『Theory and Decision Library:The Methodological Unity of Science』Mario Bunge (ed.)/D. Reidel Publishing
 Volume 3:The Methodological Unity of Science Mario Bunge (ed.)(1973・264頁)/小口少ヤケ、表紙背少ヤケ有 2000円

    Part I : Introduction
      Mario Bunge
       "Bertrand Russell's regulae philosophandi"
    Part II : Formal Science
      Charles Castonguary
       "Mathematics and Ontology"
      John Corcoran
       "Gaps between Logical Theory and Mathematical Practice"
    Part III : Physics
      Roger B. Angel
       "Relativity and Covariance"
    Part IV : Biology
      Paul Pirlot and Rejane Bernier
       "Preliminary Remarks on the Origin-Function Relation"
      Mary B. Williams
       "The Logical Statun of the Theory of Natural Selection and Other Evolutionary Controversies"
    Part V : Psychology
      Mario Bunge
       "On Confusing 'Measure' with 'Measurement' in the Methodology of Behavioral Science"
      Raimo Tuomela
       "Theoretical Concepts in Neobehavioristic Theories"
    Part VI : Political Science
      Harry Beatty
       "Voting Rules and Coordination Problems"
    Part VII : Historiography
      Werner Leinfellner
       "Historical Time and a New Conception of the Historical Science"
    Part VII : Ethics
      Peter Kirschenmann
       "Some Problems of Ought-Utilitarianism, Valuatiin, and Demontic Logic"
    Part IX : Metaphysics
      Tom Settle
       "Human Freedom and 1568 Versions of Determinism and Indeterminism"