『The Early English Text Society(HC)』Oxford Univ. Press, Greenwood Press, Kraus Reprint

 No. 008:Morte Arthure or The Death of Arthur(HC)
Edmund Brock (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1967/208頁) 売切れ

 No. 009:Francis Thynne's Animadvversions upon Speght' First (1598 A.D.) Edition of Chaucer's Workes(HC)
G. H. Kingsley (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1965/171頁) 2000円

 No. 011:Sir David Lyndesay Works Part I-V(HC)
J. Small and F. Hall (ed.)/Greenwood Press(1969/548頁) 売切れ

 No. 017:Parallel Extracts from 45 Manuscripts of Piers Plowman -with Notes Upon Their Relation
      to the Society's Threre-Text Edition of the Poem.-(HC) 
Walter W. Skeat (ed.)/Greenwood Press(1969/34頁) 1500円

 No. 018:Hali Meidenhad : An Alliterative Homily of the Thirteenth Century -from MS. Dodley 84, Oxford,
      and Cotton MS. Titus D. 18, British Museum.-(HC)
Frederick J. Furnivall (ed.)/Greenwood Press(1969/116頁) 1500円

 No. 024:Hymns to the Virgin and Christ, and other Religious Poems(HC)
Frederick J. Furnivall/Greenwood Press(1969/139頁) 1200円

 No. 026:Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse -from Robert Thornton's MS.-(HC)
George G. Perry (ed.)/Greenwood Press(1969/132頁) 売切れ

 No. 027:Manipulus Vocabulorum -a Rhyming Dictionary at the English Language,
      by Peter Levins(1270)- (HC)
Hemry B. Wheatley/Greenwood Press(1969/368頁) 2800円

 No. 029:Old English Homilies and Domiletic Creatises(HC)
Richard Morris (ed.)/Greenwood Press(1969/330頁) 3500円

 No. 032:The Babees Book(HC)
Frederick J. Furunivall/Greenwood Press(1969/537頁) 6500円

 No. 033:The Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry(HC)
Thomas Wright (ed.)/Greenwood Press(1969/268頁) 2000円

 No. 043:Ratis Raving and other Moral Religious Pieces(HC)
J. Rawson Lumby (ed.)/Greenwood Press(1969/139頁) 2800円

 No. 045:King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care Part I(HC)
Henry Sweet (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1973/288頁) 1200円

 No. 047:Sir David Lyndesay' Works(5) -the minor poems-(HC)
J. Small, F. Hall/Greenwood Press(1969/104頁) 2500円

 No. 048:The Times' Whistle(HC)
J. M. Cowper (ed.)/Greenwood Press(1969/104頁) 3000円

 No. 051:Liflade of St. Juliana -from Old English Manuscripts of 1230 A. D.
      with Rendering into Modern English. by the Rev. O. Cockayne and Edmund Brock-(HC)
Oswald Cockayne, Edmund Brock/Oxford Univ. Press(1957/178頁) 2000円

 No. 058:The Blickling Homilies(HC)
R. Morris (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1967/392頁) 3500円

 No. 075:Catholicon Anglicum - An English-Latin Wordbook-(HC)
Sidney J. H. Herrtage (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1973/432頁) 1600円

 No. 076:AElfric's Lives of Saints -from British Museum Cott. MS. Julius E. VII
      with Variants from Other Manuscripts- vol.1(HC)
Walter W. Skeat (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1966/553頁) 売切れ

 No. 083:The Oldest English Texts(HC)
Henry Sweet (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1966/666頁) 1800円

 No. 086:The Lives of Women Saints of Our Contrie of England also some other liues
      of holie women written by some of the auncient fathers(HC)
C. Horstmann (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1973/241頁) 1500円

 No. 087:The Early South-English Legendary on Lives of Saints
      -I. MS. Laud, 108, in the Bodleian Library-(HC)
Carl Horstemann (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1973/496頁) 売切れ

 No. 091:Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery Books(HC)
Thomas Austin (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1964/151頁) 1000円

 No. 096:The Old English Version of Bade's Ecclesiastical History of the English People(HC)
Thomas Miller (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1959/448頁) 2800円

 No. 103:History of the Holy Rood-tree -a twelfth century version of the cross-legend-(HC)
Arthur S. Napier (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1974/86頁) 1400円

 No. 105:The Pryner or Lay Folk's Prayer Book Part I-Text-(HC)
Henry Littlehales (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1973/189頁) 1600円

 No. 107:The English Conquest of Ireland 1166-1185(HC)
Frederick J. Furnivall (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1973/172頁) 2000円

 No. 110:The Old English Version of Bade's Ecclesiastical History of the English People Part II-1(HC)
Thomas Miller (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1963/288頁) 2200円

