『Synthese Library(不揃い/分売)』D. Reidel Publishing
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume III : Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium
for the Philosophy of Science 1964/1966 -In Memory of Norwood Russell Hanson- (Synthese Library)(HC)
Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky (ed.)(1967・489頁)/小口ヤケ、見返しテープ痕、カバヤケスレ有 3000円
- ・Homage to Norwood Russell Hanson
- Norwood Russell Hanson
- “Publications”
- Benjamin Nelson
- “The Early Modern Revolution in Science and Philosophy”
- David Hawkins
- “Taxonomy and Information”
- Mendel Sachs
- “On the Elementarity of Measurement in General Relativity : toward a General Theory”
- Symposium on Innate Ideas
- Noam Chomsky
- "Recent Contributions to the Theory of Innate Ideas"
- Hilary Putnam
- "The 'Innateness Hypothesis' and Explanatory Models in Linguistics"
- Nelson Goodman
- "The Epistemological Argument"
- George Schlesinger
- "Natural Kinds"
- Marx W. Wartofsky
- "Metaphysics as Heuristic for Science"
- C. Lanczos
- "Rationalism and the Physical World"
- Hilda Geiringer
- "On the Foundations of Probability Theory"
- William A. Wallace
- "Elementarity and Reality in Particle Physics (with an exchange of letters between E. K. Gora and W. Heisengerg)"
- Gerd Buchdahl
- "Semantic Sources of the Concept of Law"
- Joseph Agassi
- "Science in Flux : Footnotes to Popper"
- Stephen Toulmin
- "Conceptual Revolutions in Science"
- Asher Moore
- "The Center of the World"
- Paul K. Feyerabend
- "On the Improvement of the Sciences and Arts, and the possible Identity of the Two"
- Jean Van Heijenoort
- "Logic as Calculus and Logic as Language"
- Zdzislaw Augustynek
- "Three Studies in the Philosophy of Space and Time"
- Norwood Russell Hanson
- "What I Don't Believe"
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume V : Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium
for the Philosophy of Science 1966/1968 (Synthese Library)(HC)
Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky (ed.)(1969・482頁)/小口ヤケ有 カバ欠 売切れ
- Adolf Grunbaum
- "Reply to Hilary Putnam's 'An Examination of Grunbaum's Philosophy of Geometry'"
- Peter Havas
- "Causality Requirements and the Theory of Relativity"
- David Finkelstein
- "Matter, Space and Logic"
- Hilary Putnam
- "Is Logic Empirical?"
- Aage Petersen
- "On the Philosophical Significance of the Correspondence Argument"
- Bernard R. Grunstra
- "On Distinguishing Types of Measurement"
- I. Bernard Cohen
- "Hypotheses in Newton’s Philosophy"
- R. Furth
- "The Role of Models in Theoretical Physics"
- Mihailo Markovic
- "The Problem of Truth"
- P. Roman
- "Symmetry in Physics"
- Wolfgang Yourgrau
- "Verification or Proof - An Undecided Issue? "
- Milic Capek
- "Ernst Mach's Biological Theory of Knowledge"
- June Goodfield
- "Theories and Hypotheses in Biology : Theoretical Entities and Functional Explanation"
- Carl-Friedrich Von Weizsacker
- "The Unity of Physics "
Philosophical Problems in Logic -Some Recent Developments- (Synthese Library)(HC)
Karel Lambert (ed.)(1970・176頁)/小口ヤケ、カバヤケスレ有 6500円
- Karel Lambert and Bas C. Van Fraassen
- "Meaning Relations, Possible Objects, and Possible Worlds"
- Jaakko Hintikka
- "Existential Presuppositions and Uniqueness Presuppositions"
- Richmond H. Thomason
- "Some Completeness Results for Modal Predicate Calculi"
- H. Leblance and R. K. Meyer
- "Truth-Value Semantics for the Theory of Types"
- J. M. Vickers
- "Probability and Non Standard Logics"
- Peter W. Woodruff
- "Logic and Truth Value Gaps"
- Dana Scott
- "Advice on Modal Logic"
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume VIII : PSA 1970 Proceedings of the 1970 Biennial Meeting Philosophy
of Science Association -In Memory of Rudolf Carnap- (Synthese Library 14)(HC)
Roger C. Buck and Robert S. Cohen (ed.)(1971・615頁)/小口ヤケ、見返しテープ痕、カバヤケスレ有 3000円
- ・Homage to Rudolf Carnap
- Symposium : Theoretical Entities in Statistical Explanation
- James G. Greeno
- "Theoretical Entities in Statistical Explanation"
- Wesley C. Salmon
- "Explanation and Relevance : Comments on James G. Greeno's 'Theoretical Entities in Statistical Explanation"
- Richard C. Jeffrey
- "Remarks on Explanatory Power"
- Symposium : Capacities and Natures
- Milton Fisk
- "Capacities and Natures"
- Ernan Mcmullin
- "Capacities and Nature : An Exercise in Ontology"
- Bruce Aune
- "Fisk on Capacities and Natures"
- Symposium : History of Science and Its Rational Reconstruction
- Imre Lakatos
- "History of Science and Its Rational Reconstructions"
- Thomas S. Kuhn
- "Notes on Lakatos"
- Herbert Feigl
- "Research Programmes and Induction"
- Richard J. Hall
- "Can We Use the History of Science to Decide between Competing Methodologies?"
