『Bulletin of the Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee(震災予防調査会紀要)Vol.8』震災予防調査会
The Sakura-Jima Eruptions and Earthquakes I. II. III (1914-16)/ヤケシミスレ有 6000円
- [The Sakura-Jima Eruptions and Earthquakes I. -General Account-]
- 1. “Introduction”
- 2. “Topography“
- 3. “Sea depth and mountain size”
- 4. “Simultaneous or successive activity of the different volcanoes. (Anei-Temmei-Kansei Epoch)”
- 5. “Recent volcanic activity and Sakura-jima eruption”
- 6. “Premonitary signs”
- 7. “Eruptions”
- 8. “Strong earthquake and a mall tsunami”
- 9. “Tromomenter obserrations of eruptions”
- 10. “Effect on level of bay water and depression of coast”
- 11. “Arrangement of craterlets”
- 12. “Course of eruptive phenomena”
- 13. “City of Kagoshima and eruption”
- 14. “Activity along south Kyushu volcanic chain”
- [The Sakura-Jima Eruptions and Earthquakes II.]
- 1. “Notes on the Time Distribution of Volcanic Eruptions in Japan”
- 2. “Historical Accounts of Sakura-jima Eruptions”
- 3. “Meteorogical Conditions at the Time of the Eruption of 1914”
- 4. “Propagation of Sound Waves which accompanied the Sakura-jima Outbursts of 1914”
- 5. “Accumulation and Transportation of Ashes thrown out during the Sakura-jima Eruption of 1914”
- 6. “Abnomal Changes in Height of Water of Kagoshima Bay due to the Sakura-jima Eruption of 1914”
- 7. “Level Change and Horizontal Displacement of the Ground caused by the Sakurra-jima Eruption of 1914”
- [The Sakura-Jima Eruptions and Earthquakes III.]
- 1. “Craterlets and Lava Sources”
- 2. “Activity Variation”
- 3. “Lava Outflows”
- 4. “Blocking up of Seto Strait”
- 5. “New Lava Islets”
- 6. “Volume Densities of Sakura-jima Lavas”
- 7. “Heating Effect of the Submerged Lava Flows on the Sea Water”
- 8. “Second Stage Lava Outflow”
- 9. “Earth-Heat Phenomena at Saido”
- 10. “Notes on the Craterlets of the Anei (1779) and Bummei (1468-1476) Eruptions”
The Sakura-Jima Eruptions and Earthquakes IV. V. VI (1920-22)/一箇所補修、ヤケシミスレ有 5000円
- [The Sakura-Jima Eruptions and Earthquakes IV.]
- 1. “Depression and Elevation of the Ground about the Kagoshima Bay”
- 2. “Sea-level Chabge at Kagoshima”
- 3. “Change in the Depth of the Kagoshima Bay and after the Eruption of 1914”
- [The Sakura-Jima Eruptions and Earthquakes V.]
- 1. “Observation of the Fore-shocks at the Kagoshima Meteorological Observatory”
- 2. “Sakura-jima Earthquakes Observed in Nagasaki, Osaka, and Tokyo”
- 3. “Notes on the Diagrams of the Earthquakes Observed Jan. 11th and 12th at the Kagoshima Meteorological Observatory”
- 4. “Tromometer Observation in Kagoshima of the Sakura-jima After-Shocks, or the Volcanic Earthquakes not Directly Accompanied by Exposions”
- 5. “Tromometer Observation in Kagoshima of the Sakura-jima After-eruption, Jan. 16th-Feb. 8th, 1914”
- 6. “Tromometer Observation at Frusato of the Sakura-jima After-eruptions”
- 7. “Barograph Observation at Frusato of the Sakura-jima After-eruptions”
- [The Sakura-Jima Eruptions and Earthquakes VI.]
- 1. “Notes on the Destructive Sakura-jima Earthquake of Jan. 12, 1914”
- 2. “Seismic Damago to Submarine Cable”
- 3. “Supplementary Notes on the Sakura-jima Eruption of 1914”
- 4. “Notes on the Anei Islets”
- 5. “On Successive Occurrences of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions”