"Frost : Centennial Essays(HC)" Jac Tharpe (ed.)/Univ. Press of Mississippi
- Vol. 1 小口ヤケ少シミ
- ・Reginald L. Cook "The Critics and Robert Frost"
- ・Philip L. Gerber "Robert Frost - 2074 A.D."
- ・George W. Nitchie "Robert Frost : The Imperfect Guru"
- ・Donald J. Greiner "'That Plain-Speaking Guy'
: A Comversation with James Dickey on Robert Frost"
- ・Rexford Stamper "Robert Frost : An Assessment of Criticism, Realism, and Modernity"
- ・Samuel Coale "The Emblematic Encounter of Robert Frost"
- ・Margaret Edwards "Pan's Song, Revised"
- ・Albert J. von Frank "'Nothing That Is' : A Study of Frost's 'Desert Places'"
- ・Robert M. Rechnitz "The Tragic Vision of Robert Frost"
- ・Charles Carmichael "Robert Frost as a Romantic"
- ・John J. Conder "'After Apple-Picking' : Frost's Troubled Sleep"
- ・Vivian C. Hopkins "The Houses of Robert Frost"
- ・Roger Ekins "'At Home' with Robert Frost"
- ・Nancy Vogel "A Post Mortem on 'The Death of the Hired Man'"
- ・R. F. Fleissner "Loke 'Pythagoras' Comparison of the Universe with Number' : Frost-Tennyson Correlation"
- ・Margaret V. Akken "'The Black Cottage' : Robert Frost and Jeffersonian Ideal Equality"
- ・Laurence Perrine "The Meaning of Frost's 'Build Soil'"
- ・Perry D. Westbrook "Robert Frost' New England"
- ・Peter L. Hays "Two Landscapes : Frost's and Eliot's"
- ・Lloyd N. Dendinger "Emerson's Influence on Frost through Howells"
- ・Edward Stone "Other 'Desert Places' : Frost and Hawthorne"
- ・J. Donald Crowley "Hawthorne and Frost : The Making of a Poem"
- ・Frank Lentricchia "Robert Frost and Modern Literary Theory"
- ・George Monteiro "Robert's Metaphysical Sonnet"
- ・Joseph M. Garrison, Jr. "'Our Singing Strength' : The Texture of Voice in the Poetry of Robert Frost"
- ・Lewis K. Miller "Design and Drama in A Boy's Will"
- ・Kenneth Rosen "Visions and Revisions : An Early Version of Robert Frost's 'Our Doom to Bloom'"
- ・Donald J. Greiner "Robert Frost's Dark Woods and the Function of Metaphor"
- ・Sister Mary Jeremy Finnegan "Frost Remakes an Ancient Stoty"
- ・Stephen D. Warner "Robert Frost in the Clearing : The Risk of Spirit in Substantiation"
- ・Victor E. Reichert "The Faith of Robert Frost"
- ・Alfred R. Ferguson "Frost and the Paradox of the Fortunate Fall"
- ・Peter J. Stanlis "Robert Frost's Masques and the Classic American Tradition"
- ・Edward Cifelli "Ciardi on Frost : An Interview"
- ・William Gahagan "A 'Day' in the Life of Robert Lee Frost -1874"
- ・William R. Evans "A Literary Friendship : Robert Frost and Carl Burell"
- ・Dorothy Tyler "Frost's Last Three Vision to Michigan"
- ・Wade van Dore "The Subtlety of Robert Frost"
- ・James M. Cox "Robert Frost and the End of the New England Line"
- ・John F. Lynen "Du Cote de Chez Frost"
- Vol. 2 小口ヤケカバ破れ有
- ・Warren French "Frost Country"
- ・Marie Borroff "Robert Frost : 'To Earthward'"
- ・George W. Nitchie "Robert Frost : Some Reflections on Poetry and Power"
- ・Peter J. Stanlis "Robert Frost : Politics in Theory and Practice"
- ・Laurence Perrine "Robert Frost and the Idea of Immorality"
- ・Joseph Kau "'Trust ...to go by contraries' : Incarnation and the Paradox
of Belief in the Poetry of Robert Frost"
- ・Thomas McClanahan "Frost's Theodicy : 'Word I Had No One Left But God'"
- ・David M. Wyatt "Choosing in Frost"
- ・David L. Miller "Dominion of the Eye in Frost"
- ・Richard Reed "The Animal World in Robert Frost's Poetry"
- ・Stearns Morde "'The Subverted Flower' : An Exercise in Triangulation"
- ・Patricia Wallace "The 'Estranged Point of View'
: The Thematics of Imagination in Frost's Poetry"
- ・Karen Lane Rood "Robert Frost's 'Sentence Sounds'
: Wildness Opposing the Sonnet Form"
- ・Marion Montgomery "Robert Frost : One Who Shrewdly Pretends"
- ・Marjorie Cook "Acceptance in Frost's Poetry : Conflict as Play"
- ・Margaret Edwards "The Play of 'Downward Nomparisons'
: Animal Anthropomorphism in the Poems of Robert Frost"
- ・Walton Reacham "Technique and the Sense of Play in the Poetry of Robert Frost"
- ・Stephen D. Warner "The Control of Play and the Play of Control in Robert Frost's Poetry"
- ・David Alan Sanders "Revelation as Child's Play in Frost's 'Directive'"
- ・Thomas Daniel Young "Our Two Worthies : Robert Frost and Jokn Crowe Ransom"
- ・Perry Westbrook "Abandonment and Desertion in the Poetry of Robert Frost"
- ・Dorothy Tyler "The Strong Are Saying Nothing"
- Vol. 3 小口ヤケ
- ・T. H. Littlefield "A Ripton Afternoon"
- ・Dorothy Tyler "Robert Frost in Michigan"
- ・Charles H. Foster "Robert Frost at Bread Loaf"
- ・Luella Nash LeVee "Per Ardua ad Astra"
- ・Victor E. Reichert "The Robert Frost I Know"
- ・Reginald L. Cook "Robert Frost in Context"
- ・N. Arthur Bleau "Robert Frost's Favorite Poem"
- ・Peter J. Stanlis "Acceptable in Heaven' Sight : Robert Frost at Bread Loaf 1936-1941"
- ・Lesley Frost "In Aladdin's Lamp Light"
- ・Dorothy Judd Hall "An Old Testament Christian"
- ・Richard Foster "The Two Frosts and the Poetics of Confession"
- ・Lewis H. Miller "William James, Robert Frost, and 'The Black Cottage'"
- ・Warren French "'The Death of Hired Man' : Modernism and Transcendence"