"Form and Idea -thirty essays for college study- <5th printing>(HC)"
Morton W. Bloomfield, Edwin W. Robbins/Macmillan
- ・Agnes de Mille "Anna Pavlova"
- ・D. H. Lawrence "New Mexico"
- ・Gilbert Highet "The American Student as I See Him"
- ・William H. Cornog "Bread and Hyacinths"
- ・Agnes Roger "The Humble Female"
- ・Irwin Edman "Bibliotherapy"
- ・Albert Marckwardt "What Is Good English"
- ・Mary Ellen Chase "What Is the Bible?"
- ・Herbert Dingle "Copernicus and the Planets"
- ・Rachel Carson "The Shape of Ancient Seas"
- ・Loren C. Eiseley "The Snout"
- ・Clyde Kluckhohn "Queer Customs, Potsherds, and Skulls"
- ・Julian Huxley "The Courtship of Animals"
- ・James Thurber "Courtship through the Ages"
- ・Karen Horney "The Poignancy of Neurotic Conflicts"
- ・Natan Glazer "What Opinion Polls Can and Can't Do"
- ・Gerald Johnson "Great Newspapers, If Any
- ・Lewis Mumford "Principles of Modern Form -Ekonoy"
- ・Virgil Thomson "Taste in Music"
- ・Adolph Deutsch "'Three Strangers'"
- ・James Bryce "Why Great Men Are not Chosen Presidents"
- ・James Madison "The Foederalist, No. 10"
- ・Jonathan Swift "A Modest Proposal"
- ・Aldous Huxley "Sermons in Cats"
- ・E. B. Whhite "Dusk in Fierce Pajamas"
- ・Joseph Wood Krutch "Some Unsentimental Confessions of a Nature Writer"
- ・Joseph Conras "Preface to 'The Nigger of the Narcissus'"
- ・William Faulkner "Nobel Prize Award Speech"
- ・Edgar Wind "The Critical Nature of a Work of Art"
- ・Bertrand Russell "'Useless' Knowledge"