『Synthese Library(不揃い/分売)』D. Reidel Publishing
 Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume III : Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium
   for the Philosophy of Science 1964/1966 -In Memory of Norwood Russell Hanson- (Synthese Library)(HC)

   Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky (ed.)(1967・489頁)/小口ヤケ、見返しテープ痕、カバヤケスレ有 3000円

       ・Homage to Norwood Russell Hanson
      Norwood Russell Hanson
      Benjamin Nelson
       “The Early Modern Revolution in Science and Philosophy”
      David Hawkins
       “Taxonomy and Information”
      Mendel Sachs
       “On the Elementarity of Measurement in General Relativity : toward a General Theory”

    Symposium on Innate Ideas
      Noam Chomsky
       "Recent Contributions to the Theory of Innate Ideas"
      Hilary Putnam
       "The 'Innateness Hypothesis' and Explanatory Models in Linguistics"
      Nelson Goodman
       "The Epistemological Argument"
      George Schlesinger
       "Natural Kinds"
      Marx W. Wartofsky
       "Metaphysics as Heuristic for Science"
      C. Lanczos
       "Rationalism and the Physical World"
      Hilda Geiringer
       "On the Foundations of Probability Theory"
      William A. Wallace
       "Elementarity and Reality in Particle Physics (with an exchange of letters between E. K. Gora and W. Heisengerg)"
      Gerd Buchdahl
       "Semantic Sources of the Concept of Law"
      Joseph Agassi
       "Science in Flux : Footnotes to Popper"
      Stephen Toulmin
       "Conceptual Revolutions in Science"
      Asher Moore
       "The Center of the World"
      Paul K. Feyerabend
       "On the Improvement of the Sciences and Arts, and the possible Identity of the Two"
      Jean Van Heijenoort
       "Logic as Calculus and Logic as Language"
      Zdzislaw Augustynek
       "Three Studies in the Philosophy of Space and Time"
      Norwood Russell Hanson
       "What I Don't Believe"

 Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume V : Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium
 for the Philosophy of Science 1966/1968 (Synthese Library)(HC)

 Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky (ed.)(1969・482頁)/小口ヤケ有 カバ欠 売切れ

      Adolf Grunbaum
       "Reply to Hilary Putnam's 'An Examination of Grunbaum's Philosophy of Geometry'"
      Peter Havas
       "Causality Requirements and the Theory of Relativity"
      David Finkelstein
       "Matter, Space and Logic"
      Hilary Putnam
       "Is Logic Empirical?"
      Aage Petersen
       "On the Philosophical Significance of the Correspondence Argument"
      Bernard R. Grunstra
       "On Distinguishing Types of Measurement"
      I. Bernard Cohen
       "Hypotheses in Newton’s Philosophy"
      R. Furth
       "The Role of Models in Theoretical Physics"
      Mihailo Markovic
       "The Problem of Truth"
      P. Roman
       "Symmetry in Physics"
      Wolfgang Yourgrau
       "Verification or Proof - An Undecided Issue? "
      Milic Capek
       "Ernst Mach's Biological Theory of Knowledge"
      June Goodfield
       "Theories and Hypotheses in Biology : Theoretical Entities and Functional Explanation"
      Carl-Friedrich Von Weizsacker
       "The Unity of Physics "

 Philosophical Problems in Logic -Some Recent Developments- (Synthese Library)(HC)
Karel Lambert (ed.)(1970・176頁)/小口ヤケ、カバヤケスレ有 6500円

      Karel Lambert and Bas C. Van Fraassen
       "Meaning Relations, Possible Objects, and Possible Worlds"
      Jaakko Hintikka
       "Existential Presuppositions and Uniqueness Presuppositions"
      Richmond H. Thomason
       "Some Completeness Results for Modal Predicate Calculi"
      H. Leblance and R. K. Meyer
       "Truth-Value Semantics for the Theory of Types"
      J. M. Vickers
       "Probability and Non Standard Logics"
      Peter W. Woodruff
       "Logic and Truth Value Gaps"
      Dana Scott
       "Advice on Modal Logic"

 Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume VIII : PSA 1970 Proceedings of the 1970 Biennial Meeting Philosophy
of Science Association -In Memory of Rudolf Carnap- (Synthese Library 14)(HC)

Roger C. Buck and Robert S. Cohen (ed.)(1971・615頁)/小口ヤケ、見返しテープ痕、カバヤケスレ有 3000円

      ・Homage to Rudolf Carnap
    Symposium : Theoretical Entities in Statistical Explanation
      James G. Greeno
       "Theoretical Entities in Statistical Explanation"
      Wesley C. Salmon
       "Explanation and Relevance : Comments on James G. Greeno's 'Theoretical Entities in Statistical Explanation"
      Richard C. Jeffrey
       "Remarks on Explanatory Power"

