"English Prose 1600-1660(HC)" Cecil A. Moore and Douglas Buh (ed.)/Doubleday, Doran
- ● Translations
- ・Thomas Lodge "Seneca's Epistles : Of Old Age"
- ・Philemon Holland "Plutarch's Morals : Of Envy and Hartred"
- ・John Florio "Montaiggne's Essays : Of Repenting"
- ● Essays
- ・Francis Bacon "Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral
: Of Discourse/Of Truth/Of Death/Of Adversity/Of Marriage and Single Life/Of Envy/Of Great Place/Of Cunning
/Of Discourse/Of Nature in Men/Of Studies"
- ・Sir William Cornwallis "Essays
: Of Advice/Of Discouse/Of Censuring (extract)/Of Imitation/Of Essays and Books (extract)
- ・Owen Felltham "Resolves, Divine, Moral, and Political
: To the Readers (extracts)/Of Puritans/Of the Temper of Affections/Of Poets and Poetry
/How He Must Live That Lives Well/Of Idle Books/The Misery of Being Old and Ignorant/Content Mkes Rich"
- ● Characters
- ・Theophrastus "Characters Ethicae : Of Flattery"
- ・Ben Jonson "Every Man out of His Humor : Charcters of the Persons (selected)
Cynthia's Revels [A Traveler]"
- ・Joseph Hall "Characters of Virtues and Vices : The Humble Man/The Hypocrite/The Busybody"
- ・Sir Thomas Overbury "Characters : An Amorist/An Affectate Traveler/A Courtier/An Old Man/A Melancholy Man
/A Mere Scholar/A Tinker/A Fair and Happy Milkmaid/A Franklin"
- ・John Earle "Microcosmography : A Child/A Discontented Man
/A Downright Scholr/A Mere Young Gentleman of the University/A Pot-Poet/A Plain Country Fellow
/A Pretender to Learning/A Vulgar-Spirited Man/A Plodding Student/Paul's Walk/A Staid Man/A Good Old Man"
- ・Thoman Fuller "The Holy and Profane State : The Good Schoolmaster"
- ● History
- ・Sir Walter Raleigh "History of the World : Preface (extracts)
/[Influence of the Stars]/[Man the Microcosm]/Conclusion of the Work"
- ・Tomas Fuller "Church History of Britain : The Death of Queen Elizabeth
/[Episcopal and Presbyterian Affairs]/[The Hampton Court Conference (extracts)"
- ・Lord Clarendon "History of the Rebellion : Character of the Duke of Buckingham
/The Fall of Strafford]/[The Impeachment and Arrestof the Five Members]/Character of Hampden]/Character of Lord Falkland]
- ・Izaak Walton "The Life of Dr. John Donne (abridged)
- ・Thomas Fuller "The Holy and Profane State : Life of Paracelsus
/Life of Mr. Perkins"
- ・Lord Herbert of Cherbury "Autobiography (extracts)"
- ● Philosopy and Science
- ・Francis Bacon "Advancement of Learning : [Vanities in Studies]
/The Aphoristic Method]/[Points of Nature and Fortunein the Culture and Cure of Mnd of Man]"
"Novum Organum : [Science Old and New]/[Idols of the Tribe, Cave, Market-Place, and Theatre]/[Aims of the New Science]"
"The New Atlantis : [Salomon's House]"
- ・Robert Burton "The Anatomy of Melancholy : Democritus Junior to the Reader(extracts)
/Prognostics of Melancholy (exract)/Heroical Love Causing Melancholy (extract)/Prognostics Love-Meloncholy (extract)
/Religious Melancholy (extract)/Causes of Despair (extract)/Cure of Despair (extract)
- ● Public Affairs and Politics
- ・John Milton "The Reason of Church Government (extract)"
"Of Education" "Areopagitica"
- ・Jeremy Taylor "Liberty of Prophesying (extract)"
- ・Thomas Hobbs "Leviathan : Of the Natural Condition of Mankind as Concerning their Felicity and Misery
/Of the First and Secind Natural Laws, and of Contracts/Of the Causes, Generation, and Definition of a Commonwealth
/Of the Rights of Sovereigns by Institution/Of the Liberty of Subjects"
- ● Religion and Religious Philosophy
- ・Thomas Dekker "Four Birds of Noah's Ark : A Prayer for a Child
/A Prayer for a Prentice/A Prayer for a Prisoner/A Prayer for Men That Work in Dangerous Works
/A Prayer for the Two Universities/A Prayer to Stat the Pestilence/A Prayer for the Evening"
- ・William Drummond "A Cypress Grove (extract)"
- ・John Dunne "Sermons : Sermon XXVII (extract)/Sermon LXXVI(extract)
/Sermon II (extract)/Sermon LXVI (extract)/Sermon LXXIII (extract)/Sermon LXXX (extract)"
- ・Sir Thomas Browne "Religio Medici (extracts)" "Urn Burial"
"The Garden of Cyrus (extract)"
- ・Jeremy Tayor "Holy Dying "A General Preparation towards a Holy and Blessed Death, by Way of Consideration (abridged)"
- ● Miscellaneous
- ・Thomas Dekker "The Wonderful Year (extracts)" "The Seven Deadly Sins of London (extracts)" "The Black and White Rod (extract)"
"The Gull's Hornbook"
- ・Fynes Moryson "Itinerary (extracts)"
- ・Ben Jonson "Timber, or Discoveries : [Ancients and Moderns]/[Liberal Studies]
/[On Certain Poets]/[Od our Fellow Countryman Shakespeare]/[Difference of Wits]"
- ・Ben Johnson (continued) "[Francis Bacon]/[A Letter on Education]/[Of Style]/[The Dignity of Speech]"
- ・James Howell "Epistolae Ho-elianae : [The Art of Letter-Writing]
/[The Overbury Case]/[Sir Walter Raleigh]/[The Fall of Bacon]/[The Assassination of the Duke of Buckingham]
/[The Oxenham Bird]/[An Evening with Ben Jonson]/[In Praise of Tabacco]/[Witches]"
- ・Izzaak Walton "The Complete Anglar (extracts)"