『D. H. Lawrence -Critical Assessments-』David Ellis and Ornella De Zordo (ed.)
Helm Information(92)/図書館廃棄本・小口少ヤケ、見返扉印ラベル有 裸本
vol. 1:The Contemporary Response (1992/p530)
- Part 1
- "The Old Guad"
- ・Henry James / Arnold Bennett / John Galsworthy / Ford Maddox Ford
/ Reginald Brimle Johnson / G. K. Chesterton / Edward Garnett
- "Friends and Acquaintances"
- ・Ezra Pound / Catherine Carswell / J. Middleton Murry / Katherine Mansfield
/ Bertrand Russell / Douglas Goldring / Ottoline Morrell / E. M. Forster / Rebecca West / Richard Aldington
/ Aldous Huxley
- "Other Responses in England"
- ・W. I. George / Arthur Waugh / Virginia Woolf / Harold Munro / John Bull
/ Gerald Gould / J. B. Priestley / Edwin Muir / Wyndham Lewis / T. S. Eliot / Bonamy Dobree / J. C. Squire
/ John Arrow / Andre Malraux / Desmond MacCarthy / Cyril Connolly / F. R. Leavis / Edgell Rickword
/ Peter Quennell / Stephen Potter
- Part II
- "The American Response"
- ・Edwin Bjorkman / Alfred Booth Kuttner / Conrad Aiken / Amy Lowell
/ H. L. Mencken / Katherine Ann Porter / Mark Van Doren / Carl Van Doren / John Macy / Joseph Collins
/ Willaim Lyon Phelps / H. S. Canby / Herbert J. Seligmann / J. W. Cunliffe / Stuart S. Sherman
/ Stanton Coblentz / Harvey Wickham / Sherwood Anderson / Harriet Monroe / Edmund Wilson
/ Lionel Thilling
vol. 2:The Fiction ( I ) (1992/p520)
- "The White Peacock (1911)"
- ・Helen Corke / Raney Stanford
- "The Trespasser (1912)"
- ・Leo Gurko / Louise Wright / Jane Heath
- "Sons and Lovers (1913)"
- ・Mark Schorer / Dorothy van Chent / Seymour Betsky / Daniel Weiss
/ J. C. F. Littlewood / Judith Arcana
- "The Rainbow (1915)"
- ・Edward Engelberg / Mark Kinkead-Weekes / Homer O. Brown
/ Isaiah Smithson / Daniel Schwarz / Peter Balbert
- "Women in Love (1920)"
- ・Mark Spilka / Colin Clarke / Alan Rudrum / Michael G. Yetman
/ A. L. French / Declan Kiberd / Cornelia Nixon
- "The Lost Girk (1920)"
- ・Christopher Heywood / John Russell / Gary Wiener / Roger Fowler
- "Aaron's Rod (1922)
- ・William R. Barr / Paul G. Baker / Virginia Hyde
- "Kangaroo (1023)
- ・R. P. Draper / John Worthen / John B. Humma
vol. 3:The Fiction ( II ) (1992/p568)
- "The Plumed Serpent (1926)"
- ・William York Tindall / James C. Cowan / John B. Vickery / Gerard Doherty
/ Jean-Paul Pichardie
- "Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928)"
- ・Wayne Burns / Kingsley Widmer / Michael Squires / Mark Spilka
/ Dennis Jackson / John Ramon Resina
- "Mr. Noon (1984)"
- ・Cynthia Fuller / Peter Preston / Earl L. Ingersoll / David Holbrook
/ Michael Black
- "Novellas"
- ・Judith Rudermann / James F. Scott / Louis Greiff / Frederick P. W. McDowell
/ Alan Wilde / Keith Brown / Robert H. McDonald / Janice H. Harris / Mark Troy
/ Ashby Bland Crowder and Lynn O'Malley Crowder / John Turner
- "Short Stories"
- ・Arthur Eaglestone / W. D. Snodgrass / Frederick R. Karl / Gary Adelman
/ Denis Donoghue / Joseph Bain / Michael L. Ross / Charlotte Goodman / Keith Cushman / Kienan Ryan
/ Jack Stewart / Paul Delany / Laurence Steven / Rosemary Reeves Davies / Peter Barry / Keith Wilson
vol. 4:Poetry and Non-fiction ; The Modern Critical Response 1938-92 : General Studies
- "Poetry"
- ・Glen Hughes / William J. Fisher / D. J. Enright / Christopher Pollnitz
/ David Ellis
- "Non-Fiction"
- ・Edward Nehls / Thomas R. Whitaker / L. D. Clark / Simonetta De Filippis
/ Evelyn J. Hinz / Armin Arnold / Ornella De Zordo / Robert B. Pearsall / John Remsbury
/ P. I. Crumpton / Sylvia Sklar / Mitzi Brunsdale / Nora Foster Stovel / William Deakin
/ Garry Watson / Howard Mills / Christopher Caudwell / Wistan Hugh Auden / Frederick J. Hoffman
/ Elizabeth Bowen / F. R. Leavis / Giorgio Melchiori / Derek Traversi / Raymond Williams
/ Eugene Goodheart / Alan Friedman / Terry Eaglton / Barbara Arnett / Frank Kermode / David Craig
/ Eleanor H. Green / Garret Stewart / Charles Rossman / A. A. Mendilov / Donald Gutierrez
/ David Gordon / Warren Roberts / Jim Boulton / George J. Zytaruk / Mara Kalnisn
/ N. Katherines Hayles / Keith Sagar / Paul Eggert / Jeremy Hawthorn