A. D. 2824"
- ・"On Mitford's History of Greece"
- ・"Lays of Ancient Rome"
- ・"Miscellaneous Poems, Inscriptions, ETC."
volume 09
- Speeches
- ・"Parliamentary Reform (March 2, 1831)"
- ・" 〃 (July 5, 1831)"
- ・" 〃 (September 30, 1831)"
- ・" 〃 (October 10, 1831)"
- ・" 〃 (December 16, 1831)"
- ・"Anatomy Bill (February 27, 1832)"
- ・"Parliamentary Reform (February 28, 1832)"
- ・"Repeal of the Union with Ireland (February 6, 1833)"
- ・"Jewish Disabilities (April 17, 1833)"
- ・"Government of India (July 10, 1833)"
- ・"Edinburgh Election, 1839 (May 29, 1839)"
- ・"Confidence in the Ministry of Lord Melbourne (January 29, 1840)"
- ・"War with China (April 7, 1840)"
- ・"Copyright (February 5, 1841)"
- ・"Copyright (April 6, 1842)"
- ・"The People's Charter (May 3, 1842)"
- ・"The Gates of Somnauth (March 9, 1843)"
- ・"The State of Ireland (February 19, 1844)"
volume 10
- Speeches
- ・"Dissenters' Chapele Bill (June 6, 1844)"
- ・"The Sugar Duties (February 26, 1845)"
- ・"Maynooth (April 14, 1845)"
- ・"The Church of Ireland (April 23, 1845)"
- ・"Theological Tests in the Scotch Universitied (July 9, 1845)"
- ・"Corn-Laws (December 2, 1845)"
- ・"The Ten-Hours Bill (May 22, 1846)"
- ・"The Literature of Britain (November 4, 1846)"
- ・"Education (April 19, 1847)"
- ・"Inaugural Speech at Glasgow College (March 21, 1849)"
- ・"Re-Election to Parliament (Novenber 2, 1852)"
- ・"Exclusion of Judges from the House of Commons (June 1, 1853)"