- Noretta Koertge
- "Inter-Theoretic Criticism and the Growth of Science"
- Imre Lakatos
- "Replies to Critics"
- Contributed Paper
- I. Observation
- Peter K. Machamer
- "Observation"
- Burke Townsend
- "Feyerabend's Pragmatic Theory of Observation and the Comparability of Alternative Theories"
- J. O. Wisdom
- "Observations as the Building Blocks of Science in 20th-Century Scientific Thougght"
- II. Philosophical Problems of Biology
- Edward Manier
- "Functionalism and the Negative Feedback Model in Biology"
- William C. Wimsaatt
- "Some Problems with the Concept of 'Feedback'"
- Stuart A. Kauffman
- "Articulation of Parts Explanation in Biology and the Rational Search for Them"
- III. Equivalence, Analyticity, and In-Principle Confirmability
- Clark Glymour
- "Theoretical Realism and Theoretical Equivalence"
- John A. Winnie
- "Theoretical Analyticity"
- Edward Erwin
- "The Confirmation Machine"
- IV : Probability, Statistics and Acceptance
- Jaako Hintikka
- "Unknown Probabilities, Bayesianism, and de Finetti's Representation Theorem"
- William W. Rozeboom
- "New Dimensions of Confirmation Theory II : The Structure of Uncertainty"
- Alex C. Michalos
- "Cost-Benefit vs Expected Utility Acceptance Rules"
- Ben Rogers
- "Material Coditions on Tests of Statistical Hypotheses"
- V : Problems in Quantum Physics ; Genetic Epistemology
- Paul Fitzgerald
- "Tachyons, Backwards Causation, and Freedom"
- Gen-Ichiro Nagasaka
- "The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox Reexamined"
- Milic Capek
- "The Significance of Piaget's Researches on the Psychogenesis of Atomism"
- VI : Theoretical Pluralism : Understanding ; Methodological Agreement
- Andrew Mclaughlin
- "Method and Factual Agreement in Science"
- VII : Induction and Reduction
- James H. Fetzer
- "Dispositional Probabilities"
- Bernard Gendron
- "On the Relation of Neurological and Psychological Theories : A Critique of the Hardware Thesis"
- Nelson Pole
- "'Self-supporting' Inductive Arguments"
- VII Scientific Theories : Comparison and Change
- Scott A. Kleiner
- "Ontological and Terminological Commitment and the Methodological Commensurability of Theories"
- Carl R. Kordig
- "Objectivity, Scientific Change, and Self-Reference"
- Warren D. Siemens
- "A Logical Empiricist Theory of Scientific Change?"
- IX : The Future of Philosophy of Science : The in the Social Sciences
- Ronald N. Giere
- "The Structure, Growth and Application of Scientific Knowledge : Reflections
on Relevance and the Future of Philosophy of Science"
- Stephen Toulmin
- "From Logical Systems to Conceptual Populations"
- Paul G. Morrison
- "Two Kinds of Theory in the Social Sciences"
- X : Relativity and Congruence
- Carlo Giannoni
- "Einstein and the Lorentz-Poincare Theory of Relativity"
- Edwin Levy
- "Competing Radical Translations : Examples, Limitations and Implications"
- Gerald J. Massey
- "Is 'Congruence' A Peculiar Predicate?"
Semantics of Natural Language (Synthese Library40) <2nd ed.>(PB)
Donald Davidson and Gilbert Harman (ed.)(1972・769頁)/小口ヤケ有 売切れ
- ・IEditorial ntroduction
- Charles J. Fillmore
- "Subjects, Speakers and Roles"
- Gilbert Harman
- "Deep Structure as Logical Form"
- J. A. Fodor
- "Troubles about Actions"
- John Robert Ross
- "Act"
- Terence Parsons
- "Some Problems Concerning the Logic of Grammatical Modifiers"
- Richard Montague
- "Pragmatics and Intensional Logic"
- David Lewis
- "General Semantics"
- John Wallace
- "On the Frame of Reference"
- Saul A. Kripke
- "Naming and Necessity"
- Keith S. Donnellan
- "Proper Names and Identifying Desriptions"
- Robert C. Stalnaker
- "Pragmatics"
- Jaakko Nintikka
- "The Semantics of Modal Notions and the Indeterminacy of Ontology"
- Barbara Hall Partee
- "Opacity, Coreference, and Pronouns"
- W. V. Quine
- "Methodological Reflections on Current Linguistic Theory"
- P. F. Strawson
- "Grannar and Philosophy"
- Leonard Linsky
- "Analytic/Synthetic and Semantic Theory"
- P. T. Geach
- "A Program for Syntax"
- James D. McCawley
- "A Program for Logic"
- George Lakoff
- "Linguistics and Natural Logic"
- Dana Scott (ed.)
