"Christian Dogmatics in 4 vols. set(HC)" Francis Pieper/Concordia(1960)/小口少ヤケ有
1st vol.<3rd printing> (1960)
- (1)"Prolegomena : The Nature and Character of Theology"
- 1. Our Position
- 2. Religion in General
- 3. The Number of Religious in the World
- 4. The Sources of the Two Existing Religions
- 5. The Cause of the Divisions Within Visible Christendom
- 6. Christianity the Absolute Religion
- 7. Christian Religion and Christian Theology
- 8. Christian Theology
- 9. Theology as Aptitude
- 10. Division as Doctrine
- 11. Divisions of the Christian Doctrine
- 12. The Church and Its Dogmas
- 13. The Purpose of Christian Theology for Man
- 14. The Means by Which Theology Accomplishes Its Purpose
- 15. Theology and Science
- 16. Theology and Certainty
- 17. Theology and Doctrinal Development
- 18. Theology and Doctrinal Liberty
- 19. Theoly and System
- 20. Theology and Method
- 21. The Attainment of Theological Aptitude
- (2)"Holy Scripture"
- 1. Holy Scripture the Only Source and Norm of Christian Doctrine for the Church Today
- 2. Holy Scripture Identical with the Word of God
- 3. The Verbal Inspiration of Holy Scripture
- 4. The Relation of the Holy Ghost to the Holy Writers
- 5. Objections to the Doctrine of Inspiration
- 6. On the History of the Doctorine of Inspiration
- 7. Luther and the Inspiration of Holy Scripture
- 8. A Brief Critique of Modern Theology in So Far as It Denies the Inspiration of Scripture
- 9. The Consequences of the Denial of the Inspiration of Holy Scripture
- 10. The Properties of Holy Scripture
- 11. The Witness of History for Scripture
- 12. The Integrity of the Biblical Text
- 13. The Origibal Text of Holy Scripture and the Translations
- 14. The Use of Scripture in Deciding Doctrial Controversies
- 15. The Authority of Scripture and the Confession
- 16. Holy Scripture and Exegesis
- (3)"The Doctrine of God"
- 1. The Natural Knowledge of God
- 2. The Christian Knowledge of God
- 3. The Trinitarian Controversies
- 4. Objections to the Unity of the Godhead
- 5. The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament
- 6. The Trinity and Human Reason
- 7. Ecclesiatical Terminology and the Christian Knowledge of God
- 8. God's Essence and Attributes
- (4)"The Creation of the World and of Man"
- 1. The Record of Creation
- 2. The Definition of Creation
- 3. The Hexaemeron
- 4. The Order Observed in Creation
- 5. The Work of the Six Days
- (5)"Divine Providence, or the Preservation and Government of the World"
- 1. Definition of Divine Providence
- 2. The Relation of Divine Providence to the Causae Secundae
- 3. Divine Providence and Sin
- 4. Does God Permit Men to Sin ?
- 5. Divine Providence and Free Will
- (6)"Angelology"
- 1. The Existence of Angels and the Time of Their Creation
- 2. The Name "Angel"
- 3. The Nature and the Properties of the Angels
- 4. Number and Ranks of the Angels
- 5. Good and Evil Angels
- 6. The Good Angels and Their Activity
- 7. The Evil Angels, Their Activities, and Their Eternal Punishment
- (7)"The Doctrine of Man"
- A. Man Before the Fall
- 1. Man Created in the Image of God
- 2. What Constituted the Image of God
- 3. Image of tGod in the Wider and in the Proper Sense
- 4. The Relation of the Divine Image to the Nature of Man
- 5. Immediate Consequences of the Possession of the Divine Image
- 6. The Purpose of the Divine Image
- 7. Woman and the Divine Image
- B. Man After the Fall
- I : On Sin in Genaral
- 1. Definition of Sin
- 2. The Divine Law and Sin
- 3. How the Divine Law is Made Known to Man
- 4. The Cause of Sin
- 5. The Consequences of Sin
- II : Original Sin
- 1. Definition of Original Sin
- 2. The Effect of Hereditary Corruption on the Mind and Will of Man
- 3. The Negative and the Positive Side of Original Corruption
- 4. The Subject of Hereditary Corruption
- 5. The Effects of Original Corruption
- III : Actual Sin
- 1. Definition of Actual Sin
- 2. The Causes of Actual Sin
- 3. The Scripture Doctrine of Offense
- 4. The Scripture Doctrine of Temptation
- 5. Classification of Actual Sins
2nd vol.<3rd printing> (1960)
- (1)"The Christian Life, or Sanctification and Good Works"
- 1. Sanctification Defined
- 2. The Essential Difference Between Sanctification (in the Narrow Sense) and Justification
- 3. The Relation of Justification to Sanctification
- 4. Who Effects Sanctification?