 No. 111:The Old English Version of Bade's Ecclesiastical History of the English People Part II-2(HC)
Thomas Miller (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1963/597頁) 2800円

 No. 124:Twenty-Six Political and other Poems Part I -from the Oxford Mss. Digby 102 and Duoce 322-(HC)
J. Kail (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1973/209頁) 売切れ

 No. 130:The English Register of Godstow Nunnery, near Oxford -written about 1450- Part II and III(HC)
Andrew Clark (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/337頁) 3200円

 No. 133:English Register of Oseney Abbey, by Oxford -written about 1460- Part I and II(HC)
Andrew Clark (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/234頁) 2800円

 No. 136:The Burt or the Chronicles of England -from MS. Rawl. B171, Bodlein Library, &c.- Part II
      -completing the Text, with the Roll of Battle Abbey, Including the Name Chaucer-(HC)
Friedrich W. D. Brie (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/316頁) 3000円

 No. 138:The Coventry Leet Book or Manor's Register Part III(HC)
Mary Dormer Harris (trs. ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1971/939頁) 3400円

 No. 139:Treatises of Fistula in Ano(HC)
D'Arcy Power/Oxford Univ. Press(1968/156頁) 1000円

 No. 140:Capgrave's Lives of St. Augustine and St. Gilbert
J. J. Munro (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1971/183頁) 2800円

 No. 141:The Middle English Poem, Erthe upon Erthe -printed from twenty-four manuscripts-(HC)
Hilda M. R. Murray (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1964/59頁) 売切れ

 No. 145:The Northern Passion I(HC)
Frances A. Foster (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1971/249頁) 2400円

 No. 147:The Northern Passion II(HC)
Frances A. Foster (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(217頁) 1500円

 No. 155:The Wheatley Manuscript(HC)
Mabel Day (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1971/125頁) 1500円

 No. 156:The Donet by Reginald Peacock, D.D.(HC)
Elsie Vaughan Hitchcock (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/270頁) 2000円

 No. 157:The Pepysian Gospel Harmony(HC)
Margery Goates (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/145頁) 1600円

 No. 158:Meditations on the Life and Passion of Christ(HC)
Charlotte D'Evelyn/Kraus Reprint Co.(1971/86頁) 1200円

 No. 160:The Old English Version of the Heptateuch -Aelfric's Treatise on the Old
      and New Testament and His Preface to Genesis-(HC)
Suzanne J. Crawford (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1969/461頁) 5400円

 No. 162:Pearl, Cleanness, Patience and Sir Gawain(Facsimile Reproduction of Cotton Nero A. x)(HC)
I. Gollancz (intr.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1971)5600円

 No. 165:The Famous Historie of Chinon of England(HC)
      William Edward Mead (ed.)
/Kraus Reprint Co.(1971/151頁) 2400円

 No. 166:A Stanzaic Life of Christ -compiled from Higden's Polychronicon
      and the Legenda Aurea edited from MS. Harley 3909-(HC)
Frances A. Foster (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/456頁) 売切れ

 No. 167:Dialogus inter Militem et Clericum Richard FitzRalph's Sermon
        : 'Defensio Curatorum' and Methodius : the Beginning of the World and the Ende of the World(HC)
John Trevisa, Aaron Jenkins Perry (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/116頁) 1000円

 No. 169:The Southern Passion -from Pepysian MS. 2344 in the Library of Magdalene College, Cambridge-(HC)
Beatrice Daw Brown (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/124頁) 売切れ

 No. 170:Boethius:De Consolatione Philosophiae(HC)
John Walton (trs.), Mark Science (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/379頁) 2500円

 No. 171:The Reule of Crysten Religioun(HC)
Reginald Pecock, William Cabell Greet (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1971/539頁) 2500円

 No. 172:The Seege or Batayle of Troye -a middle English matrical romance-
      from MSS. Lincoln's Inn 150, Egerton 2862, Arundel XXII
      with Harley 525 Included in the Appendix(HC)
Mary Elizabeth Barnicle (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/274頁) 1000円

 No. 173:The Pastime of Pleasure a Literel Reprint of the Earliest Complete Copy (1517)
      with Variant Readings from the Editions of 1509, 1554 and 1555-(HC)
Stephen Hawes, William Edward Mead (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/259頁) 2000円

 No. 174:The Middle English Stanzaic Versions of the Life of St Anne(HC)
      Roscoe E. Parker (ed.)
/Kraus Reprint(1971/139頁) 1800円

 No. 178:The Revelations of Saint Birgitta -from the Garrett MS. Princeton
      University Library Deposit 1397-(HC)
William Patterson Cumming (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/135頁) 1800円

 No. 179:The Castell of Pleasure -the Text of the First Issue of the Poem with Variant Readings
      from the Reprint of 1518-(HC)
William Nevill, Roberta D. Cornelius (intro.,notes and glossary)/Kraus Reprint(1971/132頁) 1000円