- "Semantical Archaeology : A Parable"
- Hector-Neri Castaneda
- "On the Semantics of the Ought-To-Do"
- Bas C. Van Fraassen
- "Inference and Self-Reference"
- Paul Ziff
- "What Is Said"
- L. Jonathan Cohen and Avishai Margalit
- "The Role of Inductive Reasoning in the Interpretation of Metaphor"
- Patrick Suppes
- "Probabilitistic Grammars for Natural languages"
- ・Addenda to Saul A. Kripke's Paper 'Naming and Necessity'
Can Theories Be Refuted? -Essays on the Duhem-Quine Thesis- (Synthese Library 81)(HC)
Sandra G. Harding (ed.)(1976・318頁)/小口少ヤケ、カバヤケスレ有 9800円
- ・Introduction
- Pierre Duhem
- "Physical Theory and Experiment"
- Willard Van Orman Quine
- "Two Dogmas of Empiricism"
- "A Comment on Grunbaum's Claim"
- Carl G. Hempel
- "Empiricist Criteria of Cognitive Significance : Problem and Changes"
- Karl R. Popper
- "Some Fundmental Problems in the Logic of Scientific Discovery"
- "Background Knowledge and Scientific Growth"
- Adolf Grunbaum
- "The Duhemian Argument"
- Thomas Kuhn
- "Scientific Revolutions as Changes of World View"
- Laurens Laudan
- "Grunbaum on 'The Duhemian Argument'"
- Carlo Giannoni
- "Quine, Grunbaum, and the Duhemian Thesis"
- Gary Wedeking
- "Duhem, Quine and Grunbaum on Falsification"
- Mary Hesse
- "Duhem, Quine and a New Empiricism"
- Imre Lakatos
- "Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes"
- Adolf Grunbaum
- "Is It Never Possible to Falsify a Hypothesis Irrevocably?"
- Paul K. Feyerabend
- "The Rationality of Science (From 'Against Method')"
Investigations in Model and Tense Logics with Applications to Problems in Philosophy
and Linguistics (Synthese Library 92)(HC) Dov M. Gabbay (ed.)(1976・306頁)/小口ヤケシミ有 カバ欠 売切れ
- Part 0 : An Introduction to General Intensional Logic
- ・Consequence Relations
- Part 1 : An Introduction to One Dimensional Model Logic
- ・Basic Notions
- ・General Theory of Unary Intensional Connectives
- ・Basic Necessity Systems
- ・Basic Tense Systems
- ・Possible Worlds with Varying Domains
- ・Equality and Proper Names
- ・Propositional Statability Operators
- Part 2 : Technical Results for Propositional Calculi
- ・The Finite Model Property
- ・Selective Filtration
- Part 3 : Introduction to Many Dimensional Model Logics and Applications
- ・Two Dimensional Propositional Tense Logics
- ・An Appendix
- ・Some Applications
- Part 4 : Special Systems
- ・Relative Necessity Operators and the Subjunctive Conditional
- ・Propositional Quantifiers
- ・Basic Entailment Type Logics
- Part 5 : The Decision Problem
- ・The Reduction Method
- ・Some Decidability Results
- ・The Decision Problem for Predicate Systems
- Part 6 : Special Topics
- ・Completeness for Frames
- ・The Interpolation Theorem
- Part 7 : Notes and Some Refferences
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume XXIX : Polish Essays in the Methodology
of the Social Science (Synthese Library 131)(HC) Jerzy J. Wiatr (ed.)(1979・260頁)/小口少ヤケ、カバヤケスレ有 3000円
- ・Introduction
- Jerzy J. Wiatr
- "The Marxist Social Theory and the Challenges of Our Time"
- Julian Hockfeld
- "The Concept of Class Interest"
- Antonina Kloskowska
- "The Conception of Culture According to Karl Marx"
- Leszek Nowak
- "The Problem of Explanation in Karl Marx's Capital"
- Aleksandra Jasinska and Leszek Nowak
- "The Methodological Foundation of Marx's Theory of Class : A Reconstruction"
- Adam Schaff
- "Structualism as an Intellectual Current"
- Piotr Sztompka
- "Marxism, Functionalism and Systems-Approach"
- "Strategy of Theory-Construction in Sociology"
- Stefan Nowak
- "Methodological Dilemmas of Contemporary Sociology"
- Jerzy Szacki
- "On So-called Historicism in the Social Sciences"
- Klemens Szaniawski
- "Sociology and Models of Rational Behavior"
- Jadwiga Staniszkis
- "Adaptational Superstructure - The Problem of Negative Self-regulation"
Reduction in Science -Structure, Examples, Philosophical Problems- (Synthese Library 175)(HC)
Wolfgang Balzer, David A. Pearce and Heinz-Jurgen Schmidt (ed.)(1984)/小口少ヤケ、カバヤケスレ有 6000円
- ・Introduction
- Wladyslaw Krajewski
- "May We Identity Reduction and Explanation of Theories?"
