"Time Series -proceedings of the international conference held at Nottingham University, March 1979-(HC)"
Oliver D. Anderson (ed.)/North-Holland(1980)/図書館廃棄本・見返扉印 小口ヤケ有 裸本
- ・O. D. Anderson
- ”International Time Series Meeting (ITSM) : Nottingham University, 26-30 March 1979”
- ・O. D. Anderson and J. G. de Gooijer
- “Classifying Series Realisations from IMA and ARMA Processes”
- ・H. Tong
- “A View on Non-Linear Time Series Model Building”
- ・V. Haggan and T. Ozaki
- “Amplitude-Dependent Exponential AR Moder Fitting for Non-Linear Random Vibrations”
- ・K. W. Hipel and A. I. Mcleod
- “Perspectives in Stochastic Hydrogy”
- ・K. J. Astrom
- “Piece-Wise Deterministic Signals”
- ・F. Eicker
- “Vonsistent Parameter Estimation in Mixed Autoregressions and in General Linear Stochastic Regressions”
- ・C. L. Mallows
- “Resistant Smoothing”
- ・L. L. Jung
- “Asymptotic Theory of Predication Error Estimation Methods”
- ・P. M. Robinson
- “Estimation and Forecasting for Time Series containing Censored or Missing Observations”
- ・W. Bruggeman and D. E. O’Neill
- “Comparison of Classical Econometric Methods and Multivarlate Time Series Analysis in Assessing the Relationship between Consumption and Income”
- ・S. Dossou-Gbete, P. Ettinger and A. de Falguerolles
- “Identification and Preliminary Estimation of ARMA type Processes : Some Comments”
- ・D. Pfefferman and J. Fisher
- “Festival and Working Dats Prior Adjustments in Economic Time Series”
- ・G. Hyman and D. Booth
- “The Application of Multivariate Time Series Analysis to Local Area and Demographic Forecasting”
- ・W. Polasek
- “ACF-Patterns in Seasonal MA-Processes”
- ・J. Brode
- “On Forecasting Discontinuous, Non-Normal Stochastic Processes”
- ・K. P. Pfeiffer and T. Kenner
- “Characterization of Cardiac Arrhythmia Using a Moving-Average Model with Non-Linear Terms”
- ・S. Kaltio
- “A System for Time Series Analysis”
- ・E. Khabie-Zeitoune
- “Closed Form Likelihood in Multivariate Weekly Stationary Time Series”
- ・G. Melard
- “Some Links between the Harrison-Stevens and Box-Jenkins Methods for Univeriate Time Series”
- ・W. A. Nuri
- “Estimations in Regression Models with Errors Following an Autoregressive-Moving Average Scheme”
- ・L.-E. Oller
- “Are Speculative Price Series Random Walks?”
- ・A. Raveh
- “Least Polytone xAnalysis of a Time Series in which Probabilities”of Observation are Periodic”
- ・A. D. Thrall
- “A Spectral Analysis of a Time Series in which Probabilities of Observation are Periodic”
- ・M. Deistler
- “Parameterization and Consistent Estimation of ARMA Systems”
- ・G. Wahba
- “Continuous Space Series on the Plane and in Dimensions”
- ・V. S. Pugachev
- “Estimation of MarkovProcesses”
- ・V. G. Alekseev and A. M. Yaglom
- “Nonparametric and Parametric Spectrum Estimation Methods for Stationary Time Series”
- ・J. -M. Beguin, C. Gourieroux and A. Monfort
- “Identification of a Mixed Autoregressivr-Moving Average Process : The Corner Method”
- ・O. D. Anderson
- “Time Series Analysis and Forecasting (TSA&F) Activities”