 No. 180:The Apologye of Syr Thomas More, Knyght(HC)
Thomas More, Arthur Irving Taft (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/365頁) 2500円

 No. 182:Speculum Christiani -a Middle English Religious Treatise of the 14th Century-(HC)
Gustaf Holmstedt (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/346頁) 1800円

 No. 183:The Northern Passion (Supplement) -Cambridge University MS. Gg. 1. 1 Oxford
      MS. Rawlinson Poetry 175-(HC)
Wilhelm Heuser and Frances A. Foster (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/142頁) 2200円

 No. 187:The Vulgaria of John Stanbridge and the Vulgaria of Robert Whittinton(HC)
Beatrice White (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1971/146頁) 1400円

 No. 188:The Siege of Jerusalem(HC)
      E. Kolbing and Mabel Day (ed.)
/Kraus Reprint Co.(1971/133頁) 1800円

 No. 190:English Mediaeval Lapidaries(HC)
Joan Evans, Mary S. Serjeantson/Oxford Univ. Press(0960/205頁) 1200円

 No. 191:The Seven Sages of Rome (southern version)(HC)
      Karl Brunner (ed.)
/Kraus Reprint(1971/233頁) 1500円

 No. 190A:On the Continuity of English Prose from Alfred to More and his School -Introduction-(HC)
R. W. Chambers (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1966/132頁) 1500円

 No. 192:The Minor Poems of John Lydgate -from All Available MSS,
      with an Attempt to Establish The Lydgate Canon-
      Part II -secular poems-(HC)
Henry Noble MacCracken (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1961/468頁) 3200円

 No. 196:An Anonymous Short English Metrical Chronicle(HC)
Ewald Zettl (ed.)/Kraus Reprint Co.(1971/163頁) 1800円

 No. 197:The Lyfe of Sir Thomas Moore, Knight(HC)
William Roper Elsie Vaughan Hitchcoke (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1958/142頁) 3800円

 No. 200:Speculum Sacerdotale -from British Museum MS. Additional 36791-(HC)
Edward H. Weatherly (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/292頁) 2800円

 No. 204:Valentine and Orson(HC)
Henry Watson (trs.), Arthur Dickson (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/375頁) 4800円

 No. 205:Early English Versions of the Tales of Guiscardo and Ghismonda
      and Titus and Gisippus from the Decamero(HC)
Herbert G. Wright (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/256頁) 2200円

 No. 206:Legendys of Hooly Wummen -from MS. Arundel 327-(HC)
Osbern Bokenham, Mary S. Serjeantson (ed.)/Kraus Reprint(1971/322頁) 3500円

 No. 207:The Liber de Diversis Medicinis(HC)
Margaret Sinclair Ogden (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1969/163頁) 3000円

 No. 209:Middle EnglishSermons(HC)
Woodburn O. Ross/Oxford Univ. Press(1960/396頁) 売切れ

 No. 213:Aelfric's De Temporibus Anni(HC)
Heinrich Henel (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1970/106頁) 1800円

 No. 214:Forty-six Lives(HC)
Henry Parker and Lord Morley (trs.),Herbert G. Wright (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1970/200頁) 2200円

 No. 219:The French Text of the Ancrene Riwle(HC)
J. A. Herbert (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1967/318頁) 2000円

 No. 224:Athelston:A Middle English Romance(HC)
A. McI. Trounce (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1957/158頁) 1400円

 No. 225:The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle XIV(HC)
Mabel Day J. A. Herbert (trs.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1957/196頁) 1000円

 No. 226:Respublica : an interlude for Christmas 1553 attributed to Nicholas Udall(HC)
W. W. Greg (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1969/83頁) 1200円

 No. 227:Kyng Alisaunder vol.1(HC)
G. V. Smithers (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1961/445頁) 1600円

 No. 228:The Metrical Life of St Robert of Knaresborough -Together with the Other Middle English Pieces
      in British Museum Ms. Egerton 3143-(HC)
Joyce Bazire (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1968/148頁) 1600円

 No. 230:The Life of St George(HC)
Alexander Barclay, William Nelson (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1960/120頁) 1200円

 No. 231:Deonise hid Diuinite and Other Treaties on Contemplative Prayer
      -related to The Cloud of Unknowing A Tretyse of pe Stodye of Wysdome pat Men Clepen Beniamyn
      / A Pistele of Preier / A Pistle of Discrecioun of Stirings/ A Tretis of Discrescyon-(HC)
Phyllis Hodgson (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1958/259頁) 2800円

 No. 232:The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle -from British Museum MS. Royal SC. I--(HC)
A. C. Baugh (ed.)/Oxford Unov. Press(1959/58頁) 1000円