- 5. The Inner Motion (Motus Interni) of Sanctification
- 6. The Means by Which Sanctification Is Effected
- 7. The Necessity of Sanctification and Good Works
- 8. The Imperfection of Sanctification
- 9. The Quality and the Quantity of Good Works
- 10. The Reward of Good Works
- 11. The Great Value of Good Works
- 12. The Papacy and Good Works
- 13. Modern Protextant Theology and Good Works
- 14. The Christian Life and the Cross
- 15. The Christian Life and Prayer
- 16. The Christian Life and the Hope of Eternal Life
- (2)"Final Perseverance"
- 1. The Calvinistc Doctrine of Perseverance
- 2. The Synergistic Doctrine of Perseverance
- (3)"The Means of Grace"
- 1. The Means of Grace in Genaral
- 2. All Means of Grace Have the Same Purpose and the Same Effect
- 3. The Number of Sacraments
- 4. False Teachings on the Means of Grace
- 5. The Importance of the Christian Doctrine of the Means of Grace
- 6. Comprehensive Characterization of the Reformed Teaching of the Means of Grace
- 7. The Relation of Luther's Doctrine of the Means of Grace to Medieval and Reformed Teaching
- 8. The Means of Grace in the Form of Absolution
- 9. Addenda on the Means of Grace
- 10. The Means of Grace in the Old Testament
- 11. The Means of Grace and Prayer
- (4)"Law and Gospel"
- 1. The Terms Law and Gospel
- 2. What Law and Gospel
- 3. Law ad Gospel as Opposites
- 4. How Law and Gospel Are to Be Joined in Practice
- 5. The Difficulty of Properly Distinguisheing Between Law and Gospel
- 6. The Importance of Proper Discrimination
- 7. The Chief Confounders of Law and Gospel
- (5)"Holy Baptism"
- 1. Baptism a Divine Ordinance
- 2. The Material of Baptism
- 3. What Makes Baptism a Sacrament (Forma Baputismi)
- 4. Baptism a True Mean of Grace (Baptismal Grace)
- 5. The Use of Baptism
- 6. Who Is to Be Baptized
- 7. The Administrants of Baptism
- 8. The Necessity of Baptism
- 9. Baptismal Customs
- 10. The Baptism of John the Baptist
- (6)"The Lord's Supper"
- 1. The Divine Institution of the Lord's Supper
- 2. The Relation of the Lord's Supper to the Other Means of Grace
- 3. The Scripture Doctrine of the Lord's Supper
- 4. A Survey of the Relation of the Various Doctrine of the Lord's Supper to the Words of Institution
- 5. The Variation in the Wording of the Four Records
- 6. The Elements in the Lord's Supper
- 7. What Constitutes the Lord's Supper (Forma coenae sacrae)
- 8. The Purpose of the Lord's Supper (Finis cuius coenae sacrae)
- 9. Who Is to Be Admitted to the Lord's Supper (Finis cui coenae sacrae)
- 10. The Necessity of the Lord's Supper
- (7)"The Christian Church"
- A : The Church Universal (De ecclesis universali)
- 1. Its Nature
- 2. False Doctrines Concerning the Church
- 3. The Attributes of the Christian Church
- 4. The Dignity and Glory of the Church
- 5. How the Church Id Founded and Preserved
- B : Local Churches (De ecclesiis particularibus)
- 1. Nature of the Local Church or Congregation
- 2. The Local Church a Divine Institution
- 3. Orthodox and Heterodox Churches
- 4. Children of God in Heterodox Churches
- 5. Church Fellowship with Heterodox Churches (Unionism) Is Prohibited by God
