"Frost : Centennial Essays(HC)" Jac Tharpe (ed.)/Univ. Press of Mississippi
Vol. 1   小口ヤケ少シミ

    ・Reginald L. Cook "The Critics and Robert Frost"
    ・Philip L. Gerber "Robert Frost - 2074 A.D."
    ・George W. Nitchie "Robert Frost : The Imperfect Guru"
    ・Donald J. Greiner "'That Plain-Speaking Guy'
             : A Comversation with James Dickey on Robert Frost"
    ・Rexford Stamper "Robert Frost : An Assessment of Criticism, Realism, and Modernity"
    ・Samuel Coale "The Emblematic Encounter of Robert Frost"
    ・Margaret Edwards "Pan's Song, Revised"
    ・Albert J. von Frank "'Nothing That Is' : A Study of Frost's 'Desert Places'"
    ・Robert M. Rechnitz "The Tragic Vision of Robert Frost"
    ・Charles Carmichael "Robert Frost as a Romantic"
    ・John J. Conder "'After Apple-Picking' : Frost's Troubled Sleep"
    ・Vivian C. Hopkins "The Houses of Robert Frost"
    ・Roger Ekins "'At Home' with Robert Frost"
    ・Nancy Vogel "A Post Mortem on 'The Death of the Hired Man'"
    ・R. F. Fleissner "Loke 'Pythagoras' Comparison of the Universe with Number' : Frost-Tennyson Correlation"
    ・Margaret V. Akken "'The Black Cottage' : Robert Frost and Jeffersonian Ideal Equality"
    ・Laurence Perrine "The Meaning of Frost's 'Build Soil'"
    ・Perry D. Westbrook "Robert Frost' New England"
    ・Peter L. Hays "Two Landscapes : Frost's and Eliot's"
    ・Lloyd N. Dendinger "Emerson's Influence on Frost through Howells"
    ・Edward Stone "Other 'Desert Places' : Frost and Hawthorne"
    ・J. Donald Crowley "Hawthorne and Frost : The Making of a Poem"
    ・Frank Lentricchia "Robert Frost and Modern Literary Theory"
    ・George Monteiro "Robert's Metaphysical Sonnet"
    ・Joseph M. Garrison, Jr. "'Our Singing Strength' : The Texture of Voice in the Poetry of Robert Frost"
    ・Lewis K. Miller "Design and Drama in A Boy's Will"
    ・Kenneth Rosen "Visions and Revisions : An Early Version of Robert Frost's 'Our Doom to Bloom'"
    ・Donald J. Greiner "Robert Frost's Dark Woods and the Function of Metaphor"
    ・Sister Mary Jeremy Finnegan "Frost Remakes an Ancient Stoty"
    ・Stephen D. Warner "Robert Frost in the Clearing : The Risk of Spirit in Substantiation"
    ・Victor E. Reichert "The Faith of Robert Frost"
    ・Alfred R. Ferguson "Frost and the Paradox of the Fortunate Fall"
    ・Peter J. Stanlis "Robert Frost's Masques and the Classic American Tradition"
    ・Edward Cifelli "Ciardi on Frost : An Interview"
    ・William Gahagan "A 'Day' in the Life of Robert Lee Frost -1874"
    ・William R. Evans "A Literary Friendship : Robert Frost and Carl Burell"
    ・Dorothy Tyler "Frost's Last Three Vision to Michigan"
    ・Wade van Dore "The Subtlety of Robert Frost"
    ・James M. Cox "Robert Frost and the End of the New England Line"
    ・John F. Lynen "Du Cote de Chez Frost"

Vol. 2   小口ヤケカバ破れ有

    ・Warren French "Frost Country"
    ・Marie Borroff "Robert Frost : 'To Earthward'"
    ・George W. Nitchie "Robert Frost : Some Reflections on Poetry and Power"
    ・Peter J. Stanlis "Robert Frost : Politics in Theory and Practice"
    ・Laurence Perrine "Robert Frost and the Idea of Immorality"
    ・Joseph Kau "'Trust ...to go by contraries' : Incarnation and the Paradox
          of Belief in the Poetry of Robert Frost"
    ・Thomas McClanahan "Frost's Theodicy : 'Word I Had No One Left But God'"
    ・David M. Wyatt "Choosing in Frost"
    ・David L. Miller "Dominion of the Eye in Frost"
    ・Richard Reed "The Animal World in Robert Frost's Poetry"
    ・Stearns Morde "'The Subverted Flower' : An Exercise in Triangulation"
    ・Patricia Wallace "The 'Estranged Point of View'
           : The Thematics of Imagination in Frost's Poetry"
    ・Karen Lane Rood "Robert Frost's 'Sentence Sounds'
           : Wildness Opposing the Sonnet Form"
    ・Marion Montgomery "Robert Frost : One Who Shrewdly Pretends"
    ・Marjorie Cook "Acceptance in Frost's Poetry : Conflict as Play"
    ・Margaret Edwards "The Play of 'Downward Nomparisons'
         : Animal Anthropomorphism in the Poems of Robert Frost"
    ・Walton Reacham "Technique and the Sense of Play in the Poetry of Robert Frost"
    ・Stephen D. Warner "The Control of Play and the Play of Control in Robert Frost's Poetry"
    ・David Alan Sanders "Revelation as Child's Play in Frost's 'Directive'"
    ・Thomas Daniel Young "Our Two Worthies : Robert Frost and Jokn Crowe Ransom"
    ・Perry Westbrook "Abandonment and Desertion in the Poetry of Robert Frost"
    ・Dorothy Tyler "The Strong Are Saying Nothing"

Vol. 3   小口ヤケ

    ・T. H. Littlefield "A Ripton Afternoon"
    ・Dorothy Tyler "Robert Frost in Michigan"
    ・Charles H. Foster "Robert Frost at Bread Loaf"
    ・Luella Nash LeVee "Per Ardua ad Astra"
    ・Victor E. Reichert "The Robert Frost I Know"
    ・Reginald L. Cook "Robert Frost in Context"
    ・N. Arthur Bleau "Robert Frost's Favorite Poem"
    ・Peter J. Stanlis "Acceptable in Heaven' Sight : Robert Frost at Bread Loaf 1936-1941"
    ・Lesley Frost "In Aladdin's Lamp Light"
    ・Dorothy Judd Hall "An Old Testament Christian"
    ・Richard Foster "The Two Frosts and the Poetics of Confession"
    ・Lewis H. Miller "William James, Robert Frost, and 'The Black Cottage'"
    ・Warren French "'The Death of Hired Man' : Modernism and Transcendence"