 No. 234:Paris and Vienne(HC)
William Caxton (trs.), MacEdward Leach (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1970/114頁) 1000円

 No. 235:The South English Legendary vol. I -from Corpus Christi College Cambridge MS. 145
    and British Museum MS. Harley 2277 with Variants from Bodley MS. Ashmole 43
    and British Museum MS. Cotton Julius D. IX-(HC)
Charlotte D’Evelyn and Anna J. Mill (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1967/356頁) 売切れ

 No. 236:The South English Legendary vol. II(HC)
Charlotte D’Evelyn and Anne J. Mill/Oxford Univ. Press(1967/706頁) 売切れ

 No. 243:The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey(HC)
George Cavendish Richard S. Sylverster (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1961/304頁) 2200円

 No. 243:The Parlement of the Thre Ages(HC)
M. Y. Offord (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1967/100頁) 2500円

 No. 243:Fifteenth Century English Translations of Alain Chartier's Le Traite de L'Esperance
      and Le Quadrilogue Invectif vol. I -Text-(HC)
Margaret S. Blayney (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1974/247頁) 1000円

 No. 244:The South English Legendary vol. III(HC)
Charlotte D’Evelyn and Anna J. Mill (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1969/83頁) 売切れ

 No. 247:(Facsimile of MS. Bodley 34:St Katherine, St Juliana, Hali Meidhad, Sawles Warde(HC)
N. R. Ker (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1960/174頁) 1600円

 No. 248:Pe Liflade ant Te Passiun of Seinte Iuliene(HC)
S. R. T. O. D'Ardenne (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1961/250頁) 1500円

 No. 251:The Owl and the Nightingale -facsimile of the Jesus and Cotton Manuscripts-(HC)
N. R. Ker (intro.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1963/78頁) 1000円

 No. 253:The Bodley Version of Mandeville’s Travels -from Bodleian MS. Musaeo 116
      with Parallel Extracts from the Latin Text of British Museum MS. Royal 13 E. IX-(HC)
M. C. Seymour (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1963/188頁) 1800円

 No. 254:Ywain and Gawain(HC)
Albert B. Friedman and Norman T. Harrington (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1964/147頁) 1500円

 No. 256:Sir Eglamour of Artois(HC)
Frances E. Richardson (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1965/155頁) 1200円

 No. 257:The Praise of Folie (HC)
Sir Thomas Chaloner, Clarence H. Miller (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1965/226頁) 2800円

 No. 259:Homilies of Aelfric -a Supplementary Collection-(HC)
John C. Pope (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1967/491頁) 4000円

 No. 262:The Macro Plays -The Castle of Perseverance / Wisdom / Mankind(HC)
Mark Eccles (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1969/280頁) 1500円

 No. 263:The History of Reynard the Fox(HC)
William Caxton (trs.), N. F. Blake (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1970/168頁) 1400円

 No. 264:The Epistle of Othea -Translated from the French Text of Christine de Pisan(HC)
Stephen Scrope (trs.), Curt F. Buhler (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1970/236頁) 1000円

 No. 265:The Cyrurgie of Guy de Chauliac(HC)
Margaret S. Ogden (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1971/340頁) 2800円

 No. 273:The Cely Letters 1472-1488(HC)
Alison Hanham (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1975/365頁) 2500円

 No. 274:The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle(HC)
A. Zettersten (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1976/184頁) 1000円

 No. 276:Secretum Secretorum vol. I -nine English versions-(HC)
M. A. Manzalaoui (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1977/381頁) 2500円

 No. 277:Layamon: Brut vol. II -from British Museum MS. Cotton Caligula A. IX
      and British Museum MS. Cotton Otho C. XIII-(HC)
G. L. Brook, R. F. Leslie (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1978/422頁) 2800円

 No. 279:Of Arthour and of Merlin vol. II -Introduction, Notes Glossary-(HC)
O. D. Macrae-Gibson (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1979/276頁) 1200円

 No. 282:Enchiridion Militis Christiani -an English Version-(HC)
Erasmus, Anne M. O’Donnell (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1981/323頁) 2000円

 No. 283:The Late Medieval Religious Plays of Bodleian Mss. Digby 133 and E Museo 160(HC)
Donald C. Baker, John L. Murphy, Louis B. Hall (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1982/284頁) 1000円

 No. 284:Hali Meidhad(HC)
Bella Millett (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1982/84頁) 1000円

 No. 289:Octovian(HC)
Frances McSparran (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1986/264頁) 2200円

 Supplement Series 6:The Old English Orosius(HC)
Janet Bately (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1980/433頁) 売切れ

 Supplement Series 7:Seinte Katerine -Re-edited from MS Bodley 34 and the other Manuscripts-(HC)
S. R. T. O. d’Ardenne and E. J. Dobson (ed.)/Oxford Univ. Press(1981) 1800円