『Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels Collected Works(HC)(不揃い/分売)』Progress Publishing
volume 01:Marx 1835-1843
Richard Dixon, Clemens Dutt et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1975・p806) 3000円
- ・"Kark Marx Works August 1835-March 1843"
- ・"Letters"
- From the Preparatory Materials
- Early Literary Experiments
- Apendices / Note and Index
- The Early Writings of Marx Including His Doctoral Dissertation, Articles
from the Rheinische Zeitung; Poetry
volume 02:Engels 1838-1842
Robert Browning, Jack Cohen et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1975・p679) 3000円
- ・"Frederich Engels Works August 1838-December 1842"
- ・"Letters August 1838-August 1842"
- Early Literary Experiments 1833-1837
- Apendices / Note and Index
- The Early Writings of Engels, Including Poems and Correspondence
volume 03:Marx and Engels 1843-1844
Jack Cohen, Richard Dixon et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1975・670) 売切れ
- ・"Marl Max Works March 1843-August 1844"
- ・"Letters October 1843-August 1844"
- From the Preparatory Materials
- ・"Frederick Engels Works May 1843-June 1844"
- Supplement / Apendices / Note and Index
- By Marx and Engels, Including "Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right,"
the "Manuscripts of 1844"
volume 04:Marx and Engels 1844-1845
Jack Cohen, Richard Dixon et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1975・779) 売切れ
- Chapter 1 "Critical Criticism in the Form of a Master-Bookbinder"
- Chapter 2 "Critical Criticism" as a "Mill-Owner"
- Chapter 3 "The Thoroughness of Critical Criticism"
- Chapter 4 "Critical Criticism" as theTranquillity of Knowledge
- Chapter 5 "Critical Criticism" as a Mystery-Monger
- Chapter 6 "Absolute Critical Criticism"
- Chapter 7 "Critical Criticism's Correspondence"
- Chapter 8 "The Early Course and Transfiguration of Critical Criticism"
- Chapter 9 "The Critical Last Judgment"
- Note and Index
- The Holy Family, The Condition of the Working Class in England, etc
volume 05:Marx and Engels 1845-1847
Clement Dutt, W. Lough et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1976・661) 売切れ
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Works April 1845-April 1847"
- "Critique of Modern German Philosophy According
to Its Representatives Feuerbach, Bauer and Stirner"
- "Critique of German Socialism According to Its Various Prophers"
- Note and Index
volume 06:Marx and Engels 1845-1848
Jack Cohen, Michael Hudson et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1976・776) 売切れ
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Works Autumn 1845-March 1848"
- From the Preparatory Materials/Appendices/Note and Index
volume 07:Marx and Engels 1848
Gregor Benton, Clemens Dutt et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1977・p717) 2000円
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels March-November 1848"
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Articles from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung
June 1-November 7, 1848"
- Appendices/Note and Index
- Demands of the Communist Party in Germany, Articles, Speeches
volume 08:Marx and Engels 1848-1849
Gregor Benton, Clemens Dutt et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1977・658) 3000円
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Articles from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung
November 8. 1848-March 5, 1849"
- Appendices/Note and Index
- The Journalism and Speeches of the Revolutionary Years in Germany
volume 09:Marx and Engels 1849
Gregor Benton, Clemens Dutt et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1977・661) 3000円
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Articles from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung
March 6--May 19, 1849"
- Appendices/Note and Index
- The Journalism and Speeches of the Revolutionary Years in Germany
volume 10:Marx and Engels 1849-1852
Gregor Benton, Richard Dixon et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1978・787) 売切れ
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Works September 1849--June 1851"
- Appendices/Note and Index
- The Class Struggles in France, the Peasant War in Germany, Etc
volume 11:Marx and Engels 1851-1853
Clemens Dutt, Rodney Livingstone et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1979・769) 売切れ
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Works Augst 1851--March 1853"
- From the Preparatory Materials/Appendices/Note and Index
- Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany, the 18th Brumaire, Etc.
volume 12:Marx and Engels 1853-1854
Clemens Dutt, Rodney Livingstone et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1979・783) 2500円
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Works March 1853--February 1854"
- From the Preparatory Materials/Appendices/Note and Index
volume 13:Marx and Engels 1854-1855
Clemens Dutt, Rodney Livingstone et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1980・801) 売切れ
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Works February 1854--February 1855"
- Appendices/Note and Index
volume 14:Marx and Engels 1855-1856
Susanne Flatauer, Hugh Rodwell et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1980・832) 2000円
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Works February 1855--April 1856"
- From the Preparatory Materials/Appendices/Note and Index
volume 16:Marx and Engels 1858-1860
Susanne Flatauer, Hugh Rodwell et al.(trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1980・768) 4000円
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Works August 1858--Feburuary 1860"
- From the Preparatory Materials/Appendices/Note and Index
volume 17:Marx and Engels 1859-1860
Rodney Livingstone (trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1981・678) 2000円
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Works October 1858--December 1860"
- From the Preparatory Materials/Appendices/Note and Index
volume 38:Marx and Engels 1844-1851
Peter and Betty Ross (trs.)/小口ヤケ、カバ背ヤケ有(1982・712) 2000円
- ・"Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Letters October 1844--December 1851"
- Appendices/Note and Index