Middle English Poetry -an anthology-(PB) The Bobbs-Merrill
  ●Lyric Poetry
      1. Now goth sonne under wod
      2. Foweles in the frith
      3. Wen the turuf is thy tuur
      4. Sumer is i-cumen in
      5. Betwene Mersh and Averil
      6. Now skrinketh rose and lilye flour
      7. Love me brouthte
      8. I have a newe garden
      9. As I went on Yol Day in our procession
      10. I sing of a maiden
      11. He bare him up, he bare him down
      12. Lullay, lullay, litel child
      13. Hale! stene superne(William Dunbar)
      14. Rorate celi desuper(William Dunbar)
      15. Done is a battell on the dragon blak(William Dunbar)
      16. A pak, a pak, Madame, my lode alight(Charles d'Orleand)
      17. The mede is flowe, the grace is goon(Charles d'Orleans)

  ●Verse Chronicle
      18. From Layamon's Brut : The Round Table

      19. From The Alliterative Morte Arthure : The Fall of Arthur
      20. The Auntirs of Arthure at the Terne Wathelyn
      21. Sir Orfeo

  ●Allegory and Vision
      22. Piers Plowman(William Langland): The Harrowing of Hell, B-Text
      23. Confessio Amantis(John Gower): Selections from Book 1
         - Introduction, and Tale of Florent
      24. The Testament of Cresseid(Robert Henryson)
      25. The Bludy Serk(Robert Henryson)
      26. Amang thir Freiris within ane Cloister(William Dunbar)
      27. The New Lady(Charles d'Orleans)

  ●Beast Literature
      28. The Thrush and the Nightingale
      29. The Fox and the Wolf
      30. The Fox's Confession(Robert Henryson)

  ●Fabliau and Burlesque
      31. Dame Sirith
      32. The Tourrnament of Tottenham