『The Whitehall Edition of the Complete Works of Lord Macaulay
    :The Miscellaneus Works in 10 vols set <Limited Number 262>(HC)』

     Lord Thomas Macaulay/G. P Putnam's Son(1898)/ヤケ、表紙スレ有 20000円

 volume 01

     Critical and Historical Essays
     ・"John Dryden"
     ・"Mill on Government"

 volume 02

     Critical and Historical Essays
     ・"Westminster Reviewer's Defence of Mill"
     ・"Utilitarian Theory of Government"
     ・"Southey's Colloquies"
     ・"Mr. Robert Montgomery"
     ・"Moore's Life of Lord Byron"
     ・"Sadler's Law of Population"
     ・"Southey's Bunvan"
     ・"Civil, Disabilities of the Jews"
     ・"Sadler's Refutation Refuted"
     ・"Samuel Johnson"

 volume 03

     Critical and Historical Essays
     ・"John Hampden"
     ・"Burleigh and His Times"
     ・"War of the Succession in Spain"
     ・"Horace Walpole"
     ・"William Pitt, Earl of Chatham"
     ・"Sir James Mackintosh"

 volume 04

     Critical and Historical Essays
     ・"Lord Bacon"
     ・"Sir William Temple"
     ・"Gladstone on Church and State"
     ・"Von Ranke"

 volume 05

     Critical and Historical Essays
     ・"Lord Clive"
     ・"Leigh Hunt"
     ・"Lord Holland"
     ・"Warren Hastings"
     ・"Frederic the Great"

 volume 06

     Critical and Historical Essays
     ・"Madame D'Arblay"
     ・"The Life and Writings of Addison"
     ・"The Earl of Chatham"

 volume 07

     ・"Francis Atterbury"
     ・"John Bunyan"
     ・"Oliver Goldsmith"
     ・"Samuel Johnson"
     ・"William Pitt"
     Indian Penal Code
     ・"Introductory Report Upon the Indian Penal Code"
     ・"Notes on the Indian Penal Code"

 volume 08

     Contributions to Knight's Quarterly Magazine
     ・"Fragments of a Roman Tale"
     ・"On the Royal Society of Literature"
     ・"Scenes from 'Athenian Revels'"
     ・"Criticisms on the Principal, Itallian Writers. No. 1. Dante"
     ・"Some Account of the Great Lawsuit between the Parishes St. Dennis
       and St. George in the Water"
     ・"A Conversation between Mr. Abraham Cowley
       and Mr. John Milton Touching the Great Civil War"
     ・"On the Athenian Orators"
     ・"A Prophetic Account of a Grand National Epic Poem,
       to Be Entitled 'The Wellingtoniad,' and to Be Published A. D. 2824"
     ・"On Mitford's History of Greece"
     ・"Lays of Ancient Rome"
     ・"Miscellaneous Poems, Inscriptions, ETC."

 volume 09

     ・"Parliamentary Reform (March 2, 1831)"
     ・"     〃     (July 5, 1831)"
     ・"     〃     (September 30, 1831)"
     ・"     〃     (October 10, 1831)"
     ・"     〃     (December 16, 1831)"
     ・"Anatomy Bill (February 27, 1832)"
     ・"Parliamentary Reform (February 28, 1832)"
     ・"Repeal of the Union with Ireland (February 6, 1833)"
     ・"Jewish Disabilities (April 17, 1833)"
     ・"Government of India (July 10, 1833)"
     ・"Edinburgh Election, 1839 (May 29, 1839)"
     ・"Confidence in the Ministry of Lord Melbourne (January 29, 1840)"
     ・"War with China (April 7, 1840)"
     ・"Copyright (February 5, 1841)"
     ・"Copyright (April 6, 1842)"
     ・"The People's Charter (May 3, 1842)"
     ・"The Gates of Somnauth (March 9, 1843)"
     ・"The State of Ireland (February 19, 1844)"

 volume 10

     ・"Dissenters' Chapele Bill (June 6, 1844)"
     ・"The Sugar Duties (February 26, 1845)"
     ・"Maynooth (April 14, 1845)"
     ・"The Church of Ireland (April 23, 1845)"
     ・"Theological Tests in the Scotch Universitied (July 9, 1845)"
     ・"Corn-Laws (December 2, 1845)"
     ・"The Ten-Hours Bill (May 22, 1846)"
     ・"The Literature of Britain (November 4, 1846)"
     ・"Education (April 19, 1847)"
     ・"Inaugural Speech at Glasgow College (March 21, 1849)"
     ・"Re-Election to Parliament (Novenber 2, 1852)"
     ・"Exclusion of Judges from the House of Commons (June 1, 1853)"