    Symposium : Capacities and Natures
      Milton Fisk
       "Capacities and Natures"
      Ernan Mcmullin
       "Capacities and Nature : An Exercise in Ontology"
      Bruce Aune
       "Fisk on Capacities and Natures"

    Symposium : History of Science and Its Rational Reconstruction
      Imre Lakatos
       "History of Science and Its Rational Reconstructions"
      Thomas S. Kuhn
       "Notes on Lakatos"
      Herbert Feigl
       "Research Programmes and Induction"
      Richard J. Hall
       "Can We Use the History of Science to Decide between Competing Methodologies?"
      Noretta Koertge
       "Inter-Theoretic Criticism and the Growth of Science"
      Imre Lakatos
       "Replies to Critics"

    Contributed Paper
     I. Observation
      Peter K. Machamer
      Burke Townsend
       "Feyerabend's Pragmatic Theory of Observation and the Comparability of Alternative Theories"
      J. O. Wisdom
       "Observations as the Building Blocks of Science in 20th-Century Scientific Thougght"
     II. Philosophical Problems of Biology
      Edward Manier
       "Functionalism and the Negative Feedback Model in Biology"
      William C. Wimsaatt
       "Some Problems with the Concept of 'Feedback'"
      Stuart A. Kauffman
       "Articulation of Parts Explanation in Biology and the Rational Search for Them"
     III. Equivalence, Analyticity, and In-Principle Confirmability
      Clark Glymour
       "Theoretical Realism and Theoretical Equivalence"
      John A. Winnie
       "Theoretical Analyticity"
      Edward Erwin
       "The Confirmation Machine"
     IV : Probability, Statistics and Acceptance
      Jaako Hintikka
       "Unknown Probabilities, Bayesianism, and de Finetti's Representation Theorem"
      William W. Rozeboom
       "New Dimensions of Confirmation Theory II : The Structure of Uncertainty"
      Alex C. Michalos
       "Cost-Benefit vs Expected Utility Acceptance Rules"
      Ben Rogers
       "Material Coditions on Tests of Statistical Hypotheses"
     V : Problems in Quantum Physics ; Genetic Epistemology
      Paul Fitzgerald
       "Tachyons, Backwards Causation, and Freedom"
      Gen-Ichiro Nagasaka
       "The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox Reexamined"
      Milic Capek
       "The Significance of Piaget's Researches on the Psychogenesis of Atomism"
     VI : Theoretical Pluralism : Understanding ; Methodological Agreement
      Andrew Mclaughlin
       "Method and Factual Agreement in Science"
     VII : Induction and Reduction
      James H. Fetzer
       "Dispositional Probabilities"
      Bernard Gendron
       "On the Relation of Neurological and Psychological Theories : A Critique of the Hardware Thesis"
      Nelson Pole
       "'Self-supporting' Inductive Arguments"
     VII Scientific Theories : Comparison and Change
      Scott A. Kleiner
       "Ontological and Terminological Commitment and the Methodological Commensurability of Theories"
      Carl R. Kordig
       "Objectivity, Scientific Change, and Self-Reference"
      Warren D. Siemens
       "A Logical Empiricist Theory of Scientific Change?"
     IX : The Future of Philosophy of Science : The in the Social Sciences
      Ronald N. Giere
       "The Structure, Growth and Application of Scientific Knowledge : Reflections
    on Relevance and the Future of Philosophy of Science"
      Stephen Toulmin
       "From Logical Systems to Conceptual Populations"
      Paul G. Morrison
       "Two Kinds of Theory in the Social Sciences"
     X : Relativity and Congruence
      Carlo Giannoni
       "Einstein and the Lorentz-Poincare Theory of Relativity"
      Edwin Levy
       "Competing Radical Translations : Examples, Limitations and Implications"
      Gerald J. Massey
       "Is 'Congruence' A Peculiar Predicate?"

 Semantics of Natural Language (Synthese Library40) <2nd ed.>(PB)
Donald Davidson and Gilbert Harman (ed.)(1972・769頁)/小口ヤケ有 売切れ