- Gunther Ludwig
- "Restriction and Embedding"
- W. Hoering
- "Anomalies of Reduction"
- C. Ulises Moulines
- "Ontological Reduction in the Natural Sciences"
- E. Scheibe
- "Explanation of Theories and the Problem of Progress in Physics"
- Joseph D. Snees
- “Reduction, Interpretation and Invariance"
- Gerhard Vollmer
- "Reduction and Evolution - Arguments and Examples”
- David Pearce and Veikko Rantala
- "Limiting Case Correspondence between Physical Theories"
- Dieter Mayr
- "Contact Structures, Predifferentiability and Approximation"
- Heinz-Jurgen Schmidt
- "Tangent Embedding - A Special Kind of Approximate Reduction"
- A. Kamlah
- "A Logical Investigation of the Phlogiston Case"
- Theo A. F. Huipers
- "Utilistic Reduction in Sociology : The Case of Co;;ective Goods"
- David Pearce and Michele Tucci
- "Intertheory Relations in Growth Economics : Sraffa and Wicksell"
- L. Hammingga
- "Possible Approaches to Reduction in Economic Theory"
- Haim Gaifman
- "Why Language?"
- W. Balzer
- "On the Comparison of Classical and Special Relativistic Space-Time"
- Othman Q. Malhas
- "Space-Time Geometries for One-Dimensional Space"
- Pekka J. Lahti
- "Quantum Theory as a Factualization of Classical Theory"
- Ernst-Walter Stachow
- "Classical and Non Classical Limiting Cases of Quantum Logic"
- Reinhard Werner
- "Bell's Inequalities and the Reduction of Statistical Theories"
Evolutionary Epistemology -A Multiparadigm Program- (Synthese Library 190)(HC)
Werner Callebaut and Rik Pinxten (ed.)(1987・458頁)/小口ヤケ少シミ、カバシミスレ有 9800円
- Part I : Background
- Werner Callebaut and Rix Pinxten
- "Evolutionary Epistemology Today : Converging Views from Philosophy, the Natural and the Social Sciences"
- IL Ya Prigogine
- "The Meaning of Entropy"
- Henry C. Plotkin
- "Evolutionary Epistemology and the Synthesis of Biological and Social Science"
- Rene Thom
- "Epistemology of Evolutionary Theories"
- Cecilia Heyes
- "Cognisance of Consciousness in the Study of Animal Knowledge"
- Part II : Evolutionary Approaches to Science and Technology
- Donald T. Campbell
- "Selection Theory and the Sociology of Scientific Validity"
- Louis Boon
- "Variation and Selection : Scientific Progress without Rationality"
- Karin Knorr Cetina
- "Evolutionary Epistemology and Sociology of Science"
- Gerhard Vollmer
- "What Evolutionary Epistemology Is Not"
- Andrew J. Clark
- "The Philosophical Significance of Evolutionary Epistemology"
- Linnda R. Caporael
- "Homo Sapiens, Homo Faber, Homo Socians : Technology and the Social Animal"
- Part III : The Piagetian Approach
- Christiane Gillieron
- "Is Piaget's 'Genetic Epistemology' Evolutionary?"
- Arthur I. Miller
- "The Genesis of Atomie Physics and the Biography of Ideas"
- Claude Lamontagne
- “Sensorimotor Emergence : Proposing a Computational 'Syntax'"
- Leo Apostel
- "Evolutionary Epistemology, Genetic Epistemology, History and Neurology”
- Part IV : Extensions and Applications
- Jef Schell and Dani De Waele
- "The Exchange of Genetic Information between Organisms of Distinct Origin
Can Play an Important Role in Evolution"
- Jean Paul Van Bendegem
- "Fermat's Last Theorem Seen as an Exercise in Evolutionary Epistemology"
- Fernand Vandamme
- "Language and Evolutionary or Dynamic Epistemology"
- Philippe Van Parijs
- "The Evolutionary Explanation of Belief's"
- Part V : Bibliographies
- Donald T. Campbell, Cecilia M. Heyes, and Werner G. Callebaut
- "Evolutionary Epistemology Bibliography"