- 6. Schism (Separatism)
- 7. The Representative Church. Church Government (Ecclesia repraesentativa)
- (8)"The Public Ministry"
- 1. Nature of the Public Ministry
- 2. The Relation of the Public MInistry to the Spiritual Priesthood of All Christians
- 3. The Public MInistry Not s Human, but a Divine Institution
- 4. The Necessity of the Public Ministry
- 5. The Call into the Public Ministry
- 6. The Rite of Ordination
- 7. The Ministry No Special Spiritual Oeder Superior to That of the Christians
- 8. The Authoriy (Potestas) of the Public Ministry
- 9. The Equality of the Servants of the Church
- 10. The Ministry the Highest Office in the Church
- 11. The Antichrist
- (9)"Eternal Election"
- 1. The Nature of Election
- 2. Election in Its Proper Setting
- 3. The Elect
- 4. Being Sure of One's Election
- 5. The Relation of Faith to the Election of Grace
- 6. Purpose of the Doctrine of Election
- 7. No Election of Wrath or Predestination to Damnation
- 8. The Cause of Error in the Doctrine of Election
- (10)"Eschatology, or the Last Things"
- 1. Temporal Death (De morte temporali)
- 2. The State of Souls Between Death and Resurrection
- 3. The Second Advert of Christ
- 4. The Resurrection of the Dead (De resurrectione mortuorum)
- 5. The Final Judgement (De indicio extremo)
- 6. The End of the World (De consummatione mundi)
- 7. Eternal Damnation (De damnatione aeterna)
- 8. Eternal Life (De beatitudine aeterna)
3rd vol. (1962)
- (1)"The Christian Life, or Sanctification and Good Works"
- 1. Sanctification Defined
- 2. The Essential Difference Between Sanctification (in the Narrow Sense) and Justification
- 3. The Relation of Justification to Sanctification
- 4. Who Effects Sanctification?
- 5. The Inner Motion (Motus Interni) of Sanctification
- 6. The Means by Which Sanctification Is Effected
- 7. The Necessity of Sanctification and Good Works
- 8. The Imperfection of Sanctification
- 9. The Quality and the Quantity of Good Works
- 10. The Reward of Good Works
- 11. The Great Value of Good Works
- 12. The Papacy and Good Works
- 13. Modern Protextant Theology and Good Works
- 14. The Christian Life and the Cross
- 15. The Christian Life and Prayer
- 16. The Christian Life and the Hope of Eternal Life
- (2)"Final Perseverance"
- 1. The Calvinistc Doctrine of Perseverance
- 2. The Synergistic Doctrine of Perseverance
- (3)"The Means of Grace"
- 1. The Means of Grace in Genaral
- 2. All Means of Grace Have the Same Purpose and the Same Effect
- 3. The Number of Sacraments
- 4. False Teachings on the Means of Grace
- 5. The Importance of the Christian Doctrine of the Means of Grace
- 6. Comprehensive Characterization of the Reformed Teaching of the Means of Grace
- 7. The Relation of Luther's Doctrine of the Means of Grace to Medieval and Reformed Teaching
- 8. The Means of Grace in the Form of Absolution
- 9. Addenda on the Means of Grace
- 10. The Means of Grace in the Old Testament
- 11. The Means of Grace and Prayer
- (4)"Law and Gospel"
- 1. The Terms Law and Gospel
- 2. What Law and Gospel
- 3. Law ad Gospel as Opposites
- 4. How Law and Gospel Are to Be Joined in Practice