      ・IEditorial ntroduction
      Charles J. Fillmore
       "Subjects, Speakers and Roles"
      Gilbert Harman
       "Deep Structure as Logical Form"
      J. A. Fodor
       "Troubles about Actions"
      John Robert Ross
      Terence Parsons
       "Some Problems Concerning the Logic of Grammatical Modifiers"
      Richard Montague
       "Pragmatics and Intensional Logic"
      David Lewis
       "General Semantics"
      John Wallace
       "On the Frame of Reference"
      Saul A. Kripke
       "Naming and Necessity"
      Keith S. Donnellan
       "Proper Names and Identifying Desriptions"
      Robert C. Stalnaker
      Jaakko Nintikka
       "The Semantics of Modal Notions and the Indeterminacy of Ontology"
      Barbara Hall Partee
       "Opacity, Coreference, and Pronouns"
      W. V. Quine
       "Methodological Reflections on Current Linguistic Theory"
      P. F. Strawson
       "Grannar and Philosophy"
      Leonard Linsky
       "Analytic/Synthetic and Semantic Theory"
      P. T. Geach
       "A Program for Syntax"
      James D. McCawley
       "A Program for Logic"
      George Lakoff
       "Linguistics and Natural Logic"
      Dana Scott (ed.)
       "Semantical Archaeology : A Parable"
      Hector-Neri Castaneda
       "On the Semantics of the Ought-To-Do"
      Bas C. Van Fraassen
       "Inference and Self-Reference"
      Paul Ziff
       "What Is Said"
      L. Jonathan Cohen and Avishai Margalit
       "The Role of Inductive Reasoning in the Interpretation of Metaphor"
      Patrick Suppes
       "Probabilitistic Grammars for Natural languages"

      ・Addenda to Saul A. Kripke's Paper 'Naming and Necessity'

 Can Theories Be Refuted? -Essays on the Duhem-Quine Thesis- (Synthese Library 81)(HC)
Sandra G. Harding (ed.)(1976・318頁)/小口少ヤケ、カバヤケスレ有 9800円

      Pierre Duhem
       "Physical Theory and Experiment"
      Willard Van Orman Quine
       "Two Dogmas of Empiricism"
       "A Comment on Grunbaum's Claim"
      Carl G. Hempel
       "Empiricist Criteria of Cognitive Significance : Problem and Changes"
      Karl R. Popper
       "Some Fundmental Problems in the Logic of Scientific Discovery"
       "Background Knowledge and Scientific Growth"
      Adolf Grunbaum
       "The Duhemian Argument"
      Thomas Kuhn
       "Scientific Revolutions as Changes of World View"
      Laurens Laudan
       "Grunbaum on 'The Duhemian Argument'"
      Carlo Giannoni
       "Quine, Grunbaum, and the Duhemian Thesis"
      Gary Wedeking
       "Duhem, Quine and Grunbaum on Falsification"
      Mary Hesse
       "Duhem, Quine and a New Empiricism"
      Imre Lakatos
       "Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes"
      Adolf Grunbaum
       "Is It Never Possible to Falsify a Hypothesis Irrevocably?"
      Paul K. Feyerabend
       "The Rationality of Science (From 'Against Method')"

 Investigations in Model and Tense Logics with Applications to Problems in Philosophy
and Linguistics (Synthese Library 92)(HC)
 Dov M. Gabbay (ed.)(1976・306頁)/小口ヤケシミ有 カバ欠 売切れ

    Part 0 : An Introduction to General Intensional Logic
      ・Consequence Relations
    Part 1 : An Introduction to One Dimensional Model Logic
      ・Basic Notions
      ・General Theory of Unary Intensional Connectives
      ・Basic Necessity Systems
      ・Basic Tense Systems
      ・Possible Worlds with Varying Domains
      ・Equality and Proper Names
      ・Propositional Statability Operators
    Part 2 : Technical Results for Propositional Calculi
      ・The Finite Model Property
      ・Selective Filtration
    Part 3 : Introduction to Many Dimensional Model Logics and Applications
      ・Two Dimensional Propositional Tense Logics
      ・An Appendix
      ・Some Applications
    Part 4 : Special Systems
      ・Relative Necessity Operators and the Subjunctive Conditional
      ・Propositional Quantifiers
      ・Basic Entailment Type Logics
    Part 5 : The Decision Problem
      ・The Reduction Method
      ・Some Decidability Results
      ・The Decision Problem for Predicate Systems
    Part 6 : Special Topics
      ・Completeness for Frames
      ・The Interpolation Theorem
    Part 7 : Notes and Some Refferences

 Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume XXIX : Polish Essays in the Methodology
of the Social Science (Synthese Library 131)(HC)
 Jerzy J. Wiatr (ed.)(1979・260頁)/小口少ヤケ、カバヤケスレ有 3000円

      Jerzy J. Wiatr
       "The Marxist Social Theory and the Challenges of Our Time"
      Julian Hockfeld
       "The Concept of Class Interest"
      Antonina Kloskowska
       "The Conception of Culture According to Karl Marx"
      Leszek Nowak
       "The Problem of Explanation in Karl Marx's Capital"
      Aleksandra Jasinska and Leszek Nowak
       "The Methodological Foundation of Marx's Theory of Class : A Reconstruction"
      Adam Schaff
       "Structualism as an Intellectual Current"
      Piotr Sztompka
       "Marxism, Functionalism and Systems-Approach"
       "Strategy of Theory-Construction in Sociology"
      Stefan Nowak
       "Methodological Dilemmas of Contemporary Sociology"
      Jerzy Szacki
       "On So-called Historicism in the Social Sciences"
      Klemens Szaniawski
       "Sociology and Models of Rational Behavior"
      Jadwiga Staniszkis
       "Adaptational Superstructure - The Problem of Negative Self-regulation"

 Reduction in Science -Structure, Examples, Philosophical Problems- (Synthese Library 175)(HC)
Wolfgang Balzer, David A. Pearce and Heinz-Jurgen Schmidt (ed.)(1984)/小口少ヤケ、カバヤケスレ有 6000円

      Wladyslaw Krajewski
       "May We Identity Reduction and Explanation of Theories?"
      Gunther Ludwig
       "Restriction and Embedding"
      W. Hoering
       "Anomalies of Reduction"
      C. Ulises Moulines
       "Ontological Reduction in the Natural Sciences"
      E. Scheibe
       "Explanation of Theories and the Problem of Progress in Physics"
      Joseph D. Snees
       “Reduction, Interpretation and Invariance"
      Gerhard Vollmer
       "Reduction and Evolution - Arguments and Examples”
      David Pearce and Veikko Rantala
       "Limiting Case Correspondence between Physical Theories"
      Dieter Mayr
       "Contact Structures, Predifferentiability and Approximation"
      Heinz-Jurgen Schmidt
       "Tangent Embedding - A Special Kind of Approximate Reduction"
      A. Kamlah
       "A Logical Investigation of the Phlogiston Case"
      Theo A. F. Huipers
       "Utilistic Reduction in Sociology : The Case of Co;;ective Goods"
      David Pearce and Michele Tucci
       "Intertheory Relations in Growth Economics : Sraffa and Wicksell"
      L. Hammingga
       "Possible Approaches to Reduction in Economic Theory"
      Haim Gaifman
       "Why Language?"
      W. Balzer
       "On the Comparison of Classical and Special Relativistic Space-Time"
      Othman Q. Malhas
       "Space-Time Geometries for One-Dimensional Space"
      Pekka J. Lahti
       "Quantum Theory as a Factualization of Classical Theory"
      Ernst-Walter Stachow
       "Classical and Non Classical Limiting Cases of Quantum Logic"
      Reinhard Werner
       "Bell's Inequalities and the Reduction of Statistical Theories"

 Evolutionary Epistemology -A Multiparadigm Program- (Synthese Library 190)(HC)
Werner Callebaut and Rik Pinxten (ed.)(1987・458頁)/小口ヤケ少シミ、カバシミスレ有 9800円

    Part I : Background
      Werner Callebaut and Rix Pinxten
       "Evolutionary Epistemology Today : Converging Views from Philosophy, the Natural and the Social Sciences"
      IL Ya Prigogine
       "The Meaning of Entropy"
      Henry C. Plotkin
       "Evolutionary Epistemology and the Synthesis of Biological and Social Science"
      Rene Thom
       "Epistemology of Evolutionary Theories"
      Cecilia Heyes
       "Cognisance of Consciousness in the Study of Animal Knowledge"

    Part II : Evolutionary Approaches to Science and Technology
      Donald T. Campbell
       "Selection Theory and the Sociology of Scientific Validity"
      Louis Boon
       "Variation and Selection : Scientific Progress without Rationality"
      Karin Knorr Cetina
       "Evolutionary Epistemology and Sociology of Science"
      Gerhard Vollmer
       "What Evolutionary Epistemology Is Not"
      Andrew J. Clark
       "The Philosophical Significance of Evolutionary Epistemology"
      Linnda R. Caporael
       "Homo Sapiens, Homo Faber, Homo Socians : Technology and the Social Animal"

    Part III : The Piagetian Approach
      Christiane Gillieron
       "Is Piaget's 'Genetic Epistemology' Evolutionary?"
      Arthur I. Miller
       "The Genesis of Atomie Physics and the Biography of Ideas"
      Claude Lamontagne
       “Sensorimotor Emergence : Proposing a Computational 'Syntax'"
      Leo Apostel
       "Evolutionary Epistemology, Genetic Epistemology, History and Neurology”

    Part IV : Extensions and Applications
      Jef Schell and Dani De Waele
       "The Exchange of Genetic Information between Organisms of Distinct Origin
    Can Play an Important Role in Evolution"
      Jean Paul Van Bendegem
       "Fermat's Last Theorem Seen as an Exercise in Evolutionary Epistemology"
      Fernand Vandamme
       "Language and Evolutionary or Dynamic Epistemology"
      Philippe Van Parijs
       "The Evolutionary Explanation of Belief's"

    Part V : Bibliographies
      Donald T. Campbell, Cecilia M. Heyes, and Werner G. Callebaut
       "Evolutionary Epistemology Bibliography"