- 5. The Difficulty of Properly Distinguisheing Between Law and Gospel
- 6. The Importance of Proper Discrimination
- 7. The Chief Confounders of Law and Gospel
- (5)"Holy Baptism"
- 1. Baptism a Divine Ordinance
- 2. The Material of Baptism
- 3. What Makes Baptism a Sacrament (Forma Baputismi)
- 4. Baptism a True Mean of Grace (Baptismal Grace)
- 5. The Use of Baptism
- 6. Who Is to Be Baptized
- 7. The Administrants of Baptism
- 8. The Necessity of Baptism
- 9. Baptismal Customs
- 10. The Baptism of John the Baptist
- (6)"The Lord's Supper"
- 1. The Divine Institution of the Lord's Supper
- 2. The Relation of the Lord's Supper to the Other Means of Grace
- 3. The Scripture Doctrine of the Lord's Supper
- 4. A Survey of the Relation of the Various Doctrine of the Lord's Supper to the Words of Institution
- 5. The Variation in the Wording of the Four Records
- 6. The Elements in the Lord's Supper
- 7. What Constitutes the Lord's Supper (Forma coenae sacrae)
- 8. The Purpose of the Lord's Supper (Finis cuius coenae sacrae)
- 9. Who Is to Be Admitted to the Lord's Supper (Finis cui coenae sacrae)
- 10. The Necessity of the Lord's Supper
- (7)"The Christian Church"
- A : The Church Universal (De ecclesis universali)
- 1. Its Nature
- 2. False Doctrines Concerning the Church
- 3. The Attributes of the Christian Church
- 4. The Dignity and Glory of the Church
- 5. How the Church Id Founded and Preserved
- B : Local Churches (De ecclesiis particularibus)
- 1. Nature of the Local Church or Congregation
- 2. The Local Church a Divine Institution
- 3. Orthodox and Heterodox Churches
- 4. Children of God in Heterodox Churches
- 5. Church Fellowship with Heterodox Churches (Unionism) Is Prohibited by God
- 6. Schism (Separatism)
- 7. The Representative Church. Church Government (Ecclesia repraesentativa)
- (8)"The Public Ministry"
- 1. Nature of the Public Ministry
- 2. The Relation of the Public MInistry to the Spiritual Priesthood of All Christians
- 3. The Public MInistry Not s Human, but a Divine Institution
- 4. The Necessity of the Public Ministry
- 5. The Call into the Public Ministry
- 6. The Rite of Ordination
- 7. The Ministry No Special Spiritual Oeder Superior to That of the Christians
- 8. The Authoriy (Potestas) of the Public Ministry
- 9. The Equality of the Servants of the Church
- 10. The Ministry the Highest Office in the Church
- 11. The Antichrist
- (9)"Eternal Election"
- 1. The Nature of Election
- 2. Election in Its Proper Setting
- 3. The Elect
- 4. Being Sure of One's Election
- 5. The Relation of Faith to the Election of Grace
- 6. Purpose of the Doctrine of Election
- 7. No Election of Wrath or Predestination to Damnation
- 8. The Cause of Error in the Doctrine of Election
- (10)"Eschatology, or the Last Things"
- 1. Temporal Death (De morte temporali)
- 2. The State of Souls Between Death and Resurrection
- 3. The Second Advert of Christ
- 4. The Resurrection of the Dead (De resurrectione mortuorum)
- 5. The Final Judgement (De indicio extremo)
- 6. The End of the World (De consummatione mundi)
- 7. Eternal Damnation (De damnatione aeterna)
- 8. Eternal Life (De beatitudine aeterna)
4th vol.: Index (1964)